


Protozoans are unicellular organisms found in many different habitats. They are eukaryotic and can be predators, herbivores or parasites, depending upon the species. The well-known disease malaria is caused by a protozoa.

1,445 Questions

Is paramecium a lining organism or not?

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Paramecium is not a parasitic organism. It is a free-living, single-celled protist that can be found in various aquatic environments. It feeds on bacteria and smaller organisms by using cilia to sweep them into its oral groove.

Are protozoa multicellular colony dwellers?

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No, protozoa are single-celled organisms that exist independently as individuals rather than forming multicellular colonies. They are part of the protist kingdom and exhibit a diverse range of structures and behaviors as single-celled organisms.

What has a nervous system but no brain 1 earthworm 2 hydra 3 cockroach 4 amoeba?

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  1. Earthworms and cockroaches have nervous systems but no brain.
  2. Hydras have a nervous system consisting of a nerve net but lack a centralized brain.
  3. Amoebas do not have a nervous system or a brain.

What is entamoeba?

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Entamoeba is a genus of single-celled parasites that can infect the human digestive system, causing diseases such as amoebiasis. The most common species that affects humans is Entamoeba histolytica. Symptoms of infection may include diarrhea, stomach pain, and in severe cases, dysentery. Proper hygiene practices and using clean water sources can help prevent infection.

Is an amoeba a plant or animal like protist?

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An amoeba is a type of animal-like protist. It is a single-celled organism that moves using pseudopods and feeds on bacteria and other small particles in its environment.

Where does amoeba obtain its food?

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Amoebas obtain their food by engulfing and absorbing nutrients from their surrounding environment through a process called phagocytosis. They mainly feed on bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms present in their habitat.

How are chlamydomonas isogamous?

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Chlamydomonas is considered isogamous because it produces gametes that are morphologically similar in size and structure (flagellated and motile) during sexual reproduction. This means that the gametes produced by different mating types are indistinguishable from each other.

Is amoeba a type of protozoa?

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Yes, amoeba is a type of protozoa. Protozoa are a diverse group of single-celled organisms that are classified based on their mode of movement, and amoebas are one of the groups within this classification. Amoebas are characterized by their blob-like shape and their ability to move and feed by extending their pseudopods.

Do protozoa have peptidoglycan?

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Only prokaryotes are having cell wall. Cell wall is absent in case of eukaryotes, it is surrounded only by cell membrane. Peptidoglycan cell wall is present as thick layer in gram positive bacteria and it is present as a thin layer in gram negative.

How is a protozoan parasite different from bacteria?

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Protozoan parasites are single-celled eukaryotic organisms, while bacteria are prokaryotes. Protozoan parasites are generally larger and have more complex cellular structures compared to bacteria. Additionally, protozoan parasites often have more specialized modes of transmission and lifecycle strategies that are adapted to living within a host organism.

What is asmoregulation?

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Homeostasis is the ability to maintain internal stability and balance within an organism. It involves processes like regulating body temperature, pH levels, and fluid balance to ensure optimal function.

What is pseudo plasmodium?

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Pseudoplasmodium is a temporary structure formed by aggregation of individual cells in certain organisms like slime molds. It allows the cells to move as a coordinated unit, resembling a multicellular organism, but each cell remains independent.

What causes protozoan plasmids?

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Protozoan plasmids are usually acquired through horizontal gene transfer, where they are passed between protozoan species. They can also arise through integration of foreign DNA into the protozoan genome or through recombination events within the protozoan population.

Why are protozoans eukaryotic?

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They have an organized nucleus.So they are eukaryotic

What differences exist in the structure that provides an outer protective barrier for virus bacteria and protozoa?

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Viruses lack a cell structure and outer protective barrier; they consist of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. Bacteria have a rigid cell wall made of peptidoglycan that provides structure and protection. Protozoa, being eukaryotic, have a cell membrane that surrounds their organelles and cytoplasm, providing a flexible outer boundary.

What are paramylum bodies?

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Paramylum bodies are specialized organelles found in certain algae cells that store starch. These structures help algae to store energy reserves in the form of carbohydrate polymers during periods of low nutrient availability.

What is contractile vacuole in amoeba related with?

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The contractile vacuole in amoeba is related to osmoregulation, which is the process of regulating the water and ion balance within the cell. It helps to expel excess water and waste products to prevent the cell from swelling or bursting.

What is the significance of an eyespot in a euglena cell?

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The eyespot in a Euglena cell is a light-sensitive organelle that helps the organism detect light intensity and direction, allowing it to move towards light for photosynthesis. It also helps in avoiding harmful levels of light that could damage the cell.

Paramecium is a representative of the?

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Asked by Hooyah

Paramecium is a representative of the protist group called ciliates. They are single-celled organisms with hair-like structures called cilia that help in movement and feeding. Paramecium are found in freshwater environments and play a role in aquatic ecosystems.

Which organ in euglena helps in locomotion?

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The flagellum is the organelle in euglena that helps in locomotion. It is a tail-like structure that allows the euglena to move through its aquatic environment by beating in a whip-like motion.

What do you think has a better chance of survival a Euglena in an environment with no light or an amoeba in an environment with other organims?

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An Euglena in an environment with no light has a better chance of survival because Euglenas are photosynthetic organisms that can make their own food using sunlight. Amoebas in an environment with other organisms may face competition for resources or predation, which could decrease their chances of survival.

What conditions are needed for protozoan to grow?

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Protozoa require a moist environment, proper temperature, pH balance, and a food source such as bacteria, algae, or other organic matter to grow. They also need oxygen for respiration and may require specific nutrients depending on the species.

What is a gullet on a paramecium?

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A gullet on a paramecium is a structure that helps the organism ingest food particles by surrounding and engulfing them. It acts as a mouth for the paramecium, allowing it to take in nutrients from its environment.

Is An Amoeba part of the eubacteria kingdom?

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No, an amoeba is not part of the eubacteria kingdom. Amoebae belong to the kingdom Protista, specifically in the phylum Amoebozoa. Eubacteria are a separate kingdom consisting of prokaryotic organisms like bacteria.

How are amoebas shaped?

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Amoebas are typically shapeless and do not have a fixed shape. They have a fluid cytoplasm that allows them to change shape constantly by extending and retracting pseudopods, which are temporary "feet" used for movement and capturing food.