


Domestic Dogs

Our canine companions. Truly man's best friend. Breeds, health, training and so many more questions go here.

28,695 Questions

Why do male dogs have nippeles?

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Male dogs have nipples because they develop them as part of the basic mammalian anatomy. Nipples are a common feature in mammals, both male and female, as they are part of the reproductive system.

In mammals, the basic body plan includes nipples or teats as a trait shared by both sexes. In females, nipples are essential for nursing offspring. In males, they don't have a functional role but are present due to the shared developmental pathways in embryonic development.

The presence of nipples in male dogs is a normal anatomical feature and does not indicate any health problems.

Should you apply neosporin on a minor dog bite?

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Applying Neosporin (an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment) to a minor dog bite can help prevent infection in some cases, but it’s important to follow proper first aid procedures and consider a few things:

Clean the Wound: First, thoroughly clean the bite wound with mild soap and water to remove any dirt or bacteria.

Apply an Antibiotic Ointment: After cleaning, you can apply a small amount of Neosporin or a similar antibiotic ointment to the wound to help prevent infection.

Cover the Wound: Use a clean bandage or sterile dressing to cover the bite. This helps keep the wound clean and reduces the risk of further contamination.

Monitor for Infection: Keep an eye on the wound for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, or pus. If you notice these symptoms, seek medical advice.

Seek Medical Advice: Even for minor bites, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. Dog bites can carry the risk of bacterial infections, and in some cases, more serious conditions like rabies might be a concern, especially if the dog's vaccination status is unknown.

Is it ok to let a dog lick your butt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it feels good my dog lives in the house and I walk around the house naked and she licks my butt all the time and I also sleep naked and she licks my penis before I go to sleep and I saw on my security camria that she lick my penis and my butt while I am asleep and my daughters dog (boy dog) lick her butt and her vagina

Do all dogs lick their butt holes?

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Your dog is not going to get sick from licking a cat's butt. Animals are always licking their butts.

Is it safe to let your pet dog lick out your butt?

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Asked by Dirtymonkey


Sex with animals isn't outlawed in all countries. In most countries however such acts are illegal under animal abuse laws or laws dealing with crimes against nature. But you will still live but if the dog has recently ate something it will burn like for 1-5 minutes but if it didn't nothing happens but it is against the law so don't try it or do it i don't know if it will burn because i haven't tried it and i will never try it but i saw that answer on a webpage. SO please don't try this

You want a dog live or a cat live?

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Asked by Hinson Ng (PUPIL) 7 7ACG NTP

a dog live

What is the adult form of puppy?

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In general, the adult form of a puppy is a dog. Sometimes the word puppy or pup is used to describe the young of other species, such as a seal, shark, or rodent.

Why do dog chase their tails?

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Just about every dog owner has observed the family pet engage in the activity of tail chasing. Dogs chasing their tails is certainly not an unusual phenomenon, but the behavior often baffles the owners and in some cases seems to be so common that the activity borders on being an obsession. Various experts on dogs suggest a number of reasons why dogs chase their tails..

Can dogs die from hydrogen peroxide?

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Yes, dogs can potentially die from ingesting hydrogen peroxide, especially when consumed in large quantities. It can cause irritation, vomiting, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to consult a veterinarian immediately if your dog ingests hydrogen peroxide.

How does antifreeze affect a dog?

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Antifreeze is toxic to dogs because it contains ethylene glycol, which can cause kidney failure and death when ingested. Even a small amount can be harmful, so it's important to keep antifreeze out of reach of pets and clean up any spills immediately. Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in dogs include vomiting, increased thirst, and lethargy.

Are bromeliads poisonous to cats or dogs?

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Bromeliads are considered non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, ingestion may still cause mild gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting or diarrhea if consumed in large quantities. It is always best to monitor your pets and contact a veterinarian if you notice any unusual symptoms after they have been exposed to bromeliads.

Is a German sherpad dog stronger than a Doberman?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, a German Shepherd is stronger than a Doberman in terms of size and muscle mass. However, individual differences can also play a significant role in determining strength. Ultimately, both breeds are known for their agility and physical capabilities.

How smart are pigs compared to dogs?

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Pigs are generally considered to be as intelligent as dogs, with some studies suggesting they may even be smarter in certain tasks. Both animals can learn tricks, respond to commands, and show problem-solving abilities. However, the intelligence of individual animals can vary widely within each species.

Are artichokes deadly to dogs?

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Artichokes are not deadly to dogs, but they are not recommended as they can be difficult for dogs to digest and may cause gastrointestinal upset. It's best to avoid feeding artichokes to dogs and stick to dog-friendly fruits and vegetables.

When did daddy from dog whisper die?

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Asked by Wiki User

I didn't really know that Daddy died, but i know Daddy had a wonderful life with you Ceasar. So let the good days role on and allways remember that awsome and handsome dog name Daddy.

Your biggest fan,

Baliey Carroll

Fremont, Nebraska

Fremont Middle School Student

Are snorkie puppies hypoallergenic?

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Snorkie puppies are not considered hypoallergenic as they have a coat that sheds. People with allergies to pet dander may still experience reactions to snorkie puppies. Regular grooming and cleaning can help minimize allergens.

What is your responsibility if your dog attacks cattle?

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If your dog attacks cattle, you are responsible for any damages caused and may be held liable for the loss of livestock. It is important to ensure your dog is properly trained and supervised to prevent such incidents from occurring. Contact the cattle owner immediately to assess the situation and offer appropriate compensation for the damages.

How do you make a pure breed dog?

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A purebred dog is produced by intentionally mating two dogs of the same breed. This involves careful selection of breeding pairs to maintain desired traits and characteristics within the breed standard. Responsible breeding practices, including health screenings and genetic testing, are important to ensure the health and quality of the puppies.

Who has the nickname The Bull Dog?

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Former professional wrestler Davey Boy Smith was known by the nickname "The British Bulldog" due to his English heritage and wrestling style that showcased his strength and tenacity in the ring.

If a vacined dog is bitten by a rabid dog?

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If a vaccinated dog is bitten by a rabid dog, the vaccinated dog may still need a rabies booster shot as a precaution. Despite being vaccinated, exposure to the rabies virus can still pose a risk, so it's best to consult a veterinarian for specific guidance on what steps to take.

What is the name of the national Korean dog?

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The national dog of Korea is the Korean Jindo. It is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and hunting abilities.

What is a pomawawa?

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There is no widely recognized term or definition for "pomawawa." It appears to be a made-up or uncommon term.

Why are husky dogs good helping people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Husky dogs are good at helping people because they are intelligent, strong, and have a strong work ethic. They excel in pulling sleds over long distances which makes them well-suited for various tasks like search and rescue, therapy work, and as service animals. Their friendly and outgoing nature also makes them great companions for those in need.

Does a dog's ears have bones?

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No, a dog's ears do not have bones. They are made of cartilage, which is a flexible and elastic tissue that helps maintain the shape and structure of the ear.