



Friendship is a supportive relationship between two or more people. This kind of relationships involved mutual respect, affection, esteem, and knowledge when helping friends in times of need or crisis. Here you can ask questions about how to make friends, how to be a good friend, and much more.

10,581 Questions

Do cows have best friends?

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Cows do form close social bonds with other cows and may have preferred companions, but it is not accurate to say they have "best friends" in the way humans do. They have complex social relationships within their herd, with some individuals forming closer connections than with others.

Carol and I had a big argument yesterday. I hate it when we argue because we're best friends. After the argument she wanted me to apologize and I wanted her to apologize. That's why we're still not ta?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Relationship and friendship is a unique feeling and tends to make one glad and happy about everything about each other. it doesn’t matter if the AorB person apologize about the trending issue.what matters is that you are true to your feelings and it’s pure.

Why do people name stars after people?

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Asked by Graspinglove

People name stars after others as a way to honor and commemorate their achievements, contributions, or memory. It is a symbolic gesture that helps immortalize the person's legacy in the vastness of space.

Healthy relationships are built through cooperation and?

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Asked by Wiki User

communication, where both parties actively listen, express their needs and feelings honestly, and work together to find solutions. Trust, respect, and mutual support are essential components for fostering a healthy and strong relationship.

What does feeding relationship mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A feeding relationship refers to the interaction between a predator and its prey in an ecosystem. It includes how energy and nutrients are transferred between different organisms through consumption and can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.

Can you buy bakugan diagonal relationship cards?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Bakugan Diagonal Relationship cards are available for purchase. They are typically sold as part of Bakugan trading card game booster packs or starter decks, both of which can be found in stores or online.

What is a mutualism relationships?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship between two species where both benefit from the interaction. Each organism provides resources or services that the other needs, leading to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Examples include the relationship between bees and flowers where the bees get nectar and the flowers are pollinated.

Can you call kabadiwaia friend of environment?

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Yes, kabadiwala can be considered a friend of the environment because they help in recycling and reducing waste by collecting and reselling items that would otherwise end up in landfills. By promoting reuse and recycling, kabadiwalas help in reducing pressure on natural resources and minimizing environmental pollution.

What type of symbiotic relationship is eubacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eubacteria can have various symbiotic relationships, including mutualism, where both the bacteria and the host benefit; commensalism, where the bacteria benefits and the host is unaffected; and parasitism, where the bacteria benefits at the expense of the host. The type of relationship depends on the specific interactions between the eubacteria and the host organism.

What does sybiotic mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Symbiotic" refers to a mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms living in close proximity to each other. This relationship can involve one or both organisms benefiting from the partnership.

An acid is typically a bitter-tasting slippery chemical compound?

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Asked by CasandRAWR

Actually, acids are not typically bitter-tasting or slippery. Acids are characterized by their ability to donate protons, lower pH, and react with bases to form salts. Some common examples of acids include hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and citric acid.

What is difference between true and correct?

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Asked by Wiki User

"True" implies accuracy or genuineness, while "correct" generally refers to being free from error or conforming to a certain standard. Something can be true without necessarily being correct, and vice versa.

Symbiotic relationships of whales and barnacles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barnacles form a symbiotic relationship with whales by attaching themselves to the whale's skin or baleen plates. The barnacles benefit from the whale's movement, which provides them with a constant flow of food-rich water. In return, the barnacles can cause some drag on the whales, affecting their swimming efficiency and potentially increasing energy expenditure.

What do you do if you're friend is a two-timer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Have an honest conversation with your friend about how their behavior is affecting you and others involved. Let them know that trust is important in any relationship, and it's not fair to those being deceived. Encourage your friend to be honest and respectful in their relationships moving forward.

Describe and give an example of two symbiotic relationships that occur among populations in a community?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mutualism: This type of symbiosis benefits both species involved. An example is the relationship between bees and flowers: Bees obtain nectar and pollen for food from flowers, while aiding in pollen transfer, benefiting the flower's reproduction.

Parasitism: In this symbiotic relationship, one species benefits at the expense of the other. A common example is ticks feeding on the blood of mammals. The tick benefits by gaining nutrients while the host suffers from blood loss and potential diseases.

Can you answer other questions about dating?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, I can answer questions about dating. Feel free to ask!

Why do loners tend to like metal more than other music genres?

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Asked by Wiki User

Loners may be drawn to metal music due to its themes of alienation, darkness, and introspection. The raw, intense sound of metal may resonate with their internal feelings of solitude and create a cathartic outlet for their emotions. Additionally, the sense of community and belonging within the metal subculture may provide loners with a sense of connection to like-minded individuals.

How do you become part of a clique?

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To become part of a clique, you typically need to form close relationships with existing members by showing interest in their activities and being genuine. It's important to be yourself and find common interests to connect with others. Building trust and loyalty within the group can help you become accepted as a member of the clique.

Why do men love their spouse one day and then hate them the next?

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Relationship dynamics are complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as stress, communication issues, unresolved conflicts, and individual differences in personality. It is important for both partners to communicate openly, address underlying issues, show empathy, and seek professional help if needed to work through any challenges in the relationship.

Why is my friend so controlling over me and gets mad at me for hanging with other people?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible that your friend may have insecurities or fear of losing you as a friend, leading to controlling behavior. It's important to communicate openly with your friend about how their actions make you feel and set boundaries. Encourage your friend to work on their own issues and to trust in the strength of your friendship.

What is the best strategy for when you get upset at somebody and are about to lose control of yourself?

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Asked by Wiki User

Take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down before addressing the situation. Communicate assertively but calmly, expressing your feelings and setting boundaries if necessary. Consider taking a break or walking away if you feel overwhelmed, and revisit the conversation when you are in a better state of mind.

Do most girls like to talk to her friends abut her boyfriend's penis?

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Discussing intimate details about a partner's body, including their genitals, is a personal choice and varies among individuals. Some people may feel comfortable discussing these topics with their friends, while others may prefer to keep such details private. It ultimately depends on the relationship dynamics and the comfort level of the individuals involved.

Why do people get together and become friends over bashing another person?

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Sometimes people bond over shared negative feelings towards someone else because it creates a sense of unity or camaraderie. However, this type of friendship is often superficial and based on negativity rather than genuine connection. It's important to cultivate positive and healthy relationships built on mutual respect and support.

What does it mean when someone's friendship with someone else is shaken?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a friendship is shaken, it means that there may be a strain or disturbance in the relationship. This could be caused by disagreements, misunderstandings, or feelings of betrayal. It may require open communication and effort from both parties to repair the friendship.

What can you say if you see your friend crying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nothing. Just be with him/her. You don't need to console her/him. You are with him/her, that is enough. You just need to be with her/him and never let her/him feel lonely. Tell him/her that you are with him/her and that you won't leave him/her alone. Believe me, he/she will feel better.
