


Vomiting is the body's natural way of emitting things in the digestive system. The most common causes of vomiting are gastroenteritis, the stomach flu, food poisoning, overeating, food allergies and over-consumption of alcohol. Vomit is usually made up of partly digested food particles and digestive juices, and exits the body through the mouth.

534 Questions

How often does a rat vomit?

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Rats typically do not vomit unless they are very sick. Their stomachs are very efficient at digesting food, so vomiting is rare in healthy rats.

Why do you vomit when you eat too much?

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Eating too much can cause the stomach to become overly full and stretch, triggering a reflex that leads to vomiting to prevent further stretching and discomfort. Vomiting helps to expel excess food to relieve the pressure in the stomach.

Why does vomit have acid in it what is the acid?

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The acid in vomit is typically stomach acid, which is composed of hydrochloric acid. Stomach acid helps break down food and kill bacteria in the stomach. When someone vomits, the stomach contents are brought up, including the acid.

What is the combining form for vomit?

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The medical term for vomiting is emesis, so the combination is -emesis. For example, hemetemesis is vomiting up blood (heme).

What is the pH scale of vomit?

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The pH of vomit can vary depending on individual factors such as diet and health condition. On average, vomit tends to be acidic with a pH range between 1.5 to 3.5.

What is happening in the body when you vomit?

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When you vomit, your stomach muscles contract forcefully to expel the contents of your stomach through your mouth. This may be triggered by various factors such as food poisoning, infections, motion sickness, or overeating. Vomiting helps to rid the body of harmful substances or irritants.

Are there cells in vomit?

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Yes, vomit may contain cells such as stomach lining cells, immune cells, or digestive system cells. However, the concentration of cells in vomit may vary depending on the cause of vomiting and individual factors.

What suffix means to vomit?

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The medical definition you are looking for is emesis. It is used to describe vomit. It is not a suffix, it is a noun. Different types of vomiting are preceded by a prefix, or adjective. Some examples are gastric emesis, reflux emesis, or emesis gravidarum. Hope this is helpful to you.

Who was the first person to vomit?

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It is impossible to determine the first person to vomit as it likely occurred in prehistoric times. Vomiting is a natural bodily response to various stimuli such as illness or poisoning.

How did Nikki make fake vomit?

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Nikki made fake vomit by mixing together ingredients such as oatmeal, water, green food coloring, and maybe a splash of vinegar for a realistic smell. She likely experimented with different ratios and added more food coloring for a vibrant color. The oatmeal would give it a chunky texture similar to real vomit.

Do all animals vomit?

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No. Some mammals (rats and other rodents, horses) don't vomit. I don't know if every other animal vomits but I DO know that not every animal vomits.

Why does my dog vomit and breathe hard?

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These could be symptoms of many conditions, including an obstruction of the trachea, an internal injury, or an infection of the lungs. These are also classic symptoms of a heartworm infestation. All of the above are life-threatening , so please take your dog to a veterinarian for a complete examination as soon as possible. Even if the problem turns out to be a relatively minor one, such as kennel cough, it's best to play it safe.

Do mice vomit?

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no a rat can not throw up that is the reason rat poison works however if a rat throws up it will automatically die.

How do you get dog vomit out of the carpet?

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In a clean spray bottle, mix together equal parts white vinegar and water. The acidic vinegar can break down diarrhea while the water will loosen it up from the fibers. Use the spray bottle to fully saturate the affected area. Let the mixture soak into the carpet for up to ten minutes

Do roaches vomit?

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i dont know?i been searching it up all day...i asked the question.

What causes a dog to continually vomit?

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This could be anything, from a stomach infection to parasites to a noxious/toxic substance to simply too much food for the stomach to handle. If your dog continues to throw up for longer than 24 hours, or is acting otherwise ill, you should take him/her to the vet for an examination.

What is whale vomit called?

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Whale vomit is called Ambergris, and it is/was used in the perfume industry. It is highly valuable if it has been floating around for a few years, getting washed and polished by the sea and baked by the sun, losing its pungent smell and developing a sweet aroma. Current prices are around the £10 per gram mark.

Why dog vomit white frothy?

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Your dog has something called "Bloat" It's kind of hard to explain- I don't think it's like human bloating. Here is a link to read more about bloat. See Related Link

Why does your cat vomit after feeding?

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This is not normal behaviour. Does your cat only vomit up dry food, or other types of food as well? It sounds like your cat is completely rejecting its food because it cannot digest or swallow it. It is very possible this could be down to the food itself.

Many brands of dry food are packed with corns and grains. This is cheap carbohydrate filler that the food manufacturers use as its a cheaper source of protein than meat is. Cats are strict carnivores, so can only get their nutrients from meat-based protein, not plant-based protein.

Sadly, it is all this carbohydrate filler is probably the reason your cat is vomiting up undigested pieces immediately after eating. Cats cannot digest such a high level carbohydrate at all; the stomach usually ends up working far harder than it should just to try and break the kibble down (a cat's stomach has evolved to break down raw meat quickly - not to store grain). This doesn't help as many cats will just swallow pieces of kibble whole - they will often not crunch the food. The biscuits will often just sit in the stomach for long periods of time and often get converted into fat (this is one of the main causes of obesity) if the cat does manage to digest it. Yes, even vomiting up food the cat has had for years can happen.

It might be advisable to take him to the vets to make sure there is no underlying problem, and to switch him to a grain-free food. There are many wet foods that are high in meat and grain free, but there are also some dry foods out there with no grain such as Orijen. Look at the Ingredients and stay away from labels such as "grain, corn, wheat gluten, grain/corn by product, by product meal" etc.

What if your puppy does not vomit after eating rat poison?

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when a dog feels sick they will eat grass. this causes a gag reflex and then causes the dog to vomit. peroxide might be harmful depending on how much was swallowed

Can an elephant vomit?

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they can they just spred their legs out and lien down and does hurt them but it can happen

Why does your dog vomit yellow?

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It's bile, a chemical secreted by the liver for digestion. If a dog vomits yellow stuff or foamy yellow stuff it generally means his stomach is empty and this is causing nausea. Try increasing the frequency of his meals or offering a small snack between meals to keep a little something in his stomach and keep it settled.

Where can you find whale vomit?

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You need to get the specimen looked at/identified by a marine biologist. If it is Ambergris (whale vomit) it will be valuable so make sure you take it it a reputable expert.

see the link below.

What happens if your ferret vomits?

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Ferrets can vomit for a number of reasons, one might be intestinal blockage.

Ferrets can dehydrate quickly from vomiting. Your ferrets needs to see a Veterinarian as quickly as possible

What animals don't vomit?

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Rats cannot vomit. Neither can the house mouse, guinea pig, and rabbit.