


Animal Life

Animals enrich our lives in so many different ways. The Animal Life category is for questions and answers about animals of all types, including pets, sea life, and farm animals. You can ask questions or find information regarding animals, their history, care, health issues, breeding, and behavior.

78,137 Questions

What are forams?

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Forams, short for foraminifera, are a type of single-celled organism with a shell that is typically made of calcium carbonate. They are abundant in marine environments and have been used extensively in paleontology and environmental studies as indicators of past climates and ecosystems. Forams play a significant role in marine food webs and also contribute to the formation of ocean sediments.

Adaptation of aquatic animals?

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Hey mate.

Here are some adaptations of aquatic animals, but, not any specific animal.

1. Streamlined body reduces friction when the animal moves through the water.

2. Smooth, almost furless body helps aquatic mammals move through the water with little friction.

3. Dense fur helps streamline the bodies of some aquatic mammals and keeps them warm.

4. Dense waterproof feathers keep cold water away from bird's skin and prevent wetting of the feathers.

5. Webbed feet, formed from thin skin between the toes, work like paddles.

6. Long legs and necks keep the bodies of wading birds out of the water and are thin, light, and easy to move, and the long

neck helps the birds to reach the water, or below it, for food.

7. Strainers in the mouth filter food particles from the water.

8. Flippers provide a large surface for pushing against water and act like paddles.

9. Eyes positioned on top of the head allow animals to hide almost fully submerged in water and still detect predators or

prey above the water.

10. Nostrils positioned near the top of the head allow animals to come to the surface to breathe while only a small part of

the body can be seen.

11. Nostrils close when the animal goes under the water.

12. Blubber, a thick layer of fat or oil stored between the skin and muscles of the body, provides insulation.

13. Transparent eyelids cover the eyes of animals swimming underwater.

14. Flattened tails serve as paddles.

15. They have webbed feet.

16. They have fins and tails to help them in swimming. Their tails give them directions.

Can you breed siblings?

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Breeding siblings is generally not recommended as it increases the risk of genetic disorders and health issues in the offspring due to the potential for genetic defects being passed down from both parents. It is advised to breed animals from unrelated or minimally related lineages to ensure genetic diversity and reduce the likelihood of inherited health problems.

The chinease calendar is names after animals the ox was the animal in 1985 how many years in the 20th centrey are years of ox?

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In the 20th century, the years of the Ox in the Chinese calendar were 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, and 1997.

What is interbreeding?

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Interbreeding occurs when individuals from different populations within the same species mate and produce offspring. This can lead to the mixing of genetic traits and potentially increased genetic diversity within the population. However, interbreeding can also result in hybrid offspring with reduced fitness in some cases.

Is it normal in a 1 yr old male shepherd to have small golf ball size swelling at base of penis near sac that appears and goes away qiuckly What is this?

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It is not normal for a 1-year-old male shepherd to have small golf ball size swelling at the base of the penis. This could be a sign of an infection, injury, or an allergic reaction. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

What noises does a rhinoceros make?

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Typically the Rhino will make grunts and sniffs whilst eating or coming into contact with fellow Rhinos. When angry, they will often use gestures instead of sounds including wiping their horns on the ground, urinating, rearing its head, and then going on to locking horns with the enemy Rhino.

What types of crops are grown near odessa Texas?

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Crops commonly grown near Odessa, Texas, include cotton, wheat, maize, and sorghum. The region's dry climate and arid conditions make it suitable for these drought-tolerant crops. Additionally, some farmers in the area also grow vegetables such as onions and peppers.

Rays as pets?

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Rays are not suitable pets for most people as they have specific requirements and can grow quite large. They need a specialized environment with a large tank, proper filtration, and a diet of seafood. Additionally, they can sting and may pose a danger to inexperienced handlers.

What kind of animal eats the most in one day?

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Snakes and other reptiles.

What animal has kneecaps?

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Humans and most land mammals have knee caps. The anatomical name for the knee cap is "patella". The patella on most

4 legged mammals is often referred to as a stifle joint and is located higher up on the animal's hind limb near where the leg and flank meet.

Use of the term knee has been used incorrectly to describe "knee-like" joints on front limbs of some animals (most notably the horse). In this instance there is no patella on the front limb and the joint is not a knee. It is actually equivalent to the human wrist.

Why do animals have tails?

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Many animals have tails, and different animals have tails for different reasons.

They can be used for locomotion, balance, steering like a rudder on a boat, giving a push against something to gain propulsion, hanging from, grasping food or branches, sitting back on (curled up), swatting flies - or people, warnings (rattles on a snake's tail), showing affection (cat wrapping its tail around your leg), communication (beavers hitting logs, cats' tail angles), swimming, and a lot more.

For example, the male peacock's beautiful open tail is used as a sign of mating readiness. Dogs and cats use their tails as one sign of emotion and communication. Birds use their tails to stay balanced when not moving.

What animals live in a lagoon?

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Animals that can be found in a lagoon include fish, birds, crustaceans, mollusks, and various species of plants. These ecosystems are home to a diverse range of species that have adapted to the unique conditions of a lagoon, such as shallow waters, fluctuating salinity levels, and abundant vegetation.

Where their ever wolverines in Michigan?

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Yes, wolverines used to be found in Michigan but are now considered extirpated in the state. Efforts are being made to reintroduce wolverines to certain areas of their historic range in North America, including potential reintroduction sites in Michigan.

What is the most popular pet?

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There are loads of popular pets, these are Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and birds. Most people have Dogs and Cats because they show love or affection.I hope this answers you question! <3
The most popular pets are cats, dogs, and fish. Some people also agree that hamsters and gerbils are popular pets.
mostly dogs and cats next comes birds
Dogs, Cats, fish
The world's most popular pet is the DOG. The dog is used for many reasons like guarding, eating, and being a friend.

This link will show you more reasons why the dog is the world's most popular pet. Also it will show you 9 other popular pets!
a dust bunny :)

String used to control animals in circus?

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A whip or a stick is traditionally used to control animals in a circus performance. However, the use of such tools or methods is now considered controversial due to concerns about animal welfare. Circus acts now focus more on positive reinforcement training techniques to guide and direct animals during performances.

Which appeared first on Earth plants or animals?

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Plants appeared on Earth before animals. Fossil evidence suggests that plants evolved around 700 million years ago, while animals emerged around 600 million years ago. Plants played a crucial role in paving the way for the evolution of animals by providing oxygen and food sources.

What measures should be taken to save animals from extinction?

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Measures to save animals from extinction include protecting their habitats, enforcing laws against poaching and illegal trade, promoting sustainable practices, captive breeding and reintroduction programs, and raising awareness about conservation efforts. Collaboration between governments, organizations, and individuals is crucial in preserving biodiversity and preventing species decline.

Why does my boyfriend sweat excessively when he sleeps?

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Excessive sweating during sleep could be caused by a variety of factors, including an overactive sympathetic nervous system, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or an underlying medical condition such as hyperhidrosis or sleep apnea. It would be advisable for your boyfriend to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options.

What animals are born alive?

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All mammals, except for echidnas and platypuses which lay eggs, give birth to live young. All sharks and rays give birth to live pups (or baby sharks and rays to most of you) as well. All other animal species lay eggs, however since the cells within these eggs are, in essence alive because they grow and multiply, it can be said that even eggs are born alive.

So in short, all animals are born alive.

Why should people care about wildlife and habitat loss?

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People should care about wildlife and habitat loss because it disrupts the balance of ecosystems, leading to potential extinction of species and loss of biodiversity. This can have cascading effects on humans, such as loss of food sources, disruption of ecosystem services, and impacts on climate regulation. Conservation efforts can help protect our natural world for future generations.

What are the different fields of veterinary science?

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There are many different fields in Veterinary science. You can do small animal practice (this involves dogs and cats) you can do exotics (specialize in birds, reptiles, wildlife, zoo animals, rabbits, guinea pigs, etc). There is large animal practice which deals with horses, live stock, etc). You can also specialize in different fields like Cardiology, Orthopedics, Dentistry, Dermatology, Neurology, Internal Medicine, Holistic, Opthamology, Nutrition, Toxicology, drug research, genetics, emergency care, Oncology, Pharmacology, etc. You can also teach veterinary medicine to students.

What kind of animals live in the polar climate zone?

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== == Animals That Live in the Polar Climate Regions The polar bear, penguins, snowy owls, and snow rabbits are some animals that live in the polar climate zone.
Animals that live in the polar climates of the Arctic include polar bears, seals (i.e., ringed seals), walruses, narwhals, caribou, muskox, arctic wolves, arctic foxes, arctic hares, snowy owls, lemmings, right whales, beluga whales, etc.

Animals that live in the polar climate of Antarctica include penguins, seals, and various marine life living beneath the thick cover of ocean ice like plankton, octopi, starfish, whale shark, various species of whales and various species of fish.
polar bears , penguins
here is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)
















~Agashe ' )
here is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)
















~Agashe ' )
here is a list of a group of artic animals (that live in polar climates)
















~Agashe ' )

What is the ecological niche of the northern spring peeper?

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The northern spring peeper occupies the niche of a small terrestrial frog that is active primarily at night. It plays a role in its ecosystem as a predator of small invertebrates and prey for larger predators. Additionally, their vocalizations play a role in mating and territorial behaviors.

What animals migrate?

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Many animals migrate, including birds, fish, mammals, and insects. Some well-known examples of migratory animals are monarch butterflies, wildebeest in Africa, and Arctic terns. Migration allows these animals to find better food sources, breeding grounds, or more suitable climates.