


Prenatal Dietary Concerns

What foods you should be eating while pregnant and what foods, vitamins and supplements are most healthy during pregnancy

761 Questions

Can a pregnant girl eat crab legs?

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Yes, pregnant women can eat crab legs in moderation as long as they are thoroughly cooked to kill any bacteria or parasites that may be harmful to both the mother and the baby. It's important to ensure that the crab legs are sourced from reputable suppliers to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized dietary advice during pregnancy is recommended.

Who gave electrochemical theory of rusting?

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The electrochemical theory of rusting was proposed by the French chemist Lucien Loewinson-Laurent in 1897. He suggested that the corrosion of iron is an electrochemical process involving the reaction of iron with oxygen and moisture in the presence of an electrolyte.

Why serve iced water?

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Serving iced water helps to refresh and hydrate guests, especially in warmer environments. It can also complement dishes or drinks by providing a contrast in temperature. Additionally, it is a simple and cost-effective way to enhance the dining experience.

Is betadine safe to gargle during pregnancy?

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It is generally safe to gargle with betadine during pregnancy, as long as it is done in moderation and not ingested. However, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before using any medication or substance during pregnancy to ensure it is appropriate for your individual health situation.

What beauty treatments are safe during pregnancy?

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Beauty treatments such as haircuts, manicures, and pedicures are generally safe during pregnancy. However, it's important to avoid chemical treatments like hair dye, chemical peels, and certain types of facials as the ingredients can be absorbed into the body and potentially harm the developing baby. Always consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any beauty treatment during pregnancy.

What will happen to a pregnancy without nutrition?

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Without proper nutrition, a pregnancy can be at risk for complications such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and developmental issues for the baby. The lack of essential nutrients can also affect the mother's health, leading to deficiencies and potential complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It is crucial for pregnant individuals to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to support the growth and development of both the mother and baby.

Do 16 year olds eat a lot?

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The amount a 16-year-old eats can vary greatly depending on individual factors such as metabolism, activity level, and overall dietary habits. Some 16-year-olds may have increased appetites due to growth spurts during adolescence, while others may have less of an appetite. It's important for teenagers to maintain balanced nutrition regardless of how much they eat.

What is food fallacies?

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Food fallacies are common misconceptions or myths about food and nutrition that are not supported by scientific evidence. These fallacies can lead to misinformation and unhealthy eating habits if followed. It is important to be informed and rely on credible sources when making decisions about diet and nutrition.

What can i eat while pregnant?

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During pregnancy, you can eat a balanced diet rich in folic acid, iron, calcium, and proteins. Maa Mitahara provides personalized dietary guidance to support both maternal and fetal health, ensuring a nourishing pregnancy experience.

What foods should you avoid if you want to get pregnant?

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now i am not an expert, but i read alot about the subject for my pregnant friend who now has a beautiful healthy boy.

well, foods to be avoided are: anything containing raw eggs, like mayonaise, and Cesar dressing, canned tune, soft creamy cheese, smoked food for the amount of carbon in it.

drinks: cafinated drinks, alchoholic drinks.

also try avoiding faty foods, and sugary foods, cos a pregnant woman gains weight naturally, so stay healthy, and maintain a healthy diet, to avoid getting really fat.

i hope this helps, and good luck.

also read more about this on line, try a site named baby center:

again, i am not speaking from experience, or an expert, i just read about this.

best thing to do is ask your doctor.

good luck again.

What do mother sharks have to eat while their pregnant?

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Yes. Unborn sharks too indulge in intrauterine cannibalism (stronger unborn pups eating their weaker womb-mates). As a result, not all baby sharks that get formed inside the mother, dont live long enough to come out of the mother shark. Great Whites are one of the very few species where baby sharks exhibit this kind of behavior

What do mussels eat?

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What Do Mussels Eat?

What do freshwater mussels eat? • Fish, turtles, leaves? No - freshwater mussels eat microscopic plants and animals called plankton • They also eat bacteria and detritus (dead plant and animal pieces) suspended in the water.

How do freshwater mussels eat? • Freshwater mussels do not hunt or search for their food; they wait for it to come to them • Freshwater mussels filter feed by sucking water in through a siphon (kind of like a little hose) • Water passes over gills where food particles get filtered out and carried by little hairs called cilia to the mouth

While in captivity you should avoid the following topics when interacting with the media?

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discussing sensitive matters and making statements that might bring harm to other captives

Is shrimp endangered?

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No sea scallops are not endangered because they are continously reproducing so basiccly they might never go endangered

Can you eat deer heart while your pregnant?

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Yes as long as it's cooked properly. it's the seafood you have to be careful with.

What are the best nuts to eat?

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It depends on what is defined as best. For example nuts are a great source of protein and are commonly used by weight lifters and vegetarians to gain extra protein. Here is the list of the "most common nuts"

Almonds, Brazils, Cashews,Chestnuts, Coconuts, Hazels, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts,Pistachios, Walnuts.

the quote marks is due to the fact peanuts are actually legumes.

From the best perspective, in terms of protein per 100g, peanuts has the most of the list above with 24.3g. However there are other factors which can make many of the nuts above the best. It depends on what you prioritise including but not limited to iron, fat, vitamin A, calcium and phosphorous. For example Pistachios have 19.3g of protein, less than peanuts, but have 7 times the amount of iron (14mg).

From a health perpective it is wise to avoid salted nuts as resticting salt intake to 6g (adviced in the UK) is difficult otherwise. Research shows salted goods encourage people to drink more as salt dehydrates the body. A cynic could argue they are sold in pubs to make you more thirsty thus buying more drinks.

Overall good advice is to consume a variety of nuts thus benefiting from the benefits of all nuts.

Can women eat sunflower seeds to get pregnant?

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Are pregnant women allowed to eat sunflower seeds? Yes. Do they absolutely need to for an optimal pregnancy? No. Do sunflower seeds have any special properties that make them good for a developing child anymore than any other nut or seed? Not really.

Can you eat mussels?

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You should not eat raw fish or seafood when pregnant.

Why can't pregnant woman eat fish?

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Depending on what fish and where it's from it's usually lots of lead in them which is very dangerous to the fetus. Raw fish can contain parasites and make you sick.

What foods should you avoid if you have diverticulitus?

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avoid hard-to-digest foods such as nuts, corn, popcorn, and seeds

What is considered a deli or luncheon meat and is sliced turkey bad to eat when you are pregnant?

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Luncheon meat is similar to corned beef. This is safe to eat during pregnancy and so is sliced turkey.

Can pregnant women eat cold shrimp?

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can pregnant women eat shrimp

Answer: No, it is not advisable for pregnant women to eat shrimp. There are too many risks involved with seafood - one common risk is that the food could be contaminated with bacteria.

Can you drink Gatorade when pregnant?

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I seriously doubt that.In the information that I have,ginger can produce a lot of body heat and can lead to complications in pregnancy,even abortion.I don't think you'd require it for any serious illness,so just keep it away.