


French to English

Here, some contributors ask questions about translations of French words and phrases. Other contributors answer with the range of possible answers in English. Translation is not always direct, literal, or obvious from French into English!

14,101 Questions

How do you say my dog is white in French?

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You would say "mon chien est blanc" in French.

Comment appelle t-on la femelle du singe?

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La femelle du singe est appelée une « singe » ou une « singesse ».

What does when cosmic dust goes un swept mean?

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This phrase likely refers to the idea that when cosmic dust accumulates without being cleaned up or removed, it can contribute to the buildup of debris in space. This can pose potential hazards to spacecraft and satellites, as well as increase the risk of collisions and impacts in Earth's orbit. The phrase may also symbolize the idea of neglecting small or seemingly insignificant issues that can later lead to larger problems if left unaddressed.

What does Je vois une etoile mean in English?

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"Je vois une etoile" means "I see a star" in English.

What is 'le chien noir' when translated from French to English?

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"Le chien noir" translates to "the black dog" in English.

What does the word frais mean in French?

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"Frais" in French can mean "fresh" or "cool," depending on the context.

What does chienne idiote in french mean in English?

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"Chienne idiote" in French translates to "stupid female dog" in English.

What does les animaux de compagnie mean?

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Les animaux de compagnie means "pets" in French.

What does Nom du premier chien mean?

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Asked by Kid12303

"Nom du premier chien" means "name of the first dog" in French.

Translate le nom de mon chien?

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Translation: "The name of my dog."

What does a vole mean in french?

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In French, "vole" can mean to steal or fly depending on the context. It is the imperative form of the verb "voler," which means to steal, as well as the first person singular of the verb "voleter," which means to hover or flutter.

Que mange le boa?

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Le boa se nourrit principalement de petits mammifères, oiseaux et reptiles. Il chasse en embuscade et les étouffe avec ses puissantes contractions musculaires avant de les avaler entiers. Une fois son repas digéré, le boa peut jeûner pendant plusieurs semaines voire mois avant de chasser à nouveau.

What is la chien in English?

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"La chien" in English is "the dog."

What is la lune brille in English?

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"La lune brille" translates to "the moon is shining" in English.

What does une souris blanche mean in English?

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"Une souris blanche" translates to "a white mouse" in English.

What does le singe mean in English?

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"Le singe" in English means "the monkey."

What does Le singe mean in french?

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"Le singe" means "the monkey" in French.

Le garcon est sous le chat?

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Il semble y avoir une confusion, il est impossible qu'un garçon soit "sous" un chat dans un sens littéral. Peut-être que le garçon est assis à côté du chat ou à ses côtés.

What does belle Luna mean?

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"Belle Luna" means "beautiful moon" in Italian. It is a poetic way to describe the moon as being lovely or enchanting.

What does je suis de la lune mean?

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"Je suis de la lune" translates to "I am from the moon" in English. It is a poetic way of expressing feeling like one belongs in a different place or feeling detached from reality.

How do you pronounce Ciel?

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Ciel is pronounced as "see-ell" with a soft "ee" sound for the first syllable.

What does Chien bizarre mean?

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"Chien bizarre" is French for "bizarre dog."

What does 'le ciel est bleu' mean in french?

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"Le ciel est bleu" in French translates to "the sky is blue" in English.

What does the word Sain mean in french?

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In French, the word "sain" can mean healthy, wholesome, sound, or sane, depending on the context it is used in.

What does Quel est ton signe du Zodiaque mean in french?

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"Quel est ton signe du Zodiaque?" means "What is your zodiac sign?" in French.