


Pregnancy Health and Safety (Prenatal Care)

Ask about the dos and don'ts during your pregnancy to ensure the safety of mother and fetus.

4,419 Questions

Why can it be harmful to the fetus for a pregnant woman that handles dangerous chemicals?

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Exposure to dangerous chemicals during pregnancy can harm the fetus by increasing the risk of birth defects, developmental delays, and other health problems. These chemicals can cross the placenta and affect the developing baby's organs and systems, leading to long-term consequences. It is essential for pregnant women to avoid handling hazardous substances to protect the health of their unborn child.

Can a pregnant girl eat crab legs?

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Yes, pregnant women can eat crab legs in moderation as long as they are thoroughly cooked to kill any bacteria or parasites that may be harmful to both the mother and the baby. It's important to ensure that the crab legs are sourced from reputable suppliers to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized dietary advice during pregnancy is recommended.

Will eating comet cleanser harm babies?

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Yes, eating Comet cleanser can harm babies due to its toxic ingredients like bleach and abrasive chemicals. Ingestion can cause serious health effects such as irritation, burns, and poisoning. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if a baby ingests any cleaning product.

Is coke harmful while pregnant?

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It is generally recommended to limit or avoid consuming coke (or any other caffeinated drinks) while pregnant, as high caffeine intake may pose risks to the developing fetus. Additionally, the sugar content in coke may contribute to excessive weight gain or gestational diabetes. Opting for water or caffeine-free beverages is a safer choice during pregnancy.

What is the purpose of a Bence Jones protein test?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

A Bence Jones protein test is used to detect abnormal proteins in the urine, which may indicate underlying conditions such as multiple myeloma or other plasma cell disorders. Monitoring the levels of Bence Jones proteins can help in diagnosing and managing these conditions.

What is the best specimen for a Bence Jones protein test?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The best specimen for a Bence Jones protein test is a 24-hour urine sample. This allows for the most accurate measurement of protein excretion over a full day, which is important for detecting and monitoring conditions such as multiple myeloma.

What is a Bence Jones protein test?

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Bence Jones proteins are small proteins (light chains of immunoblobulin) found in the urine. Testing for these proteins is done to diagnose and monitor multiple myeloma and other similar diseases.

What are normal results for a Bence Jones protein test?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Normal results for a Bence Jones protein test should show no detectable levels of Bence Jones protein in the urine, indicating a healthy kidney function and no abnormal protein excretion. If Bence Jones protein is present in the urine, further investigation may be needed to determine the underlying cause.

Which technique is used to collect fetal cells during pregnancy for genetic testing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves collecting cells from the placenta, while amniocentesis involves collecting cells from the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. These tests can be done during pregnancy to obtain fetal cells for genetic testing and detecting chromosomal abnormalities.

How many sets of amniotic fluid do you have?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not sure what you mean by 'sets' of amniotic fluid. However the baby is in one sac, which is filled with the fluid. What made you ask this question? Often when a womens waters break, the fluid behind or above the baby my be stopped from flowing out due to the babys position, or if the waters break above the baby, then the amniotic sac may still be intact around its head.

What conditions produce a hot spring?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hot springs are typically formed when geothermally heated water rises to the surface through fractures in the earth's crust. This process usually occurs in areas with active volcanic or tectonic activity, such as along fault lines or near magma chambers. The water becomes heated by the Earth's internal heat source as it circulates deep underground and then rises back to the surface, creating a hot spring.

If you have a brother or a sister with Down syndrome does this increase the chances of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

Having a sibling with Down syndrome does not directly increase the chances of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome. The risk is influenced by maternal age, not family history. If both parents are carriers of the genetic translocation for Down syndrome, the risk may be higher.

How are drugs that block the synthesis of folic acid able to maintain selective toxicity?

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Drugs that block the synthesis of folic acid target specific enzymes in bacteria that are essential for their survival by disrupting their ability to produce the necessary building blocks for DNA synthesis. Since human cells do not synthesize folic acid but instead rely on dietary intake, these drugs selectively target bacteria, leading to selective toxicity without harming human cells.

Is pollack OK to eat while pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pollack is safe to eat during pregnancy as long as it is cooked thoroughly to kill any harmful bacteria. It is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the baby's development. However, it is important to consume it in moderation to avoid potential exposure to contaminants like mercury.

Answer to a hot spring?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hot spring is a natural thermal pool of water heated by geothermal activity underground. It can be a relaxing place to soak and unwind, known for its potential health benefits due to the minerals in the water. People often visit hot springs for recreational purposes or to enjoy the therapeutic effects of soaking in warm water.

What is the number of spring in hot springs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The number of springs in a hot spring can vary, with some hot springs having only one spring while others may have multiple springs feeding into the same pool. The number of springs present is dependent on the geology of the area and the underground water sources.

What are black oysters?

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Black oysters are a type of edible mushroom that have a dark, velvety appearance with a distinct flavor profile. They are commonly used in culinary dishes for their earthy and rich taste. Black oysters are a popular choice for adding depth and complexity to various recipes.

How long does salmonella last?

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Salmonella infection typically lasts 4-7 days in healthy individuals. In some cases, it can persist for several weeks. Severe cases may require hospitalization and can last several weeks to a few months. It's important to stay hydrated and seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

How much does chalk cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cost of chalk can vary depending on the brand, quantity, and location. On average, a pack of white chalk can range from $1 to $5. Specialized chalk for activities such as rock climbing may be more expensive.

Is flagyl safe for pregnant woman with trichomonas vaginalis?

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Flagyl (metronidazole) is generally considered safe for use in pregnant women with trichomonas vaginalis, as the benefits of treating the infection usually outweigh the risks. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the specific circumstances and risks, as well as to determine the appropriate dosage and duration of treatment.

What can Cause weight fluctuations during the day?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weight fluctuations during the day can be caused by factors such as water retention, food intake, bowel movements, hormonal fluctuations, and clothing worn. These fluctuations are normal and can vary by a few pounds throughout the day. It's important to focus on overall trends rather than day-to-day fluctuations for a more accurate picture of weight changes.

Will poppy seeds hurt you when pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consuming poppy seeds in moderation is generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, excessive consumption should be avoided as they contain trace amounts of opiates which could potentially affect the baby. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

What damage might be caused if drank and smoked and now 3 weeks pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drinking and smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays in the baby. It is important to stop drinking and smoking immediately and consult with a healthcare provider for guidance and support.

Is betadine safe to gargle during pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally safe to gargle with betadine during pregnancy, as long as it is done in moderation and not ingested. However, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before using any medication or substance during pregnancy to ensure it is appropriate for your individual health situation.

Is it safe for an 80 year old woman to go trough angiogram?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angiograms can be safe for elderly individuals, including an 80-year-old woman, but the decision should be made after considering her overall health and any potential risks. It is essential for the healthcare team to assess her medical history, current health status, and discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with her and her family before proceeding.