


Organisms that are integral to the continuity of freshwater and marine ecosystems. Consists of zooplankton and phytoplankton.

863 Questions

Are animal plankton omnivores and are plant plankton omnivores?

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Animal plankton are typically omnivores, feeding on a variety of other organisms such as smaller zooplankton, fish larvae, and even plant plankton. Plant plankton, also known as phytoplankton, are photosynthetic organisms that primarily obtain energy from sunlight and nutrients from the water, so they are not considered omnivores.

Do zoo plankton have mitochondria?

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Yes, zooplankton have mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles found in most eukaryotic cells and are responsible for producing energy through cellular respiration. This process is essential for the survival of zooplankton, just like any other eukaryotic organism.

Is the basil plant a gymnosperm?

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No, basil plants are not gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are seed-producing plants that do not produce flowers or fruits, while basil plants are angiosperms that do produce flowers and seeds enclosed in a fruit.

What is the organelle that makes steroids in gland cells regulates calcium in muscle cells and breaks down toxins in liver cells is the?

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Endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle that is responsible for synthesizing steroids in gland cells, regulating calcium in muscle cells, and detoxifying substances in liver cells. It consists of rough ER, involved in protein synthesis, and smooth ER, which aids in lipid metabolism and detoxification.

Are the cells separate or united with one another?

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Cells are separate entities that can function independently or in coordination with one another. Each cell has its own structure and function, but they can also come together to form tissues, organs, and organ systems in multicellular organisms.

Is plankton a small shrimp?

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No, plankton is not a small shrimp. Plankton refers to a diverse group of organisms that drift in the water, ranging from microscopic algae and protozoa to small animals like copepods and krill. Shrimp are larger crustaceans that are not classified as plankton.

Do phytoplankton need nutrients minerals to survive?

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Yes, phytoplankton require nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and micronutrients to survive and grow. These nutrients are essential for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes in phytoplankton. Without an adequate supply of nutrients, phytoplankton populations can decline, affecting marine ecosystems.

What is a job of a decomposer?

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The job of a decomposer is to break down all dead things in other words to take away the dead organisms

Why are plant planktons not found in deep oceans?

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Plant planktons, or phytoplankton, require sunlight to perform photosynthesis and produce energy. In deep oceans, sunlight does not penetrate to the same extent as in shallower waters, making it challenging for phytoplankton to survive and thrive due to limited light availability. Consequently, phytoplankton are typically found in surface waters where sunlight can reach them for photosynthesis.

Name 10 fruit bearing plants with their agents through which seeds are dispersed and the part of or seed which helps in dispersal?

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  1. Apple tree - Dispersed by animals, the seeds within the apple are ingested and later dispersed by animals through their droppings.
  2. Strawberry plant - Dispersed by birds, the seeds are located on the surface of the fruit which can be carried away by birds.
  3. Coconut palm tree - Dispersed by water, the coconut fruit can float and be carried by ocean currents to new locations for germination.
  4. Raspberry bush - Dispersed by wind, the small seeds are attached to the berry and can be carried by wind to new locations.
  5. Avocado tree - Dispersed by animals, the large seed within the fruit can be dispersed by animals that eat the fruit.
  6. Mango tree - Dispersed by animals, the seed within the mango fruit can be dispersed by animals through their droppings.
  7. Blueberry bush - Dispersed by birds, the seeds are small and can be carried by birds to new locations.
  8. Orange tree - Dispersed by animals, the seeds within the orange fruit can be dispersed by animals through their dung.
  9. Pineapple plant - Dispersed by animals, the seeds within the pineapple fruit can be dispersed by animals that consume the fruit.
  10. Papaya tree - Dispersed by birds, the seeds within the papaya fruit are small and can be carried by birds to new locations.

How do salamanders keep the southern appalachian ecosystem healthy?

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Salamanders in the southern Appalachian ecosystem help control insect populations, such as ants and beetles, which can potentially harm plants and trees. They also act as indicators of overall ecosystem health, as their presence or absence can signal changes in environmental conditions. By playing a role in nutrient cycling and maintaining biodiversity, salamanders contribute to the overall balance and stability of the ecosystem.

Why isn't all the energy that phytoplankton get from sunlight passed on to the sea urchins that eat the phytoplankton?

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Not all energy from phytoplankton can be fully transferred to sea urchins because energy is lost through metabolic processes, heat production, and excretion. This loss of energy occurs at each trophic level in an ecosystem, leading to a decrease in energy transfer efficiency as it moves through different organisms in the food chain.

What has soft bodies protected by 2 bluish black hard shells that eats plants and animals called planktons?

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The organism you are referring to is likely a type of crab, specifically a species with a soft body protected by two hard bluish-black shells. This type of crab typically consumes a diet consisting of both plants and animals, including plankton.

Do plankton only have one eye?

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No, plankton do not have eyes at all. Plankton are tiny organisms that drift in aquatic environments, and they do not have complex sensory organs like eyes.

Does a fern plant contain chlorophyll?

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Yes, fern plants contain chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis. The green pigment in chlorophyll allows ferns to capture sunlight and convert it into energy for growth and survival.

How does plankton do photosynthetic?

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Plankton that perform photosynthesis utilize chlorophyll pigments to capture sunlight and convert it into chemical energy. These organisms use this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose through the process of photosynthesis. This enables plankton to produce their own food and serve as the base of the marine food chain.

Why is it to obtain to maintain a pure culture?

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Maintaining a pure culture is important to ensure that the characteristics and behaviors of a specific microorganism are accurately studied without interference from other contaminants. This is crucial for scientific research, medical testing, and industrial applications where the accuracy and consistency of results are essential. Impure cultures can lead to inaccurate findings and unreliable outcomes.

What is the edges of papaya leaf and shape?

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Papaya leaves have smooth edges and are typically palmately lobed, meaning they have multiple lobes originating from a single point like the fingers of a hand.

Can plankton survive without the sun?

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Plankton relies on photosynthesis to produce food, which requires sunlight. Some plankton species can survive in dark conditions by using other sources of energy, such as chemicals or organic matter. However, prolonged absence of sunlight can impact their growth and reproductive abilities.

Are pygmy seahorses carnivores?

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Yes, pygmy seahorses are carnivores. They primarily feed on tiny crustaceans and other small zooplankton that they find in their habitat, using their camouflage to hunt and ambush prey.

What is the name of the light-sensitive pigment found in photosynthetic archaea?

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The light-sensitive pigment found in photosynthetic archaea is called bacteriorhodopsin. It is a type of retinal protein that helps these organisms convert light energy into chemical energy for photosynthesis.

What uses the dissolved carbon dioxide in a lake?

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Dissolved carbon dioxide in a lake can be utilized by aquatic plants during photosynthesis. This process helps plants to produce oxygen while utilizing carbon dioxide for growth. Additionally, some microorganisms in the water may also utilize dissolved carbon dioxide as a carbon source for their metabolism.

What form of asexual reproduction is budding?

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Budding is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud on the parent organism. The new organism is genetically identical to the parent.

What do phytoplankton have in common with green land plants?

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Both phytoplankton and green land plants are autotrophs that photosynthesize to produce their own food. They both contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle by converting carbon dioxide into organic matter.

Why do people who live in over populated countries use plants as their main source of food?

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Plants are a more efficient use of resources compared to animal agriculture, allowing for more food to be produced on limited land. Additionally, plants are generally cheaper and more widely available, making them a practical choice for densely populated areas where resources may be scarce. Lastly, a plant-based diet can also have health and environmental benefits, making it an appealing option for those living in densely populated regions.