


Animal Parasites

Animal parasites refer to the common parasites that afflict animals, such as worms, ticks, mites, lice, and fleas. Animal parasites come in two varieties, external and internal, and can be very troublesome for the animal, sometimes leading to severe illness or death. There are often treatment options for these parasites, but the best way avoid exposure is for animals to receive regular veterinary care.

500 Questions

What are ways bacteria gain energy?

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Bacteria can gain energy through processes like photosynthesis (using light to create energy), chemosynthesis (using inorganic compounds to create energy), and fermentation (breaking down organic compounds without oxygen). These processes allow bacteria to produce ATP, the cell's energy currency, to carry out essential functions.

What is the level of organization of annelida?

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They are at the organ-system level of organization

What family does a leech belong to?

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A leech belongs to the Hirudinidae family within the phylum Annelida.

What is the scientific name for Planiria?

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The scientific name for Planiria, a genus of flatworms commonly known as planarians, is Dugesia.

Facts about segmented worms?

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Segmented worms, known as annelids, have bodies made up of repeated segments. They include common earthworms and marine bristle worms. Annelids have a true coelom and exhibit a high level of cephalization, with a well-developed nervous system and sensory organs. They play important roles in ecosystems by improving soil health and serving as food sources for other organisms.

Do dogs keep you fit?

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Asked by Wiki User

ummm, I dont think that having a dog will keep you fit, but the things you do with your dog like playing with, or taking it for a walk may help you stay fit. So you dont really need a Dog to stay fit.

Why do poets use description in their poems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poets use description in their poems to create vivid imagery, evoke emotions, and engage readers on a sensory level. Description helps to paint a picture in the reader's mind and bring the poet's words to life, making the poem more compelling and memorable.

What is the meaning of chathuringmes?

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"Chathuringmes" does not have a widely recognized meaning in the English language. It may be a made-up or obscure term.

Can paper lice live in old books?

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Yes, paper lice can infest old books because they feed on the microscopic mold and mildew that can grow on paper. They are commonly found in warm, humid environments like basements and libraries, making old books a perfect habitat for them. Regularly inspecting and cleaning books, as well as controlling the humidity levels, can help prevent paper lice infestations.

What are the differences between oviparous and viviparous parasites?

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Oviparous parasites lay eggs outside of the host's body, while viviparous parasites give birth to live young inside the host. Oviparous parasites often release eggs into the environment where they can infect new hosts, while viviparous parasites transfer live offspring directly to the host during reproduction.

What is a typical veterinary checkup?

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A typical veterinary checkup involves a physical exam of your pet, checking their weight, temperature, heart rate, and overall health. The vet may also ask about your pet's behavior, diet, and exercise routine, as well as administer any necessary vaccinations or recommend preventive care. It's also a good time to discuss any concerns or changes in your pet's health.

Who are the main characters in the gone girl?

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The main characters in "Gone Girl" are Amy Dunne and Nick Dunne. The story revolves around their troubled marriage and Amy's mysterious disappearance.

Can a person catch worms from a dog by kissing them?

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No. You may get bacteria, but when you think about where they lick and the things they eat worms might not be so bad.

How can you treat ticks from the nursing mother dog?

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Being a devoted dog person, the well-being of your furry friend, especially a nursing mother, holds paramount importance. Discovering ticks on your nursing mother dog can be concerning, but fret not; this guide will provide you with a gentle and effective approach to treating ticks while considering the delicate nature of the nursing phase.

Understanding the Challenge:

  1. Importance of Prompt Action:

Ticks can transmit diseases, and it's crucial to address the issue promptly. However, the delicate condition of a nursing mother adds an extra layer of consideration to the treatment process.

  1. Risk Assessment:

Before initiating any treatment, assess the tick infestation. If the situation is severe or if you're uncertain, consult your veterinarian. They can provide guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs.

Gentle Tick Removal:

  1. Fine-Tipped Tweezers:

Gently grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible using fine-tipped tweezers. Be cautious not to crush the tick, as this can release harmful substances.

  1. Steady and Slow:

With a steady hand, pull upward with even pressure. Avoid jerking or twisting motions, as this can cause the mouthparts to break off and remain embedded in the skin.

  1. Tick Removal Tools:

Consider using specialized tick removal tools available in pet stores. These can be particularly helpful in ensuring a safe and complete removal.

Tick Prevention for Nursing Mothers:

  1. Veterinary Approved Preventatives:

Consult your veterinarian for safe and effective tick preventatives suitable for nursing mothers. They can recommend products that won't pose a risk to the nursing pups.

  1. Environmental Management:

Keep the environment clean and well-maintained to reduce the risk of tick exposure. Regular grooming and maintaining a tick-free living space contribute to a healthier environment for both mother and pups.

Veterinary Guidance:

  1. Consultation is Key:

Always consult your veterinarian before administering any treatment or preventive measures. They can guide you on the most suitable options based on the nursing mother's health and the age of the puppies.

  1. Health Monitoring:

Keep a close eye on the nursing mother's overall health. If you notice any unusual behavior, changes in appetite, or signs of discomfort, consult your veterinarian promptly.


In treating ticks on a nursing mother dog, a gentle and cautious approach is paramount. Your devotion to your canine companion is evident, and by prioritizing their health and comfort, you're ensuring a nurturing environment for both the mother and her precious pups. Remember, with a watchful eye and veterinary guidance, you're well-equipped to handle tick troubles while safeguarding the well-being of your furry family.

What are the round red circle on your dogs stomach about the size of a penny?

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Several types of skin conditions can cause the red spots on your dogs skin .Red spots on a dog's belly during the late spring and early summer can be caused by black fly bites. These flat, red spots typically do not bother dogs and can be left untreated. Black fly bites can be confused with ringworm spots, which do require treatment in the form of topical or oral antifungals. Bacterial infections can also cause spots similar to ringworm ( fungal infection ). More often we see bacterial infections . You should definitely seek treatment from a veterinarian to find the cause. Please make sure to keep oral or topical flea and tick treatment year round on all pets .

Should you lick your dogs bum hole to see if its got worms?

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No, you should not lick your dog's anus to check for worms. If you suspect your dog has worms, consult a veterinarian who can perform proper diagnostic tests and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What are white worms in the cat's feces and how do you treat them?

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The symptoms of roundworms in adult cats are very similar to tapeworms. In kittens vomiting, diarrhea, dull coats, a pot belly on a thin body, and weakness are symptoms of roundworm. It is a good idea to get your kitten checked for roundworm by your vet, as it can cause serious illness in kittens.

Your vet will prescribe a dewormer, and it may have to be repeated several times before the roundworms are gone. Ascarid eggs are very resistant, so during the treatment litter should be scooped daily and litter pans washed with hot water and detergent regularly. Throw out the litter and disinfect the boxes before the end of the treatment

What kind of worm is flat and black that comes out of a dogs buttocks?

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if the dog had disease round worms. or tape worms.

What kind of body covering do worms have?

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Depends on worms, search on Wikipedia...






What do fleas look like on dogs?

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They are tiny black or deep brown and yes, they do bite the dog. They also can get into things in the house. Some people are allergic to flea bites. If the dogs don't go to the vet and get a flea remedy such as "Program" (the vets have other types) then the dog will be miserable. Fleas are usually all over a dog, but particularly love the nose area and behind the ears.

What does it mean when your nails turns white?

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I feel that it is because their nails get to long , and like humans the tips change color. Also it may be becauseif you have an outside dog like me, and take her inside for a while they might change color from lack of sun that their used to.

What is the treatment for intestinal polyps?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Most polyps cause no symptoms. Large ones eventually cause intestinal obstruction, which produces cramping abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting. As colon polyps evolve into cancers, they begin to produce symptoms.

How soon can you worm a dog after birth?

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About 6 months after birth. that's when we got our new puppy done. But just in case you might want to talk with your Vet.

Another answer:According to the package instructions on a liquid wormer product, pups can be treated beginning at two weeks of age. The mother shouldn't be treated until 2-3 weeks after whelping (giving birth).

What does it mean when a puppy is de-wormed?

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It means that the vet gave you medicine for your pet that kills worms inside them.

Can a kitten die from having a wolf worm?

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Of course it can! Especially a Kitten! Take the kitten to a vet ASAP.