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The French original of Guillaume Apollinaire's "come to the edge" is "Alcools." So, if you want to impress someone at a fancy dinner party, you can drop that little nugget of knowledge and watch as they pretend to be impressed. Just remember, it's pronounced "al-co-ols," not "al-co-hols" unless you want to sound like a pretentious fool.

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1mo ago
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14y ago

I can't find the equivalent in 'Calligrammes' or 'Alcools' (the two major works of Apollinaire). Apparently, it might not be from Apollinaire, (Nigel Rees - MARK MY WORDS: Great Quotations And the Stories Behind Them - Barnes & Noble, 2002) but written by an Englishman, Christopher LOGUE. (story in link)

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9mo ago

The original French title of Guillaume Apollinaire's poem "Come to the edge" is "Viens au bord de l'eau".

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