


Spanish to English

Translating Spanish words into English. How you say and spell Spanish language words and phrases in the English language.

28,168 Questions

What does sci mean in English?

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"SCI" can have different meanings depending on the context. It could stand for "science" or "scientific" in general. However, it is commonly used as an abbreviation for "spinal cord injury" in the medical field.

What does y usted es una estrella brillante que ilumina mi mundo mean?

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It means "and you are a bright star that lights up my world."

What does hijastro mean in spanish?

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"Hijastro" in Spanish means stepson. It refers to the son of one's spouse from a previous relationship.

What does Dios no afloja la bandera el cielo sigue siendo azul mean in English?

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Literally: God doesn't loosen/release the flag. The sky continues to be blue.

This is an idiom. Idioms generally do not work well when translated from one language to another because of the cultural significance a saying has. Without understanding the culture, understanding the idiom is difficult.

What does Espérame en el cielo mean in english?

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"Espérame en el cielo" translates to "Wait for me in heaven" in English.

What does este el amor de Luna mean?

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"Este es el amor de Luna" in Spanish translates to "This is Luna's love" in English.

Nombre cientifico del que come de madera?

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El nombre científico del organismo que come madera es el de los térmitas. Estos insectos son conocidos por su capacidad de alimentarse de celulosa, un componente principal de la madera.

What does hinode mean in English?

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"Hinode" means "sunrise" in English.

What is the name of a llama's penis?

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why do we need to name our shlongs?

ill tell u y..b/c its who we r

This is a record of Dajuan's (aka WonTonDJ) mythical penis through history.

If you are wondering who made this page, look at your ethernet cable, that's not an ethernet cable, that's Dajuan's penis. You think this is the internet you're in? Wrong, you're in Dajuan's penis.

By using a small mirror (unless you are colored), you can verify that your personal member is a replica of the very penis Jesus took to Heaven with Him. Remember: when trying to emulate Jesus, you should overlook no detail.

For this procedure you will need: A kitchen knife, a can of Crisco, a roll of paper towels, and your penis.

Cual es el problema con los tres cerditos?

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El principal problema en el cuento de los tres cerditos es la amenaza del lobo, que intenta devorar a los cerditos al soplar y derribar sus casas de paja, madera y ladrillo respectivamente. Es una historia que resalta la importancia de la planificación y el trabajo duro para superar las adversidades.

What does zonta house mean?

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Zonta House is a shelter and service provider for women experiencing domestic violence and homelessness. Owned by Zonta International, it aims to support and empower women to lead independent and sustainable lives free from violence.

Ud es una perra means in English?

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"Ud es una perra" translates to "You are a female dog" in English. However, in many contexts, it is used as an offensive insult to refer to someone as a "bitch."

How do you tell a male llama from a female llama?

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Male llamas are typically larger and heavier than females, with a more pronounced neck ridge and a thicker, longer neck. Additionally, male llamas have a more upright stance and may exhibit more aggressive behavior. Female llamas tend to be smaller and have a more refined appearance.

What doessi cres que este bebe es hermosa dale me gusta mean in english?

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It means "Do you think this baby is beautiful, give it a like" in English.

What does vamos para la Luna mean in English?

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"Vamos para la Luna" translates to "Let's go to the Moon" in English.

What does rinconcito en el cielo mean?

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"Rinconcito en el cielo" translates to "little corner in the sky." It is often used to refer to a small, peaceful place or moment of happiness.

What does La Via Lactea mean in English?

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La Via Lactea means Milky Way in English.

What does Cuando la nube se pasan . quiero ver el cielo azul mean?

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When the clouds clear, I want to see the blue sky.

How do llamas reproduce?

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Llamas reproduce through sexual reproduction, with the male llama mating with the female. The female llama has a gestation period of around 11 months, after which she gives birth to a single cria (baby llama). Llamas reach sexual maturity at around 2-3 years of age.

What does the word 'zyxt' means?

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"Zyxt" is not a recognized word in the English language. It may be a made-up word or a typo.

How much do llamas weight?

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Llamas typically weigh between 250 to 400 pounds, with males generally being larger and heavier than females.

What does 'estrella de mar' mean in English?

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"Estrella de mar" translates to "starfish" in English.

Explicar cómo el eje de rotación de Urano se diferencia de los otros planetas?

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El eje de rotación de Urano está inclinado casi horizontalmente en lugar de estar aproximadamente vertical como en la mayoría de los planetas. Esto significa que Urano rota de lado a lado en lugar de de arriba abajo. Este inusual ángulo de inclinación puede ser el resultado de una colisión con un objeto masivo en el pasado o de interacciones gravitatorias con otros cuerpos en el sistema solar.

What does the expression estoy por la nubes mean?

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The expression "estoy por las nubes" in Spanish means "I am on cloud nine" in English. It is used to express extreme happiness or excitement.

Yo te amo de aqui hasta las estrellas?

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Gracias por tus palabras, me alegro de poder brindarte apoyo. Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en decírmelo. ¡Estoy aquí para lo que necesites!