During the Battle of Copenhagen (1st April 1801), the British fleet was led by Sir Hyde Parker. The then Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson was ordered via flag signal to disengage and retreat due to to the hopelessness of the situation. Realizing that any attempt to retreat through the shallow waters would result in catastrophic loss, Nelson, famously, placed his telescope to his blind eye and remarked that he could see no such signal. He then continued the battle and destroyed numerous enemy ships and was then able to negotiate with the Danes thereby saving many lives by turning his blind eye to the reality.
To "turn a Nelson's eye" is a nautical term that refers to deliberately ignoring or pretending not to notice something. The phrase originates from the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801, where Admiral Lord Nelson was ordered to discontinue the attack but allegedly raised his telescope to his blind eye and continued the assault. Thus, "turning a Nelson's eye" implies willful blindness or feigned ignorance.
If your last name is, say, Nelson, you would sign it "the Nelsons." Bob Nelson is one Nelson and Joe Nelson is another Nelson, so the two of you are two Nelsons. Apostrophes indicate possessives, not plurals. There isn't anything belonging to the Nelsons here. If there were, it would be "the Nelsons' car/house/emu/whatever."
The prefix "oculo-" means relating to the eye or vision.
The prefix "ocu" usually refers to the eye or vision. It is derived from the Latin word "oculus" meaning eye.
Eye - mata, kamo, kanohi, karu whatu e.g. Turn your eyes to the interlaced mists Tahuri o mata ki nga kohu tāpui.
The combining form orbit-o refers to structures related to the eye socket or orbital cavity, such as the bones, nerves, or blood vessels surrounding the eye.
Andris Nelsons was born in 1978.
If you mean to turn your eye from side to side (abduction and adduction together as one), the medial and lateral rectus do this.
It means to pretend you didn't see or know about something.
It was the HMS Victory.
a lot
Horatio Nelson
Candy is 'sweet' Eye candy is sweet to look at.
Nelson's Column was constructed between 1840 and 1843. The lions were added in 1867.
There are many famous Nelsons. Nelson Mandela, Nelson on the Simpsons, Nelson Cruz, Nelson Rockefeller, and Nelson Eddy are all famous Nelsons.
HMS Victory
nelsons column is out of granite