

Corals and Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are the most diverse and beautiful of all marine habitats, and home to a myriad of animals that live in this complex biome. Coral reefs are under threat from climate change, ocean acidification, overuse of reef resources, and harmful land-use practices.

1,758 Questions

What happens if rainwater hits coral?

When rainwater, which may be polluted with sediments, chemicals, or pollutants, hits coral reefs, it can cause stress to the corals by reducing water clarity, introducing excess nutrients, and altering the pH balance of the water. This can lead to coral bleaching, reduced growth rates, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Additionally, runoff can also carry physical debris that can damage the coral structure.

When a ship sinks and is turned into an artificial reef does it matter what shape it is and what it is made of?

The shape and material of a ship can impact its suitability for being turned into an artificial reef. Ideally, a ship should be environmentally safe and able to create a habitat for marine life. Finding a balance between complexity for marine life and safety for divers is important in selecting a ship.

Who discovered Coral?

Corals have been known since ancient times and therefore there is no record of who first came across them.

Which water ecosystem has the fewest nutrients?

The water ecosystem with the fewest nutrients is typically the open ocean. Nutrient levels in the open ocean are often low due to reduced mixing of nutrients from the seafloor and limited input from land sources, resulting in low productivity compared to other ecosystems like rivers, lakes, or coastal areas.

How do seahorses affect the coral reef?

Seahorses help maintain balance in the coral reef ecosystem by preying on small crustaceans that could otherwise overpopulate and damage coral. They also serve as prey for larger predators, contributing to the food chain dynamics in the reef. Additionally, seahorses play a role in nutrient recycling by excreting waste that can benefit the reef's overall health.

What branch of science was Dorothy Hill in?

Dorothy Hill was a renowned Australian geologist and paleontologist known for her contributions to the field of geology.

How do you spell polliotion?

The correct spelling is "pollution". It refers to the presence of harmful or toxic substances in the environment, such as air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.

What are the coral adaptations?

Coral have evolved adaptations such as symbiotic relationships with algae for energy, calcium carbonate skeletons for structure, and tentacles with stinging cells for defense and feeding. They also reproduce through spawning events, where they release eggs and sperm simultaneously for fertilization.

What are endometrial polyps?

Endometrial polyps are growths in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) that are usually noncancerous. They can cause symptoms like abnormal bleeding, especially between periods or after menopause. Treatment may involve removal of the polyps if they are causing symptoms.

A region of ocean water having the same temperature and a salinity throughout is a what?

A region of ocean water with the same temperature and salinity throughout is called a water mass. These water masses occur due to factors like water density, mixing, and currents, and serve as distinct bodies with specific characteristics in the ocean.