


Post-labor (postnatal) is the period starting immediately after childbirth, extending for about six weeks. This is the time when mothers are relieved of their normal duties to recover from childbirth.

135 Questions

How do you make your cervix dilate?

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The process of cervical dilation typically occurs during labor when the uterine contractions push the baby down the birth canal, causing the cervix to thin and open up. It is a natural and involuntary process that primarily depends on hormonal changes and the body's readiness for childbirth. Specific medical interventions, such as medications or procedures, may be used to help facilitate cervical dilation if necessary.

Who was the first postman on Eastenders?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reg Cox was the first postman on EastEnders. He was a minor character who appeared in the first episode of the show in 1985. His murder was the catalyst for the show's early storylines.

What is hirenya surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

I presume you mean hernia Surgery? There are different types of hernia and repair usually consists of suturing the defect or covering it with a mesh patch. The operations are done either as Open surgery or Minimal invasive Laparoscopic surgery. Various mesh plugs are also available for repair and depends upon the personal choice of the operator

What is the average wage for a postman in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wll the starting rate up here in Tyneside is £7.70 ph.

Is it normal to be bleeding six months after giving birth?

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Asked by Wiki User

No it is not normal to still be bleeding and having clots a month after childbirth. Your loss by now should be just a creamy dicharge if anything at all. Please go and see your doctor as you may have a piece of placenta left behind.

Do fully grown chickens attack baby ducklings if they are put together?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's nearly guaranteed that they will kill the ducks, especially baby ones. They are different animals completely. My hen hatched her own chick and the others killed it two days later... If they will kill their own, they will kill ducks, too.

Is it possible for contractions to mainly be felt in your lower abdomen?

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I am pregnant with my 4th child (29 weeks) and this is the only place I felt them, especially the Braxton/Hicks contractions.

What happens to the mothers umbilical cord after its cut?

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The umbilical cord comes out of the mother with the placenta.

Are the remains of the placenta in the uterus fatal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. It can lead to postpartum hemorrhage since the uterus won't be able to contract properly. It could also lead to an infection.

Can you take a bath after having a baby?

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If the mother can tolerate the activity, then yes. Proper hygiene is advised. (Although this may vary depending on the type of delivery done)

Infant and toddler clothing costs for the year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Infant and toddler clothing could cost up to 500 or more dollars in a single year. This is because the child is growing throughout this year.

When does postpartum depression go away?

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Asked by Wiki User

depending on the severity, with out proper treatment it may never just go away. i had my son in sept of 2008 we r noew in Jan 2010 and i think i am still suffering with postpartum depression or maybe its considered just "normal" depression. if u feel u r still suffering u should definitely seek help, now that i have good ins i am going to seek help.

Procedure of normal spontaneous delivery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Normal spontaneous delivery, also known as vaginal delivery, is a process where the baby is born through the birth canal without the need for medical intervention. It typically involves three stages: labor, pushing, and delivery of the placenta. During labor, the cervix dilates to allow the baby to pass through. The pushing stage involves the mother pushing the baby out with contractions. Following the birth, the placenta is delivered.

What is break through bleeding and how long can this last for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Break through bleeding (also know as implantation bleeding) is when the fertilised egg implants in the built-up lining of the uterus. This often causes some of the blood vessels in the lining to burst, which causes the bleeding

After having a baby will the stretched out skin ever go back the way it was?

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Asked by Wiki User

Usual it will. When the weight is lost quickly it can take some time for the skin to catch up. Moisturizers, staying hydrated and skin brushing can all help.

How long does it take to completely heal after having a baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

they say 6 weeks.

although all women are different. it can take weeks, months or even up to 2 years.

It depends on the birth, if you have a natural birth and you have an episiotomy or any tearing and require stitches or not it may take longer.

What are the risk factors for getting pregnant one month after giving birth premature due to preeclampsia?

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Asked by Wiki User

I had preeclampsia toximia and was told to wait at least 5 yrs before I got pregnant again as I could develop the same again

You had your son 2 weeks ago and you are still bleeding is this normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it's very normal. It should stop soon

Is it true that you shouldn't shower after giving birth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Showering after giving birth is highly recommended, it's sitting a bathtub that is discouraged to prevent infection.

New trends in delivery room?

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