


Rabbits and Hares

Wild rabbits and hares are distributed throughout the world and possess common traits. With seven Genera and 50 species, there will be plenty of hopping around for you to do in this category as you gather information and ask and answer questions.

4,189 Questions

How fast can a pika run?

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A pika can travel up to the speed of 15 miles per hour.

Do bunnies smell bad or good?

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Basically bunnies are odorless but a healthy bunny doesn't smell bad just take care of them and replace their bedding every week.

Can rabbits eat matzoh?

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Yes, rabbits can eat matzoh in moderation as an occasional treat. Matzoh is made from flour and water, which are not harmful to rabbits in small amounts. However, it is important not to give them too much as it lacks essential nutrients for their diet.

What does it mean when a rabbit rolls over on its belly?

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When a rabbit rolls over on its belly, it could be a sign of trust and relaxation. Rabbits may expose their belly when they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. It's a vulnerable position for them, so it indicates they feel secure around you.

There are several chickens a rabbits in a cage there are 72 heads and 200 feet inside the cage how many chickens are there and how many rabbits?

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Let's denote the number of chickens as C and the number of rabbits as R. We can write two equations based on the given information: C + R = 72 (total number of heads) and 2C + 4R = 200 (total number of feet). Solving these equations simultaneously, we find there are 50 chickens and 22 rabbits in the cage.

What role did Mavis have in the rabbit proof fence?

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Mavis was one of the three main characters in the movie "Rabbit-Proof Fence." She was one of the Aboriginal girls who escaped from a government settlement in Australia and attempted to find their way home by following the fence. Mavis was portrayed as a strong and determined young girl who showed courage and resilience throughout their journey.

Is a rabbit's butt located above its tail?

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Yes, a rabbit's butt is located above its tail. The rabbit's anus and genital openings are located in this area, just below its tail.

What breeds of rabbits does tractor supply sell?

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Tractor Supply typically sells a variety of popular rabbit breeds such as New Zealand, Flemish Giant, Californian, and Lionhead rabbits. The specific breeds available may vary by location and season.

What should you not feed a rabbit?

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You should not feed rabbits foods high in sugar, such as candy or chocolate, as well as foods high in starch, like bread and pasta. Additionally, avoid feeding them foods high in fats, like fried foods or avocado, as it can upset their digestive system.

What is the value of a 1970 rabbit fur coat from Berman's?

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The value of a 1970 rabbit fur coat from Berman's can vary depending on its condition, style, and market demand for vintage fur. It is recommended to have it appraised by a reputable furrier or vintage clothing expert to determine its current value accurately.

Can domestic rabbit bucks castrate themselves or each other?

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Asked by Georgecorning

Yes, domestic rabbit bucks can accidentally castrate themselves if they get their scrotum caught or trapped, causing self-castration. They can also potentially castrate each other through aggressive behavior or fighting, so it's best to keep male rabbits separated to avoid injury. Regular health checks and monitoring can help prevent such incidents.

Why can a rabbit not have a nose twelve inches long?

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Rabbits do not need a nose twelve inches long because they have evolved to have short noses that are well-suited for their lifestyle and survival needs. A long nose would not provide any significant advantage to a rabbit in terms of finding food, escaping predators, or other essential functions.

Are rabbits vicious animals?

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Yes and no. If you treat them badly, if you have a female and she's in heat, or you don't play with them, Yes. But most of the time, rabbits are very friendly!

Rabbits are normally very friendly, timid animals that wouldn't hurt a fly BUT they will defend their territory to the death. (Wild instinct) Every rabbit should have it's own cage (territory) and rabbits will often object to intruders into their territory (survival of the fittest) Rabbits will bite if threatened and they will scratch if scared. Rabbits are afraid of heights and if dropped will never trust you again and might bite or scratch if you try to pick them up. They will also bite if you squeeze them too tight. Fingers poked thru cages may result in a nip as your hands are salty and smell like food.

Does the jack rabbit live in the grasslands?

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Yes, jackrabbits can be found in grassland habitats. They rely on grasslands for food and shelter, as well as for camouflage to avoid predators.

Do rabbits grow teeth back?

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Yes, rabbits are continuous growers of their teeth, which means their teeth never stop growing. This allows them to continuously wear down their teeth through chewing and gnawing on fibrous foods to maintain proper dental health.

Where do dwarf lop-eared rabbits come from?

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Dwarf lop-eared rabbits are a domestic rabbit breed that originated in Europe, specifically from a cross between French lop and Netherland Dwarf rabbits. They were selectively bred for their smaller size and distinctive lop ears.

Will a rabbit die if you spray disinffected spray?

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Spraying a rabbit with disinfectant spray can be harmful and potentially fatal. Rabbits have sensitive respiratory systems and their skin can also be sensitive to chemicals. It is best to avoid using disinfectant sprays directly on rabbits and instead use rabbit-safe cleaning products if necessary.

Do hares have 2 layers of fur?

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Most dog breeds don't have two layers, or a double coat, of fur. 82 out of 180 breeds have a double coat of fur. According to exactly how many dogs, not dog breeds, have two layers of fur, I would not know.

Why are rabbits not going extinct?

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Rabbits are not going extinct because they reproduce rapidly, have a wide range of habitats, and are well-adapted to survive in various environments. Additionally, efforts to protect and conserve rabbit populations through wildlife management and conservation programs have helped in preventing their decline.

How often can a rabbit have babies?

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Rabbits can reproduce multiple times a year, with a typical gestation period of around 30 days. However, it is not advisable to breed rabbits too frequently as it can lead to health issues for the mother and offspring. It is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or rabbit breeder to determine the best breeding schedule for your rabbits.

Do cats prey on rabbits?

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Yes, cats are natural predators and may hunt rabbits, especially if they are outdoor cats. Domestic cats have a strong hunting instinct and may see rabbits as prey due to their size and movement.

What if your rabbit is licking the heater?

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It's important to prevent your rabbit from licking the heater to avoid potential burns or electrical shocks. Make sure to keep the rabbit away from the heater and provide plenty of safe chewing toys and enrichment to redirect its behavior. If the behavior persists, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues causing the behavior.

Can you put cardboard in cage with rabbit?

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It is not recommended to put cardboard in a rabbit cage as they may chew on it, which can lead to digestive issues or blockages. It's better to provide safe chew toys made specifically for rabbits to keep them entertained and satisfied.

Can rabbits eat cornflakes?

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Rabbits can eat small amounts of plain cornflakes as an occasional treat, but it should not be a regular part of their diet. Cornflakes are high in carbohydrates and do not provide much nutritional value for rabbits, who thrive on a diet rich in hay, fresh vegetables, and some fruits. It's important to monitor the amount of cornflakes given to prevent digestive issues.

What is the life expectancy for rabbits?

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On average, the life expectancy for a domestic rabbit is between 7-12 years, although some can live up to 15 years with proper care. Wild rabbits typically have a shorter lifespan of 1-2 years due to environmental challenges and predators. Provide your pet rabbit with a balanced diet, regular veterinary check-ups, and a safe living environment to help maximize its lifespan.