


Metaphors Metonymy and Synecdoche

Includes questions about the use of expressions to refer one thing to another. Metaphors are comparisons without the use of the words "like" or "as". Ex: All the world's a stage. Metonymy shows association between two concepts. Ex: The press was banned from the room. (Press, meaning reporters.) Synechdoche is a part or a whole concept described by a single body part. Ex: All hands on deck.

2,602 Questions

Is a clear crystal day a metaphor?

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No, "clear crystal day" is not a metaphor. It is a literal description of a day with clear skies and good visibility. Metaphors are figures of speech that imply a comparison between two unrelated things.

What is a metaphor for the word sunset?

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A metaphor for the word sunset could be "the world's farewell embrace."

What do you call a lions lounge?

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A lion's lounge is commonly referred to as a "lair" or a "pride area." It is a resting place or shelter where lions gather, rest, and socialize within their group.

What are some examples of cloud metaphors?

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  1. "Cloud nine" describes extreme happiness or euphoria.
  2. "Every cloud has a silver lining" means that every difficult situation has a positive aspect.
  3. "Head in the clouds" suggests someone who is dreamy or not paying attention to reality.

Is the last stains of sunset had melted away a metaphor?

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No, this sentence is not a metaphor. It is describing the scene of a sunset fading, using literal language.

What does the stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky mean?

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This phrase is a poetic way to describe the movement of stars in the night sky. It conveys a sense of beauty, magic, and whimsy, suggesting that the stars appear to be moving in a lively and joyful way under the moonlight.

What are idiomatic or metaphorical expressions with mole the animal?

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  1. "To have a molehill out of a mountain": Exaggerating a small issue to seem larger or more significant than it really is.
  2. "To play Whack-a-Mole": Trying to solve a problem, but new ones keep appearing in a never-ending cycle.
  3. "A mole in the wall": Refers to a hidden observer or spy within a group or organization.

Is her head is up in space a metaphor?

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Yes, "her head is up in space" is a metaphor that suggests the person is not fully present or focused on the situation at hand. It implies that their thoughts are distant or detached.

What does the sky was on fire mean?

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it could be referring to the color or like when a tornado is coming and the sky is a bright orange.

What is a metaphor for some people are tigers?

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Some people are tigers, fierce and determined in their pursuits.

What is a metaphor using the word star?

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The city lights shimmered like a blanket of stars spread across the night sky.

What are the metaphors in Across the Universe?

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Some of the metaphors in "Across the Universe" include "pools of sorrow" representing deep emotional pain, "whispers of unfold" symbolizing hidden truths revealing themselves, and "limitless undying love" portraying an enduring and boundless affection. The song's lyrics are rich in metaphors that evoke powerful imagery and emotions.

What ian example of metaphor for october sky?

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"October Sky is a soaring rocket of inspiration that propels us toward our dreams."

What is a sky metaphor?

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A sky metaphor is a figure of speech that compares something to aspects of the sky, such as clouds, the sun, or the stars, to convey a particular meaning or emotion. It is often used to describe vastness, beauty, clarity, or mystery in a poetic or expressive way.

What is a metaphor for the sky?

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The sky is a vast, blue canvas that stretches infinitely above us, like a dome covering the earth.

Eyes as shiny as big black seeds is that an example of a metaphor?

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Yes, "eyes as shiny as big black seeds" is an example of a simile, not a metaphor. Similes use "like" or "as" to compare two different things, while metaphors directly state that one thing is another.

Write a sentence using a metaphor for a wolf?

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The wolf prowled through the forest like a shadow with teeth.

What is a metaphor for moonlight?

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Moonlight is a silvery cloak draping the earth in ethereal glow.

What is the meaning of the metaphor 'o western orb sailing the heaven'?

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This metaphor describes the sun setting in the western sky, moving across the heavens like a ship sailing across the sea. It conveys a sense of movement, majesty, and celestial beauty.

What is a sentence that has asteroid in it and a metaphor?

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The asteroid of despair crashed into her heart, shattering it into a million pieces.

Is this an example of a metaphor 'The night has a thousand eyes'?

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I do not think so. This is because the sentence says that it "has" eyes not that it "is" eyes. This would actually be an example of personification since the 'night' is being given a humanly trait.

One example of The Moon Metaphor?

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The moon metaphor can represent constant change and cycles in life. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, reminding us of the impermanence of all things, it also represents the ups and downs we experience in our journey. This metaphor can symbolize growth, renewal, and the idea that challenges are just phases that will eventually pass.

What does Keep your eyes on the sun and you will not see the shadows mean?

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This phrase encourages focusing on the positive aspects of life rather than getting bogged down by negativity or obstacles. By looking towards the brightness and warmth of the sun, one can avoid being consumed by the darkness and limitations represented by shadows. It serves as a reminder to stay optimistic and proactive in dealing with challenges.

The fluorescent light was the sun during the test?

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The fluorescent light was bright and harsh during the test, likely casting a sharp glare over the test-takers. Its intensity may have caused discomfort or strained the eyes of those in the room for an extended period.