



A carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog, two species of wolves are recognized. One is C. lupus, the gray or timber wolf, which was once widely distributed in North America, Europe, and Asia. The other is Canis lupus rufus, the red wolf, which now only occurs in northeastern North Carolina and on St. Vincent's Island off the Gulf Coast of Florida.

3,509 Questions

What is the gestation period of a white wolf?

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Asked by Wiki User

The gestation period of a white wolf is typically around 63 days, similar to other subspecies of wolves. During this time, the female wolf will carry and nourish the developing pups before giving birth to them in a den.

What blood type do wolves have?

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Wolves typically have a blood type that is similar to dogs, which is classified into different groups such as A, B, AB, or O. However, specific information on the blood type distribution among wolf populations may vary.

From where did the wolf come?

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Asked by Wiki User

God created the wolf while the other animals were being created before Adam was created.

How many macromolecules does a gray wolf need on a daily basis?

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Asked by Wiki User

A gray wolf needs to consume various macromolecules daily, including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The specific amount and ratios of these macromolecules depend on factors such as the wolf's age, size, activity level, and overall health. Wolves typically obtain these macromolecules through their diet of animal-based protein sources.

Do wolves live in Korea?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, wolves used to inhabit Korea but were reportedly extinct by the 20th century due to habitat loss and hunting. There have been occasional sightings and reports of wolves in South Korea, but there is no evidence of a resident population.

How does climate change affect moose and wolves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Climate change can impact moose by altering their habitats and food sources, making it harder for them to find suitable places to live and sufficient food. This can lead to a decrease in moose populations. For wolves, climate change can affect their prey populations like moose, resulting in reduced food availability. This can lead to increased competition among wolves for limited resources, potentially impacting their survival and reproduction rates.

Why are wolves cool?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because they just are. They are just very cool animals.

Can wolves see well at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

the vision looks like a night vision goggles

Why is the black wolf a carnivore?

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The black wolf, like all wolves, is a carnivore because its body is adapted to digest and derive essential nutrients from meat. Their sharp teeth, strong jaws, and digestive system are specialized for processing and assimilating animal tissue as their primary source of food. This carnivorous diet provides them with the energy and nutrients they need to survive and thrive in their natural environment.

What makes a wolf dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wolves can be dangerous due to their strength, agility, and pack hunting behavior. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth that they use for hunting and defending themselves. When feeling threatened or cornered, wolves may display aggressive behavior, which can pose a danger to humans or other animals.

Are wolves scared of dogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible for wolves to be scared of dogs, especially if the dog is displaying aggressive behavior or if the wolf is unfamiliar with dogs. Wolves and dogs are both members of the Canidae family and can sense each other's intentions and behavior, which can impact their interactions.

How much meat does a wolf eat in a day?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wolf can eat up to 20 pounds of meat in a day, depending on factors such as the size of the wolf, its age, and the availability of prey. Wolves are opportunistic hunters and their diet mainly consists of large ungulates like deer, moose, and elk.

What animal in the grasslands eat wolves?

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Asked by Wiki User

In grasslands, animals such as lions, hyenas, and packs of wild dogs may occasionally prey on wolves. However, wolves are top predators in their ecosystems and are less likely to be targeted by other animals for food.

Are what looks like normal crawly earthworms underneath a dog's stool intestinal parasites?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, earthworms found underneath a dog's stool are not intestinal parasites. Intestinal parasites in dogs include worms like roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms, which live inside the digestive tract. Earthworms are not harmful to dogs and are typically found in soil or compost.

What body symmetry does a wolf have?

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Asked by Wiki User

A wolf has bilateral symmetry, meaning that its body can be divided into two roughly equal halves along a single plane. This type of symmetry is common in mammals and allows for efficient movement and coordination.

How does a wolf get its rank in its pack?

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Asked by MichaelaWright

A wolf's rank in the pack is established through dominance and submission behaviors. It is determined through social interactions such as body language, vocalizations, and physical confrontations. The alpha wolf typically holds the highest rank, followed by the beta wolf, and so on.

What is a gray wolf's offense?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gray wolves are known to prey on livestock, such as sheep and cattle, which can result in economic losses for farmers and ranchers. Additionally, some wolves may exhibit bold behaviors, such as entering human-populated areas, which can lead to conflicts with people.

Do wolves eat mushrooms?

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Asked by Wiki User

*While they are mostly carnivores, they have been known to indulge in plant matter also. My own captive wolf pups do indeed eat various flora, such as apples, pumpkins, and yes, even mushrooms.*

What are female baby wolves called?

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Asked by Emelen67

Both male and female wolf offspring are called pups or puppies. It is a common misconception that they are called "cubs" but the correct term is pup. Cub is used for bears or big cats.

What do you feed a pet wolf?

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Asked by AlphaGirl18

A pet wolf's diet should ideally consist of a variety of raw meats such as beef, chicken, and fish, along with some organ meats. It is important to consult with a veterinarian or an expert in wolf nutrition to ensure their diet is balanced and meets their nutritional needs. Avoid feeding them grains, as wolves are primarily carnivores and do not have the digestive system to process plant-based foods efficiently.

Are gray wolves diurnal or nocturnal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gray wolves are primarily crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. However, they can also be active at night, making them partially nocturnal. Wolves may also be active during the day, especially in areas with little human disturbance.

Where are snow wolves located?

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Snow wolves, also known as arctic wolves, are typically found in the Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia. They have adapted to survive in cold climates with harsh conditions, such as snow-covered tundras and icy landscapes.

IS it possible for a baby to be conceived if one parent is human and one parent is wolf?

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Asked by FaeKumquat

No, it is not physically possible for a baby to be conceived between a human and a wolf because they are different species with different numbers of chromosomes, making successful reproduction unlikely.

Guys produce spurm then what do girls produce?

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Asked by BuzzingWalnut

Girls produce eggs in their ovaries. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, it can result in the creation of a baby.

Why are gray wolves called gray wolves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gray wolves are named for their distinctive grayish fur, which helps them blend into their surroundings in their natural habitat. This coloration provides them with camouflage for hunting and protection.