Well, honey, the word "vêtements" in French is actually masculine. So, next time you're shopping in Paris and need to talk about clothes, just remember it's "les vêtements" and not "la vêtements." You're welcome!
La salade is feminine
The word "pita" in French is feminine.
The word "cafeteria" in French is feminine.
The word "disques" is masculine in French.
The word "photo" is feminine in French.
Infirmier is a masculine word. The feminine is infirmière.
The French word for forest, "forêt," is feminine.
The French word "disque" is masculine.
The word "chaussures" is feminine in French.
information is masculine. -lovelytoes
The word "canapé" is masculine in French.
The French word "alcoolisme" is masculine.