



The area of the biological sciences devoted to the identification, naming, and classification of organisms in an ordered system is called taxonomy. Classification is made according to apparent common characteristics that indicate natural relationships. Taxonomy includes the science and laws or principles of classification.

8,905 Questions

What is common between a mushroom and a bread mould?

Both mushrooms and bread molds belong to the kingdom Fungi. They are both multicellular organisms that obtain nutrients through absorption. Additionally, both reproduce through spores, which are released into the environment to germinate and form new individuals. Mushrooms and bread molds play important roles in decomposition and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.

What is the genus for ambulatory?

Well, honey, the genus for ambulatory is Ambulatrix. So if you're feeling like taking a little stroll, just remember you're in the Ambulatrix club. Now go strut your stuff and show off that fancy genus knowledge!

What is the scientific name for water grass?

The scientific name for water grass is "Echinochloa crus-galli." It is a species of grass in the Poaceae family, commonly known as barnyard grass. Echinochloa crus-galli is a widespread weed that thrives in wet habitats such as rice paddies, ditches, and other waterlogged areas.

What language did all scientific names come from?

Well, scientific names come from Latin. Latin is an ancient language that scientists use to give organisms unique names based on their characteristics. It's like giving each plant and animal a special name that scientists all around the world can understand and use.

What is the species name of Dengue fever?

Well, darling, the species name of Dengue fever is Flavivirus. It's a pesky little virus transmitted by mosquitoes that causes all sorts of trouble for us humans. So, watch out for those blood-sucking bugs and protect yourself from this nasty Flavivirus!

Liver flukes phylum?

The liver fluke's phylum is the Platyhelminthes. The liver fluke is a parasitic flatworm that can live in the liver of animals and humans. The Chinese liver fluke can infect a human's liver and can cause symptoms like weight loss and diarrhea.

What is the order of classification from broadest to narrowest?

The order of classification from broadest to narrowest is: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. This hierarchical system, known as taxonomy, helps organize and categorize living organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships. Each level represents a progressively more specific grouping of organisms.

What is kungs taxonomy in computer architecture?

Kung's taxonomy is a classification system proposed by Henry S. Kung for computer architecture design. It categorizes computer architectures based on characteristics such as instruction set complexity, pipeline depth, memory access characteristics, and overall performance. Kung's taxonomy provides a framework for understanding and comparing different computer architectures.

What is the scientific name for the 'waratah'?

Oh, dude, the scientific name for the waratah is Telopea speciosissima. It's like the fancy, official way of saying, "Hey, that's a cool red flower from Australia." So, next time you see a waratah, you can impress your friends with your fancy botanical knowledge.

What are the contributions of Whittaker Margulis and Schwartz in taxonomy?

In 1967 , Whittaker introduced five kingdom classification system.It was based on the levels of organization and the principal modes of nutrition. in 1988 Margulis and Schwartz modified his five kingdom system. They considered genetics along cellular organization and mode of nutrition in classification.

To what genus and species does the Spanish dove belong?

I went back to the pet shop that calls its doves "Spanish doves" and acquired a pair. The so-called Spanish dove the shop is selling is the Eurasian collared dove, scientifically known as Streptopelia decaocto. The pet shop caretakers didn't know the scientific names of the pets they were selling (I wasn't surprised). The bird known as Spanish dove in the Western world is the Inca dove; "Spanish" because of its range (Spanish-speaking countries). The scientific name of the Inca dove is Scardafella inca.

Cyanobacteria may also be called what?

Cyanobacteria may also be called blue-green algae due to their blue-green pigmentation resulting from chlorophyll a and phycocyanin. Despite the name, cyanobacteria are not algae but rather a type of bacteria capable of photosynthesis. They are important in the environment for their role in oxygen production and nitrogen fixation.

What is the scientific name of cellphone?

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What is the difference between tree ferns and palm trees?

Tree ferns are a type of fern that have a trunk-like structure composed of old leaf bases, while palm trees are flowering plants with a woody trunk and large leaves at the top. Tree ferns do not produce flowers or fruits like palm trees do. Additionally, tree ferns are typically found in moist, shady environments, while palm trees thrive in tropical and subtropical regions.

Related phyla are grouped into a?

Well, darling, related phyla are grouped into a category called a kingdom. It's like a big happy family of different critters that share some similarities. Think of it as a biological version of a high school clique, but with more science and less drama.

What does trentonomous sicoglicernal mean?

The term "trentonomous sicoglicernal" does not have a recognized or standard meaning in the English language. It appears to be a combination of random words or possibly a misspelling. Without further context or information, it is difficult to determine the intended meaning.

What are 4 reasons biologists use scientific names?

Answer and Explanation: Scientists use scientific names for organisms so that it is universally understood what organism they are referring to. Different languages, and even different dialects of the same language, have varied common names for organisms. Livewire tambaram provide for Data analytical course in tambaram the best institute in chennai.

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Cestoda are ectoparasite or endoparasite?

Cestoda are endoparasites, which means they live inside their host's body, particularly in the digestive system. They have specialized adaptations for this lifestyle, such as their flat, ribbon-like body structure and hooks or suckers for attachment within the host's intestine.

Is china rose the other name of hibiscus flower?

Yes, "China rose" is another name for the hibiscus flower, particularly the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis species commonly found in Asia. This flower is known for its colorful and showy blooms that adorn gardens and landscapes.

What is the scientific name for the first caveman?

Homo sapiens is the scientific name for the species to which the first caveman belonged.

What is the scientific name of langka leaf?

The scientific name of langka leaf is Artocarpus heterophyllus.

What name was given to Carl Linnaeus's system for classifying organisms?

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