

German Language and Culture

The German language is primarily spoken in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as in some parts in northern Italy. Along with their customs and food, these countries’ cultures are intertwined with the language.

2,503 Questions

What does gal mean in the metric system?

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In the metric system, "gal" is an abbreviation for "gallon," which is a unit of volume typically used to measure liquids. One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.

What did the German scientist Matthias Schleiden do?

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Matthias Schleiden was a German botanist who, along with Theodor Schwann, formulated the cell theory in the 19th century. He observed that plants are composed of cells, contributing to the understanding of the basic unit of life.

What is 'are you speaking German' in German?

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Sprechen Sie Deutsch? (formal), Sprichst du Deutsch? (informal)

Why petrol called benzene in German?

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Petrol is called "Benzin" in German, not "benzene." This term likely originated from the chemical benzene, which was an important component in early gasoline formulations. Over time, "Benzin" became the common term for gasoline in German.

What are animals that begin with the letter Q in german?

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In German, some animals that begin with the letter "Q" are Qualle (jellyfish) and Quagga (Quagga, an extinct subspecies of zebra).

Which German physicist died in 1964?

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Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist and Nobel laureate, died in 1976.

Element named after German word for Satan?

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The German word for Satan is Satan, there is no element named after him, however, in medieval Germany, a red mineral was found in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) which resembled copper ore. However, when miners were unable to extract any copper from it they blamed mischievous mountain spirits of German mythology called Nickel for besetting the copper. They called this ore Rotnickelkies because it had the redness of copper ore but contained none. This ore is now known as nickeline or niccolite, a nickel arsenide.

In 1751, Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt was attempting to extract copper from the ore and obtained instead a white metal that he named Nickel in 1754, derived from Kupfernickel (from kopparnickel, the Swedish word for Rotnickelkies), after the mountain spirits which according to the miners had bewitched the ore. In modern German, Kupfernickel or Kupfer-Nickel designates the alloy cupronickel.

A similar etymology surrounds the element Cobalt, which is derived from the German Kobold, meaning goblin, kobold.

In what mountain range do the Rhine Rhone Po and Danube rivers find their sources?

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The Rhine River rises in the Swiss Alps, the Rhone River starts in the Swiss Alps as well, the Po River in Italy's Alps, and the Danube River's source is in the Black Forest of Germany.

What does German alchemist distilled urine toisolate mean?

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This phrase refers to the historical practice of some alchemists in Germany who believed that distilling urine could produce a substance called "liquor hepatis," which they thought had therapeutic or transformative properties. However, modern science has shown that distilling urine does not lead to any valuable compounds and is not recommended.

What is Sitz Preuss Akad Wiss?

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Sitz Preuss Akad Wiss is a shortened version of the title of the journal Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Proceedings of the Prussian Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin

What are the names of 3 famous German sports players?

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Bastian Schweinsteiger (football/soccer), Dirk Nowitzki (basketball), and Michael Schumacher (Formula 1 racing).

What does the name Louise mean?

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The name Louise is of French origin and means "renowned warrior" or "famous in battle". It is a feminine form of Louis.

What happens at the oktoberfest?

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Oktoberfest is a famous beer festival held annually in Munich, Germany. People from around the world come to enjoy traditional Bavarian beer, food, music, and carnival rides. The festival runs for about 16-18 days and is a celebration of Bavarian culture and heritage.

Who is a German-american physicist born1879 and dies in 1955?

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The German-American physicist born in 1879 and died in 1955 is Albert Einstein. Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, which transformed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his discovery of the photoelectric effect.

What are the most popular dogs in Germany?

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In Germany, several dog breeds enjoy enduring popularity, reflecting both practicality and cultural preferences. Among the most favored are the German Shepherd, renowned for its intelligence, loyalty, and versatility in roles ranging from police work to family companionship. The Labrador Retriever holds a strong presence, prized for its friendly demeanor, trainability, and suitability as both a working and household pet. The Dachshund, with its distinctive elongated body and lively personality, remains a cherished breed, embodying a mix of charm and spirited independence. Additionally, the Boxer, characterized by its energetic nature and affectionate disposition, maintains a steady following among German dog enthusiasts. These breeds not only reflect German heritage but also embody qualities sought after by dog owners worldwide, contributing to their enduring popularity in the country.

Is there any facts of German Language?

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Asked by copseducation

German is the most widely spoken native language in Europe. It has a long history, dating back to the 8th century. German is known for its compound words, which can be quite lengthy and have specific meanings that can't be directly translated into English.

What does the word Gittervorsp mean in German?

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"Glittervorsp" is not a standard German word, and it doesn't have a known meaning in the language. It might be a misspelling or a made-up word.

Why do Germans smell?

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It is not accurate or appropriate to stereotype an entire group based on individual experiences. Factors that can influence body odor include diet, hygiene practices, and genetics, which are not specific to one nationality. It is important to avoid making assumptions about people based on their nationality.

What are some names of German schools and facts about them?

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Some names of German schools include Gymnasium (college-preparatory school), Realschule (secondary school with practical focus), and Gesamtschule (comprehensive school with all types of students). German schools typically have longer school days and have a strong emphasis on academic achievement. Many schools also offer extracurricular activities like sports, music, and theater.

What does Derek mean in German?

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"Derek" does not have a direct translation in German. It is a proper name that can be used in German-speaking countries as is, without translation.

How do you say riding a bike in German?

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In German, you say "Fahrrad fahren" to mean riding a bike.

How do you pronounce Christkindlmarkt?

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It is pronounced "kriss-t-kin-dl-markt".

How do you say 83 in German?

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Dreiundachtzig. Comments: (1) German compound words, in general, are written as a single word, without spaces between the parts. (2) A number that is a multiple of ten plus a number smaller than ten (eighty is eight times ten, then you add three) have the small number first in German. (Drei = three) (und = and) (achtzig = eighty).

What was German important people?

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German important people include leaders such as Chancellor Angela Merkel and historical figures like scientist Albert Einstein and composer Ludwig van Beethoven. These individuals have made significant contributions in politics, science, and the arts that have had a lasting impact on the world.

What is the main physical characteristic of central Germany?

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Central Germany is characterized by its rolling hills and low-lying mountains, such as the Harz Mountains and the Thuringian Forest. The region is also known for its dense forests and fertile river valleys, including the Weser and Elbe rivers.