

Grammaire Francaise

Here we find questions about the grammatical rules that govern French expressions and sentences. Typically, contributors ask about verb tenses, stems and roots of words, spelling, pronunciation, and agreement of adjectives and nouns in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural).

2,414 Questions

Combien de joures y a-t-il dans une semaine?

Well, honey, there are 7 days in a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

When do you use n' instead of 'ne' in French?

In French, "n'" is used instead of "ne" before a vowel sound to avoid a hiatus or when the verb begins with a vowel or silent "h." This is known as elision, where the final vowel sound of "ne" is dropped to improve the flow of speech. For example, "Je n'ai pas" becomes "Je n'ai pas" with the elision of the final "e" in "ne."

Is bicycle masculine or feminine in French?

Well, darling, in French, "bicycle" is masculine. So, if you want to refer to it with a pronoun, you'd use "il" not "elle". But hey, at the end of the day, it's just a bike - no need to assign it a gender, it's got places to go and pedals to push, honey!

What's the French original of Guillaume Apollinaire's come to the edge?

The French original of Guillaume Apollinaire's "come to the edge" is "Alcools." So, if you want to impress someone at a fancy dinner party, you can drop that little nugget of knowledge and watch as they pretend to be impressed. Just remember, it's pronounced "al-co-ols," not "al-co-hols" unless you want to sound like a pretentious fool.

What is the French pronunciation of 'Que sais-je'?

The French phrase "Que sais-je" is pronounced as "kuh sayzh" in English phonetics. The "que" is pronounced with a soft "k" sound, the "sais" is pronounced as "sayz" with a silent "j", and the "je" is pronounced as "zh" similar to the "s" in "measure." The stress in the pronunciation falls on the second syllable, "sais."

Does Coco Chanel speak French?

Yes, Coco Chanel, the famous fashion designer, was born in France and spoke French as her native language. She is known for revolutionizing the fashion industry with her elegant and timeless designs. Chanel's French background and heritage greatly influenced her work and brand aesthetic.

What does oh chante mean in French?

In French, "oh chante" does not have a direct translation or meaning. "Oh" is an interjection expressing surprise or emotion, while "chante" is the imperative form of the verb "to sing." Together, they could be interpreted as an exclamation encouraging someone to sing or expressing surprise at someone singing.

How do you describe your school in French?

You can say:

'Mon ecole est petite' <--'my school is small'

Mon ecole est grande' <--'my school is big'

'les cours sont interessants' <--the classes are interesting.

'les profs sont intelligents' <--the teachers are smart.

'les profs sont amusants' <--the teachers are amusing.

to say 'i am a student at ________. you say 'Je suis eleve a _________. for example; Gardens High School would be 'Je suis eleve a Gardens lycee. Or you can just abbreviate it by saying 'Je suis aleve a GHS.'

hope i helped.

What does le frere de ton pere est mean?

Oh, dude, that's just fancy talk for "your father's brother" in French. So, like, if you're trying to impress someone with your multilingual skills, you can drop that line and watch them go, "Ooh la la." But, like, don't expect a standing ovation or anything.

How do you pronounce the sente nce Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

Oh, dude, it's like "kell eh lah daht duh ton ahn-ee-ver-sehr." Just say it with a French accent and you'll sound fancy without trying too hard. Like, no need to stress about it, just go with the flow and sound like a Parisian effortlessly.

What are the exact words in French that Annie says to her father in the 1998 version of The Parent Trap I already know the translation but what were all of the French words she actually said?

Mais tu plaisantes, j'espère - I hope you're kidding

Meredith, ce n'est pas une fille pour toi - Meredith is not the girl for you

Mais c'est pas possible, je rève - But it is not possible, I must be dreaming

Qu'est-ce qui....

''What ... (had, has, is, do or did depending of what Annie would have said after)

How do you say i have seen the movie twice in french?

In French, you would say "J'ai vu le film deux fois." The phrase "J'ai vu" means "I have seen," "le film" means "the movie," and "deux fois" means "twice."

How do you respond to quelle est la date de ton anniversaire in french?

quelle est la date de ton anniversaire means 'what is your birthday'. You answer "mon anniversaire est le [date]"

Quel animal est le symbol de la paix?

La colombe est souvent considérée comme le symbole de la paix en raison de son association avec le récit biblique de l'Arche de Noé. L'image d'une colombe portant une branche d'olivier est devenue un symbole universel de paix et de réconciliation.

Quel est le contraire de l'aube?

Le contraire de l'aube est le crépuscule, qui correspond à la période du jour juste avant la nuit.

Quelle est la distance entre la terre et la lune?

La distance moyenne entre la Terre et la Lune est d'environ 384 400 kilomètres. Cependant, cette distance varie en raison de l'orbite elliptique de la Lune autour de la Terre.

Qu'est-ce que les gazelles mangent?

Les gazelles sont des herbivores et se nourrissent principalement d'herbes, de feuilles, de pousses, de fruits et parfois de branches et d'écorce d'arbres. Elles sont adaptées à une alimentation à base de végétaux pour répondre à leurs besoins nutritionnels.

What is the pronunciation of the French word 'surnaturel'?

"Syoor-nah-tyoo-rehl" is the pronunciation of the French word surnaturel.

Specifically, the French word can be the masculine form of an adjective or noun. It means "eery, supernatural" as an adjective. It means "(the) occult, (the) supernatural" as a noun.

Quelle est la grosseur de neptune?

Neptune est une géante de glace qui a un diamètre d'environ 49 244 kilomètres, ce qui en fait la quatrième planète la plus grande du système solaire. Cependant, sa taille exacte peut varier en raison de sa composition atmosphérique et de son orbite elliptique.

Quel nom porte notre galaxie?

Notre galaxie s'appelle la Voie lactée. Elle tire son nom du bande lumineux et blanchâtre qui traverse le ciel nocturne, ressemblant à un chemin de lait.

Quel est le surnom de la planete Venus?

Le surnom de Vénus est la planète de nuage.

On l'appelle aussi "l'Étoile du berger" ou la "Étoile du Matin" parce que c'est souvent visible très brillant juste après le crépuscule ou just avant le lever du soleil.

Comment mars prend-t'elle de temp pour faire une rotation?

Mars prend environ 24 heures et 37 minutes pour effectuer une rotation complète sur son propre axe, ce qui est légèrement plus long qu'une journée terrestre. Cela signifie qu'un jour martien est légèrement plus long qu'un jour sur Terre.

Quelle est l'epaisseur de la couche d'ozone?

L'épaisseur de la couche d'ozone varie en fonction de l'altitude, mais en moyenne, elle se situe entre 15 et 35 kilomètres dans la stratosphère.