


Mice and Rats

The smaller mouse and the medium-sized rat are adaptable members of the numerous, successful order of rodents. Diabetics owe breakthrough knowledge in the disease's control and prevention to laboratory experiments with the Zucker rat. Contributions typically raise questions about the mouse's and the rat's alternating roles as pests and pets, disease carrying capabilities, geographic ranges, representations in popular culture, survival threats, and troubled interactions with people.

6,776 Questions

What do moles use their sense of smell to do?

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Moles use their sense of smell to locate food such as worms, insects, and grubs underground. Their keen sense of smell helps them navigate their underground tunnel systems and detect potential predators or intruders.

Is a mouse vegetarian?

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No, a mouse is not classified as a vegetarian. Mice exhibit omnivorous feeding behavior, consuming a variety of foods including seeds, fruits, insects, and even meat if available.

Does a male rat have the same amount of ribs to a female rat?

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Yes, both male and female rats have the same number of ribs, typically around 13 pairs. The rib cage structure is usually the same in both genders of rats.

Over like a fat rat?

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This phrase is a colloquial way of expressing that something is very easy or certain to happen, just like a fat rat easily finding food.

Why does the dormouse only come out at night?

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The dormouse is primarily nocturnal because it helps them avoid predators and allows them to forage for food without much competition. This behavior also helps them conserve energy during the day when temperatures are higher.

What does a rat do?

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When do rats sleep?

I can answer that.

Rats sleep at day.

That is because rats are nocturnal animals. The word nocturnal means that something is awake at night and sleeps at day, and we are talking about rats. That means rats steal food from us at night, like if we are sleeping, but only if the bags aren't protected!

I hope you understand what I meant!

What is mouse trapping?

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Mouse trapping refers to the act of setting up traps to catch and eliminate mice that are invading a home or premises. There are various types of mouse traps available, such as snap traps, glue traps, and live traps, which are all designed to capture mice and prevent them from causing damage or spreading disease. It is important to properly set up and maintain traps to effectively control mouse infestations.

Do mice smell the blood of a dead mouse and not come out?

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Mice are known to be sensitive to the smell of a dead conspecific, which can deter them from coming out or approaching the area. The scent signals danger and a potential risk to their safety, so they may avoid the area to minimize any threat to themselves.

Do mice have the same functions as humans?

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Mice have some of the same physiological functions as humans, such as breathing, digesting food, and circulating blood. However, there are also significant differences in how these functions are carried out due to the physiological and anatomical differences between mice and humans.

A white mouse whose parents are both produces only brown offspring when mated with a brown mouse The white mouse is most probably what?

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The white mouse is most probably heterozygous for the coat color gene, which allows it to appear white but still carry the brown coat color allele. This would explain why it produces only brown offspring when mated with a brown mouse, as it can pass on the brown allele to its offspring.

What is the proverb in the story the brave mice?

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The proverb in the story "The Brave Mice" is "Unity makes strength." This proverb emphasizes the importance of working together and staying united to overcome challenges or obstacles. In the story, the mice succeed in outsmarting the cat by collaborating and using their collective strength.

In certain species of rat black dominates white cross two hybrid black rats equals what geneo types?

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When black dominates white in certain rat species, the genotype of the black rat would be homozygous dominant (BB), while the genotype of the white rat would be homozygous recessive (bb). When two hybrid black rats (Bb) are crossed, the possible genotypes of their offspring would be 25% homozygous dominant (BB), 50% hybrid (Bb), and 25% homozygous recessive (bb).

How do rat's ears help them survive?

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Rats have excellent hearing that helps them detect predators or approaching threats. Their ears can rotate and move independently, allowing them to locate the source of sound accurately. This keen sense of hearing is crucial for their survival in the wild.

What are the rats names from the Wednesday wars?

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There are two rats in "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt: Socrates and Chompers. They play a significant role in the story as they are owned by the main character's classmate, Danny Bigtree.

Why does theKing snake kills multiple mice but does not eat them.....he has not eaten in over a month and a half?

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King snakes are known to kill more prey than they can immediately consume, a behavior known as surplus killing. This can be due to instinctual hunting behavior or the snake being in a state of fasting or brumation. If the snake has not eaten in over a month and a half, it may be preparing to shed its skin, digesting its previous meals slowly, or experiencing a seasonal decrease in appetite.

How often does a rat vomit?

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Rats typically do not vomit unless they are very sick. Their stomachs are very efficient at digesting food, so vomiting is rare in healthy rats.

Will wild rabbits eat safflower seeds?

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Yes, wild rabbits may eat safflower seeds as part of their diet. Safflower seeds are a good source of nutrition for rabbits, but they should be fed in moderation as they have a high fat content. It is always best to consult a veterinarian or a rabbit expert for advice on the best diet for wild rabbits.

Toolbar designed to minimize mouse movement?

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A floating toolbar that remains in a fixed position on the screen as the user scrolls can minimize mouse movement. Additionally, grouping related functions together on the toolbar can further reduce the need for excessive mouse movement. Keyboard shortcuts for frequently used functions can also help minimize reliance on the mouse.

How long does it take Olivia wahl to cross a rail road trakes?

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The time it takes for Olivia Wahl to cross a railroad track depends on the length of the track and the speed at which she is traveling. Generally, it should only take a few seconds to cross a standard railroad track on foot or in a vehicle. It is important to exercise caution and follow all safety guidelines when crossing railroad tracks.

Does a mouse have a skeleton?

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Yes, a mouse has a skeleton made up of bones that provide structure and support to its body. The skeleton also protects its internal organs and allows for movement.

Are there mice on Hawaii?

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Yes, there are mice on Hawaii. The Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) is the most common rodent found on the islands and is believed to have been introduced by early Polynesian settlers.

Does class mammalia include dogs cats and rats?

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Yes, dogs, cats, and rats are all mammals and belong to the class Mammalia. Mammals are characterized by features such as having hair, giving birth to live young, and nursing their offspring with milk.

Where does a masupial mouse live?

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A marsupial mouse typically lives in Australia, primarily in habitats such as forests, woodlands, and grasslands. They are known for their small size and unique pouch where they carry and nurse their young.

Can Vick's vapor rub harm rats?

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Yes, Vicks VapoRub contains ingredients like camphor and menthol that can be toxic to rats if ingested or inhaled in large amounts. It is best to avoid exposing rats to Vicks VapoRub to prevent any potential harm.