


Invertebrates are animals that lack a spinal cord, such as insects. Ask questions here about these organisms that make up 95 percent of all animal life.

1,408 Questions

What insect not arachnid but insect has the strongest jaws overall?

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The rhinoceros beetle (Dynastes hercules) is well known for having the strongest jaws of any insect. They use their large mandibles to fend off predators and compete for mates.

What are 3 physical adaptations of Giant Clams?

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  1. Large size: Giant clams have evolved to grow to significant sizes, with some species reaching over 4 feet in length.
  2. Thick shells: Their shells are thick and heavy, providing protection from predators and physical damage.
  3. Siphons: Giant clams have specialized siphons that allow them to filter feed on plankton and other nutrients from the water.

Which Paleozoic invertebrates had become extinct by the end of the Paleozoic?

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Trilobites, eurypterids, and blastoids are examples of Paleozoic invertebrates that became extinct by the end of the Paleozoic era. These marine creatures were once diverse and abundant but disappeared due to various environmental changes and extinction events at the end of the era.

How would you test the hypothesis 'the distribution of invertebrates in a habitat depends on light intensity?

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To test this hypothesis, you could set up multiple sampling plots in the habitat with varying light intensities and systematically collect data on the abundance and diversity of invertebrates within each plot. Statistical analysis can then be performed to determine if there is a significant correlation between light intensity and the distribution of invertebrates. It's important to control for other factors that may influence invertebrate distribution, such as temperature or vegetation cover.

What is heterogeneous grouping of unicellular colonial and multicellular eukaryotes including slime molds brown algae and diatoms?

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Heterogeneous grouping refers to a diverse mixture of different types of unicellular colonial and multicellular eukaryotes, such as slime molds, brown algae, and diatoms. These groups share the characteristic of being eukaryotic but differ in their cellular structures, organization, and modes of reproduction.

What do flukes have in common with the cnidarians when it comes to digestion?

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Both flukes and cnidarians possess a gastrovascular cavity for digestion. This cavity serves the purpose of digestion and distribution of nutrients throughout the organism's body.

How does camouflage help insects to survive?

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Camouflage helps insects survive by helping them blend in with their surroundings, making it harder for predators to detect them. This adaptation allows insects to avoid being eaten and increases their chances of survival.

Do inchworms poop?

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Yes, inchworms do poop. They excrete waste through their digestive system like many other organisms to eliminate undigested food and toxins from their bodies.

Do love bugs eat plants?

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No, love bugs do not eat live plants but yes, they do eat dead matter. The insects in question (Plecia nearctica) may be considered beneficial for cleaning up the ground around plants, thereby discouraging pathogens, and helping out with pollination by nectaring during their adult stages.

What household items contain diatom?

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Diatomaceous earth (diatom) can be found in various household items such as insecticides, toothpaste, water filters, and absorbent materials. It is commonly used for its abrasive and absorbent properties in these products.

Which structure of a diatom is rich in silicon?

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The cell wall of a diatom is rich in silicon. It is composed of two overlapping halves, like a petri dish, made of silica that give diatoms their unique intricate patterns and shapes.

What characteristics are unique to nematodes?

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Nematodes are roundworms with long, slender bodies that are usually unsegmented. They have a complete digestive system, a protective cuticle, and a simple nervous system. Nematodes can be free-living, parasitic, or predatory, and are found in virtually all environments.

Are diatoms classified as chrysophytes?

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Yes, diatoms are classified within the division Chrysophyta, which includes golden-brown algae like diatoms.

Is a aphid a secondary consumer?

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No, aphids are primary consumers in the food chain as they feed directly on plants by sucking sap from their leaves or stems. Secondary consumers typically eat primary consumers or other secondary consumers.

Do snakes haves poor vision?

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Yes, snakes generally have poor vision compared to many other animals. They rely more on their sense of smell and heat-sensing pits to locate prey and navigate their environment.

Waste is eliminated in with nephridia?

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Nephridia are excretory organs found in some invertebrates that eliminate metabolic waste and excess fluids from the body through openings called nephridiopores. These structures help maintain proper osmoregulation and remove nitrogenous waste products from the body.

What is a difference between desmids and diatoms?

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Desmids are a type of freshwater green algae characterized by their symmetrically divided cell structure, often with intricate shapes and patterns. Diatoms are a type of single-celled algae that have cell walls made of silica, giving them a glass-like appearance. Desmids are typically larger and have a more complex shape compared to diatoms, which are usually smaller and have a more varied morphology.

Are diatoms parasites or free living?

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Diatoms are free-living organisms that photosynthesize. They are a type of algae found in various aquatic environments and play a crucial role as primary producers in the food chain.

Can urine melt sea urchin spines?

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No, urine cannot melt sea urchin spines. Sea urchin spines are made of a hard material called calcium carbonate, which is not affected by the acidity or components of urine.

What is the main form of nutrition for diatoms?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

The main form of nutrition for diatoms is photosynthesis, where they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and nutrients into organic matter. Diatoms are autotrophic organisms, meaning they can produce their own food using light energy.

How many eggs does one mayfly lay?

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A female mayfly typically lays between 400 to 3,000 eggs in a single reproductive event, which takes place in a matter of hours before she dies.

Are protozoans invertebrates?

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Yes, protozoans are invertebrates because they do not possess a backbone or spinal column. They are single-celled organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista.

What are 4 Substances that pass out of the frogs body through the cloaca and vent?

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  1. Urine: Waste from the kidneys is excreted through the cloaca and vent as urine.
  2. Feces: Undigested food and waste from the digestive system are passed out through the cloaca and vent as feces.
  3. Mucus: Frogs secrete mucus through their skin, which can also be expelled through the cloaca and vent.
  4. Reproductive products: Eggs and sperm are released through the cloaca and vent during mating and reproduction.

Compare the circulatory system of each of the three major classes of mollusks?

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In cephalopods like octopuses, the circulatory system is closed, with blood contained in vessels. Bivalves like clams have an open circulatory system where blood is pumped into a hemocoel. Gastropods, such as snails, have a mix of closed and open circulatory systems, with a heart that pumps blood through vessels but also into spaces around organs.

What group of invertebrates has a mantle?

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Mollusks have a mantle, which is a protective layer of tissue that covers their soft body. The mantle plays a role in shell formation and can also secrete mucus for locomotion or defense.