


Respiratory System

The respiratory system includes the lungs and the airway. The questions in this category focus mainly on the anatomical and physiological processes associated with breathing.

2,890 Questions

Where does glycolysis start in aerobic respiration and where is it completed?

Glycolysis starts in the cytoplasm of the cell and is completed in the mitochondrial matrix in aerobic respiration.

What is the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerbic respiration?

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to break down glucose into energy, producing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts. Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and produces less energy, with byproducts such as lactic acid or ethanol. Aerobic respiration is more efficient and is the preferred method for most organisms, while anaerobic respiration is used in environments with low oxygen levels.

What is anaerobic respiration and give two examples of anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration is a type of cellular respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen, yielding energy by breaking down glucose. Examples of anaerobic respiration include fermentation in yeast cells, where glucose is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide, and lactic acid fermentation in muscle cells, where glucose is converted into lactic acid.

What prevents food entering trachea when swallowing?

The epiglottis is a flap of tissue located in the throat that covers the trachea during swallowing, preventing food from entering. Additionally, the muscles in the throat contract to push the food down the esophagus towards the stomach, instead of allowing it to enter the trachea.

What are the parts of conducting portion of the respiratory system?

The conducting portion of the respiratory system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. These structures help transport air from the outside environment to the site of gas exchange in the lungs. They also help to filter, warm, and humidify the air before it reaches the delicate alveoli.

Do you in hale or exhale when the volume of the chest cavity increases?

The air pressure in your chest cavity increases when you are exhaling. For air to leave your lungs, it must be at a higher pressure than the air outside. Your diaphragm pushes up against your chest cavity causing the space in your lungs to get smaller. If the volume decreases, the pressure has to rise. Don't believe me? start exhaling, then close your mouth. Your cheeks will puff out because the pressure inside is greater than the pressure outside.

What does 'anaerobic respiration is far less efficient than aerobic respiration' mean?

Anaerobic respiration produces less energy compared to aerobic respiration because oxygen is not involved in the final stages of energy production. This results in the inefficient breakdown of glucose and the production of less ATP per glucose molecule.

Is respiratory therapist required in or?

Yes, respiratory therapists are required in Oregon to provide specialized care and treatment for patients with breathing-related disorders. They play a crucial role in managing conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and help patients with respiratory issues improve lung function and overall quality of life.

What is the name of the respiratory system of insects which is composed of branching tubes with openings to the outside?

The respiratory system of insects is called the tracheal system. It consists of a network of branching tubes called tracheae that deliver oxygen directly to the cells and remove waste gases. These tubes have openings called spiracles on the surface of the insect's body.

Is the diaphragm bigger than the lungs or vice versa?

The lungs are bigger than the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle located beneath the lungs. When it contracts, it flattens out, creating more space in the chest cavity for the lungs to expand.