


Head Lice

Questions about the wingless parasites that carry diseases and that infest hair. This is a problem that everyone deals with in their life. Here you can find out why we get them and how to get rid of them.

1,027 Questions

Why does head lice live on your head?

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Asked by Wiki User

Head lice enjoy living in your hair where it's safe and warm, they live close to your scalp where they have easy access to your skin where they use their serrated claws and teeth to cut into your flesh and drink your blood, it's like living above your favorite restaurant where they give you food for free and right to your bedside.

Plus using the hairs surrounding them, it's easy to lay eggs right there.

Look out! Hot spots are the neck where the hair is darker, and behind the ears.

How do humans help head lice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humans can inadvertently help head lice spread by sharing personal items like brushes, hats, or headphones that may have come into contact with lice. Additionally, failure to properly clean bedding and clothing that may be infested can also contribute to the spread of head lice.

Why do you check your head for lice if exposed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Checking your head for lice after being exposed is important to catch and treat any potential infestation early. Lice spread easily through close contact, so checking for them can help prevent further infestation and potential spread to others.

When was Head Lice discovered?

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Asked by Wiki User

Head lice have been documented throughout history, including in ancient Egypt. The first known mention of head lice dates back to around 1550 BC in a medical text called the Ebers Papyrus. This suggests that head lice have been a human parasite for thousands of years.

Who discovered head lice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Head lice have been around for thousands of years, and there is no specific individual credited with their discovery. They have been a common problem throughout human history and are well-documented in ancient texts and archaeological findings.

Why do head lice live close to the scalp?

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Asked by Wiki User

Head lice require a certain level of heat and humidity to survive and for their eggs (nits) to properly incubate.

Because it takes 7-10 days for the eggs to hatch, finding nits more than 1/4 inch from the scalp usually are not viable. However, some can incubate longer, especially in more humid climates that replicate the ideal environment.

Do human lice communicate?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, human lice do not communicate with each other in a manner that involves language or complex social interactions. They are simply parasitic insects that feed on human blood and reproduce.

Can you get head lice from cats?

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Probably not, lice are very specialized and only inhabit one species of host.

Most kinds of lice are found only on specific types of animal, and, in some cases, only to a particular part of the body; some animals are known to host up to fifteen different species, although one to three is typical for mammals, and two to six for birds.

Can lice go from your head to your crotch?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is unlikely for lice to move from your head to your crotch because they thrive in the hair on your head and do not typically venture to other parts of the body. However, it is not impossible for lice to spread to other areas through close contact or sharing personal items. If you suspect lice infestation in your genital area, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for proper treatment.

Do head lice jump?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually head lice do NOT have wings and they can't jump either!!

AnswerThey are so small you barely notice. They need to be treated with a special shampoo so speak to your doctor immediately or speak to the pharmacist for an over the counter treatment to relieve the irritation. Be careful as so they won't spread to any other hair on your body. Yes, they are transferable.

they don't have wings...

You can get rid of head lice with mayonaise and a special shampoo...

What is the typical prognosis for lice?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The prognosis for lice infestations is generally good with appropriate treatment. Over-the-counter and prescription medications are effective in treating lice, and with proper management, the infestation can be cleared within a couple of weeks. Recurrence is possible if close contacts are not treated simultaneously.

Do you say Lice is or lice are?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Lice" is the plural form of "louse," so you should use "lice are" in a sentence. For example, "Lice are small parasitic insects."

Can you kill head lice with cold water?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, cold water alone is not effective in killing head lice. To effectively treat head lice, it is recommended to use over-the-counter treatments specifically designed for lice removal and follow the instructions provided.

Who is the head of IPCC?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the Chair. As of September 2021, the Chair of the IPCC is Hoesung Lee from South Korea. The Chair leads the work of the IPCC and represents the organization in various capacities.

Can bread mold make you sick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, some molds that grow on bread can produce mycotoxins that are harmful to humans if ingested. These mycotoxins can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is best to discard any bread that has visible mold to avoid the risk of getting sick.

How long can you live with your head chopped off?

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Asked by Wiki User

A human cannot live with their head chopped off as the brain requires a continuous oxygen supply from the heart to function. Loss of consciousness occurs within seconds, followed by irreversible brain damage and eventual death shortly after.

Why do people with red hair have bad breath?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a misconception. Hair color does not have any direct correlation with bad breath. Bad breath is typically caused by poor oral hygiene, certain foods, bacteria in the mouth, or underlying medical conditions. It is important for everyone to practice good oral hygiene habits to prevent bad breath.

Can people get duck lice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, people can get duck lice through direct contact with infected ducks or contaminated water sources. Duck lice are known to occasionally infest humans, causing itching and skin irritation. It is important to take precautions when interacting with ducks to prevent the spread of lice.

Can you overheat while swimming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to overheat while swimming due to factors such as prolonged exposure to the sun, high water temperature, intense physical activity, or inadequate hydration. It's important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and seek shade when swimming in hot weather to prevent overheating.

Can you get lice if you have hairspray on your hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

Absolutely! While hairspray might make it a bit trickier for lice to move around freely in your hair, it won't necessarily prevent them from getting there in the first place. Lice are resilient little critters and can still find their way onto your strands, even if you've sprayed them down. That's why it's crucial to take preventive measures and, if needed, seek professional help from us at "Lice Ranger" to ensure those pesky bugs are gone for good!

What are the two scientific name for lice?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are referring to head lice, there is only one scientific name for head lice. Pediculus humanus capitis is the scientific name for head lice. The scientific name for body lice is Pediculus humanus humanus.

What is miss carolines head remedy for lice in To Kill a Mockingbird?

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Asked by Wiki User

Miss Caroline's head lice remedy in "To Kill a Mockingbird" involved using a mixture of salt, kerosene, and Vaseline to suffocate the lice. This home remedy was considered unconventional and outdated by the school nurse, who recommended a commercial product instead.

How do lice mate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adult lice mate through a process where the male louse transfers sperm to the female louse. This usually occurs on the host's scalp where the lice lay their eggs. The female louse then lays the fertilized eggs, known as nits, close to the scalp to continue the life cycle.

Can paper lice live in old books?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, paper lice can infest old books because they feed on the microscopic mold and mildew that can grow on paper. They are commonly found in warm, humid environments like basements and libraries, making old books a perfect habitat for them. Regularly inspecting and cleaning books, as well as controlling the humidity levels, can help prevent paper lice infestations.

What can lice do you?

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Asked by Wiki User

lice eat tiny amounts of blood from your head much less than a mosquito