


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human physiology is the study of the human body relevant to the functions of the organs and systems. It provides a biological baseline for the five senses including the different systems, so that the body can operate normally.

65,609 Questions

Function of visual cortex?

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The visual cortex is responsible for processing and interpreting visual information received from the eyes. It helps in identifying shapes, colors, motion, and depth perception, which are crucial for understanding the surrounding environment. The visual cortex plays a key role in forming mental images and recognizing objects and faces.

What does Crown of the head mean?

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The crown of the head refers to the top portion of the head where hair whorls or swirls typically form. It is the highest point on the head and is often used as a reference point for hairstyles and head measurements.

Where is your liver located-?

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The liver is located in the upper right side of the abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above the stomach. It plays a vital role in various bodily functions such as detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient storage.

Is lipase a lipid?

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Asked by NintendoDude14

No, lipase is not a lipid. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down lipids (fats) into smaller molecules such as fatty acids and glycerol. Lipids are a type of biological molecule that includes fats, oils, and other substances that are insoluble in water.


What is furunculos?

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A furuncle, also commonly called a boil, is a painful infection of the hair follicle and the surrounding skin tissue.

It's caused by bacteria, most commonly Staphylococcus aureus, which infects the hair follicle and sebaceous gland (oil gland) located at the base of the hair.

What is protein free filtrate?

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Protein-Free Filtrate

Definition: Protein-free filtrate is a solution that has undergone a filtration process to remove proteins, leaving behind a clear solution containing only small molecules, ions, and other non-protein components.

based on their size.

Precipitation: Involves the use of chemicals (such as trichloroacetic acid or acetone) to precipitate and remove proteins from the solution.Applications:Biochemical Analysis: Used to study small molecules, ions, and metabolites without interference from proteins.

aProtein-Free Filtrateutical Research: Essential for drug testing and development where proteins could aProtein-Free Filtrate


Protein-free filtrate is a solution that has undergone a filtration process to remove proteins, leaving behind a clear solution containing only small molecules, ions, and other non-protein components.

Filtration Methods:

  1. **Ultrafiltration**: Uses semi-permeable membranes to separate proteins based on their size.

  2. **Precipitation**: Involves the use of chemicals (such as trichloroacetic acid or acetone) to precipitate and remove proteins from the solution.


  1. **Biochemical Analysis**: Used to study small molecules, ions, and metabolites without interference from proteins.

  2. **Medical Diagnostics**: Helps in the accurate measurement of substances such as glucose, electrolytes, and hormones in bodily fluids.

  3. **Pharmaceutical Research**: Essential for drug testing and development where proteins could affect the assay results.


  • **Accuracy**: Ensures that analytical methods yield precise and reliable results by eliminating the variability introduced by proteins.

  • **Specificity**: Allows for the study of specific components in a solution without the confounding presence of proteins.

  • **Efficiency**: Enhances the efficiency of biochemical assays and tests by simplifying the sample matrix.

How do you blow on your thumb to faint?

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  1. Don't even think about it you have a heart or brain disease, in particular epilepsy.

  2. Find a large soft surface like a mat or dense grass. You will fall uncontrollable, abruptly and in an unpredictable direction! Concussion and even death are very real! Friends' support is the less reliable option, they may fail to catch but if the mat is not large enough it's a good idea to have a friend to push you to the right direction if required. Your friends have to put your head to the ground quickly (no elevation).

  3. Don’t try to do it when sitting or lying. Falling from the standing is important for fast recovery.

  4. Don’t do it often!


  1. Squat down firmly.

  2. Take 20–30 deep breaths. I’s more important to breathe deeply then faster.

  3. Take the final inhale and stand up quickly.

  4. Do so called Valsalva maneuver — try to exhale without letting the air to go out. Do this 20 seconds with good force like blowing a balloon. Some people suggest blowing on the thumb in the mouth, but actually the thumb in the mouth does nothing and you can injure it during the fall.

What is ventroflexing his body?

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Ventroflexing refers to the action of bending the body forward at the waist, bringing the chest closer to the thighs. It is the opposite of dorsiflexion and is commonly seen in various exercises and yoga poses that require bending forward. It helps stretch the back and hamstring muscles.

What are the names of the axis's in the body?

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There are three axis in the body the first is the vertical axis also known as the transverse axis the second is the frontal axis and the last is the sagittal axis. kindly subscribe to my channel on YouTube channel/UCSkT4bzBlR9cE8gSIQvN-Nw

What does it mean to finger yourself?

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It means to stick you finger inside yourself in a private area.

Usually your horny first and your by yourself and you need to be pleased so you might wanna wash your hands first and then stick one or two of your fingers into your vagina and go in and out and you will usually reach orgasmic stage. and that's when your done unless you want some more.

Which gland produces seratonin?

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The pineal gland in the brain produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is involved in regulating mood, behavior, and sleep.

What is the function of rugal folds?

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Rugal folds are found in the stomach lining and help increase its surface area, allowing for better absorption of nutrients. They also help to prevent the stomach lining from sticking to itself during digestion, aiding in the movement of food.

Which part of body come from these letters dehlopsu?

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The word "shoulder" can be formed from the letters D, E, H, L, O, P, S, U.

What hormone produced inadequate abnormally small stature?

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Growth hormone deficiency can lead to abnormally small stature in individuals, as the hormone is responsible for promoting growth and development of bones, muscles, and other tissues. Inadequate production of growth hormone during childhood can result in a condition known as dwarfism.

What is the nephron also known as?

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The nephron is also known as the functional unit of the kidney.

What are the major organs in the ventral cavity?

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The major organs in the ventral cavity include the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive organs. These organs are protected by the ribcage in the thoracic cavity and pelvis in the abdominal cavity.

How often are nerves damaged during prostae removal?

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Nerve damage during prostate removal surgery, known as a radical prostatectomy, occurs in a minority of cases. The exact frequency depends on the surgical technique used and the experience of the surgeon, but overall, advances in surgical procedures have helped to minimize nerve damage and improve outcomes. Patients should discuss the potential risks with their healthcare provider before undergoing the procedure.

What are the organ systems in the human body and how to the relate to homeostasis?

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The organ systems in the human body include the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, skeletal, muscular, integumentary, lymphatic, and urinary systems. These systems work together to maintain homeostasis by regulating various physiological functions such as temperature, pH, and fluid balance, ensuring the body's internal environment remains stable and balanced.

What parts of the body are bilateral?

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In bilateral symmetry (also called plane symmetry), only one plane, called the sagittal plane, will divide an organism into roughly mirror image halves (with respect to external appearance only, see situs solitus). Thus there is approximate reflection symmetry. Often the two halves can meaningfully be referred to as the right and left halves, e.g. in the case of an animal with a main direction of motion in the plane of symmetry.

What is the importance of cross ventilation in homes?

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Cross ventilation in homes is important because it helps to improve indoor air quality by allowing stagnant air to be replaced with fresh outdoor air. It also helps to regulate indoor temperature and reduce the need for mechanical cooling, therefore decreasing energy consumption and utility costs. Additionally, cross ventilation can reduce the buildup of moisture, odors, and pollutants in the home, creating a more comfortable and healthy living environment.

What does it mean when your tongue iches?

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An itchy tongue could be a sign of an allergic reaction to something you ate or an irritant in your mouth. It could also be a symptom of oral health issues like thrush or oral allergy syndrome. If the itching persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Does swimming in salt water because water retention?

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Swimming in salt water can lead to increased water intake through the skin, which may cause temporary water retention. However, this effect is usually minimal and temporary. Staying hydrated before and after swimming can help minimize any potential water retention.

When you hold your breath for half a minute the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood will?

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When you hold your breath for half a minute, the carbon dioxide concentration in your blood will increase. This buildup of carbon dioxide signals the body to take a breath to expel the excess CO2 and replenish oxygen levels.

What is a system give a business-related definition and describe the parts that make up a system?

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A system in a business context is a set of interconnected components working together to achieve a specific goal. The parts that make up a system include inputs (resources), processes (activities), outputs (products/services), feedback loops (information flow), and the environment in which the system operates. Each part plays a crucial role in ensuring the system functions effectively and efficiently.

Is fibrocollagenous tissue danger?

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Fibrocollagenous tissue is a normal type of tissue found in the body that provides structure and support. It is not inherently dangerous. However, in certain medical conditions like fibrosis or scarring, excessive deposition of fibrocollagenous tissue can lead to issues such as stiffness or decreased organ function.