


Vital Signs

Vital signs are measurable indicators of essential body functions. The vital signs of a human being are his/her temperature, respiratory rate, heart beat called the pulse rate, and blood pressure. All of these vital signs can be observed, measured, and monitored. When these values are not zero, they indicate that a person is alive.

1,172 Questions

Why the pulse is beat a vital sign of life?

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A pulse beat shows that the heart is still working, pumping blood through the circulatory system.

What are three target organs of the parathyroid hormone?

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The three target organs of parathyroid hormone are bones, kidneys, and intestines. Parathyroid hormone acts on these organs to regulate calcium levels in the body by increasing calcium absorption in the intestines, promoting release of calcium from bones, and reducing calcium excretion in the kidneys.

What causes air preasure?

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Air pressure is caused by the weight of air molecules pressing down on a surface due to gravity. The pressure decreases with increasing altitude as the column of air above decreases. Temperature, altitude, and weather patterns can also affect air pressure.

What is palpable pulse?

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A palpable pulse refers to being able to feel the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood is pumped through it by the heart. It is commonly felt at various points on the body, such as the wrist or neck, and is used to assess the heart rate and rhythm.

What actions are controlled by smooth muscles?

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Smooth muscles control many important bodily functions, including the movement of food through the digestive system, constriction and dilation of blood vessels, and regulation of airflow in the respiratory system. They also control the narrowing and widening of the pupils in the eyes and help with the function of various organs such as the bladder and reproductive tract.

What does over-inflated mean on a swan ganz catheter and Where exactly is the inflated balloon and why does the pressure go up off the scale?

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Over-inflated on a Swan-Ganz catheter refers to an excessive volume of air or fluid inside the balloon located at the tip of the catheter. The inflated balloon is typically in the pulmonary artery. If over-inflated, the pressure readings can go off the scale due to increased resistance within the blood vessel, leading to inaccurate results and potentially causing harm to the vessel wall.

The herpes pathogen can enter the body in which of the follwoing ways?

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Herpes can enter the body through direct contact with an infected person's skin or mucous membranes, such as during sexual activity or kissing. It can also be spread through contact with infected bodily fluids or lesions.

What prepares you for an emergency?

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Having an emergency plan in place, maintaining emergency supplies such as food and water, knowing emergency contact numbers, and being informed about potential hazards in your area are important steps to prepare for an emergency. Regularly practicing emergency drills and staying calm in stressful situations can also help you respond effectively in case of an emergency.

Does your respiratory rate increase with fever?

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Yes, during a fever the body often increases its respiratory rate in an effort to cool down. This increased respiratory rate helps to release heat from the body and maintain a normal core temperature.

Why do some people have freckles in their eyes?

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* Eye freckles are areas of the eye where the overlaying "skin" is thin enough that it becomes transparent. The freckles or spots that are visable are usually gray and are actually inside the eyeball.

Why is the pulse rate low in the morning?

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The pulse rate is typically lower in the morning because during sleep, the body's metabolic rate and physical activity decrease. This can result in a slower heart rate. Additionally, the body's natural circadian rhythm can also play a role in lowering the pulse rate in the morning.

Why can CO2 exhalation be used as a measure of respiratory rate in humans?

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CO2 exhalation can be used as a measure of respiratory rate in humans because as we breathe out, we release CO2 which is a byproduct of cellular metabolism. This exchange of gases reflects the rate at which our body is producing and releasing CO2, which is directly related to our respiratory rate. By measuring the level of CO2 exhaled, we can determine how effectively our respiratory system is working.

Why is the adult respiratory rate lower than an infant's respiratory rate?

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Adults have larger lungs and higher lung capacity compared to infants. This allows adults to exchange more air per breath, resulting in a lower respiratory rate to meet their oxygen demands. Infants have smaller lungs and less developed respiratory muscles, requiring a higher respiratory rate to maintain adequate oxygen levels.

What type of pathogen is herpes?

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Herpes is a family of viruses that include cold sores, warts, and genital herpes.
HSV or Herpes Simplex Virus. There are many types and they cause a variety of conditions from genital herpes all the way to something as mild as cold sores.
the causative agent for herpes is the varicella zoster.

What are Factors that affect vital sign?

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Factors that can affect vital signs include age, sex, stress, illness, medication, physical activity, hydration status, and environmental temperature. It is important to consider these factors when interpreting vital signs to ensure an accurate assessment of an individual's health status.

Is bronchopneumonia contagious?

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Bronchopneumonia itself is not contagious, as it is an infection of the lungs commonly caused by bacteria or viruses. However, the bacteria or viruses that cause bronchopneumonia can be contagious from person to person through respiratory droplets. It is important to practice good hygiene measures to prevent the spread of these infectious agents.

Why is Hydrogen Cyanide in Cigarettes?

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It is not. What happens is that when you burn a complex product like tobacco or indeed almost any substance, if there is nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen present there is always the chance of producing something like HCN.

It has been proven if you over cook meat on a charcoal grill there is a chance that traces of carcinogens can be produced. So hydrogen cyanide is not present per se, but by burning in a restricted oxygen environemnt, HCN may be produced in minute traces.

What did Gene Simmons do to get a tongue that long how?

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Gene Simmons' long tongue is believed to be a natural trait rather than something he did to make it that way. He has mentioned in interviews that it's genetic and has been that way since he was a child.

Do you start getting cramps 4 days after the sperm meets egg?

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Cramps can be a common early pregnancy symptom, but they typically do not occur as early as 4 days after fertilization. Cramping can have various causes, including implantation, uterine changes, or menstrual cycle changes. If you suspect you may be pregnant and are experiencing cramps, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and guidance.

Which vitamins are in rice?

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Rice is primarily a source of carbohydrates, but it also contains small amounts of vitamins such as niacin (vitamin B3) and thiamine (vitamin B1) in the outer layers of the grain. However, the processing of rice can remove some of these vitamins, which is why many rice products are often fortified with vitamins to increase their nutritional content.

Why does blowing out 'haaa' feel warm while blowing out 'phooo' feel cool?

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Blowing out "haaa" feels warm because it involves the mouth producing warm air from the lungs. On the other hand, blowing out "phooo" feels cool because it involves the process of evaporation of saliva from the mouth, which cools the air as it exits.

How do you calibrate a digital oral thermometer?

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To calibrate a digital oral thermometer, fill a glass with crushed ice and add a little water. Stir the mixture, then insert the thermometer probe into the glass without touching the sides. The display should show close to 32°F (0°C). If not, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for further calibration steps.

What is the most common cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious supine patient?

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The most common cause of airway obstruction in any patient - supine or not - is the tongue. This is why the first maneuver that should be performed on a patient not breathing is the head-tilt/chin-lift or the jaw thrust. This is to help clear the tongue from the airway and may allow the person to breathe again.

What are 17 kilograms in pounds?

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17 kilograms is equivalent to approximately 37.48 pounds.

What is plasma made of?

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Plasma, in blood, is 90% water, and the rest is stuff like glucose, dissolved proteins, mineral ions, carbon dioxide, hormones and clotting factors. This is the type of plasma which is in blood, not the sort that you find in plasma TV'sor the ionised gas called plasma.