


English to German

English to German refers to the process of translating words from English to German. A person wanting to learn the German language can use online English to German translators or dictionaries, or enroll in a German language school.

6,944 Questions

What does auf mean on a German propane gas bottle?

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"Auf" on a German propane gas bottle typically refers to "open" or "on" in English. It indicates the direction in which to turn the valve to open the gas flow for use.

What is mammal in German?

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The direct translation of "mammal" in German is: Säugetier

What is the verb phrase in this sentence Late in the afternoon the snow was falling in large soft flakes?

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Do you mean the verb? was falling? in german it means Am späten Nachmittag fiel der Schnee in großen, weichen Flocken.

What is 'are you speaking German' in German?

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Sprechen Sie Deutsch? (formal), Sprichst du Deutsch? (informal)

What does hallo alles klar bei dir mean in English?

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"hello is everything clear to you/is everything cool with you?"

What does the German word Das mean?

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It means "the"

^this is kinda right^ Das depending on its context can mean, this, that, or the. Like many German words 'das' encompasses more of an idea than a single meaning. Das basically means a singular thing.

Information on a German book called Ludwig Richters Volkskunst?

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"Ludwig Richter's Volkskunst" is a book that focuses on the works of the German artist Ludwig Richter, who was known for his landscape and genre paintings. Richter's art often depicted scenes from rural life and folklore, capturing the essence of traditional German folk culture. The book may explore his artistic style, themes, and influence on German art during the 19th century.

Element named after German word for Satan?

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The German word for Satan is Satan, there is no element named after him, however, in medieval Germany, a red mineral was found in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) which resembled copper ore. However, when miners were unable to extract any copper from it they blamed mischievous mountain spirits of German mythology called Nickel for besetting the copper. They called this ore Rotnickelkies because it had the redness of copper ore but contained none. This ore is now known as nickeline or niccolite, a nickel arsenide.

In 1751, Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt was attempting to extract copper from the ore and obtained instead a white metal that he named Nickel in 1754, derived from Kupfernickel (from kopparnickel, the Swedish word for Rotnickelkies), after the mountain spirits which according to the miners had bewitched the ore. In modern German, Kupfernickel or Kupfer-Nickel designates the alloy cupronickel.

A similar etymology surrounds the element Cobalt, which is derived from the German Kobold, meaning goblin, kobold.

What does sat1 mean?

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"Sat1" is a television network in Germany. It offers a variety of programming including news, entertainment, and sports.

What word did Wilhelm Wundt spelled with a w but pronounced with a v?

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Not quite sure where this question is headed, the German letter w is pronounced like the English v, so words starting with w in German are pronounced with a v-sound.

The German v sounds like the English f.

The English w-sound does not exist in German.

How do you say skirt in German?

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The word for "skirt" in German is "Rock".

Why do people stop exercising?

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People may stop exercising for various reasons such as lack of time, loss of motivation, injury, or feeling overwhelmed. Life circumstances and priorities can also change, leading to a decrease in physical activity. It's important to find ways to make exercise enjoyable and sustainable to maintain a consistent routine.

What is the meaning of Akkusativ in the German language?

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In German, Akkusativ is a grammatical case used for the direct object of a sentence. Nouns and pronouns in the accusative case receive the action of the verb. It answers the question "whom?" or "what?" in relation to the verb.

In German are days and months written with capital letters?

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Yes, in German, days of the week and months of the year are written with capital letters. Additionally, all nouns in German are capitalized.

What is the meaning ofVom 12.07.07 bis 27.07.07 bin ich nicht im Bro in dringenden Fllen?

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Probably the text was written : "Vom 12.07.07 bis 27.07.07 binich nicht in Büro. In dringenden fällen ........"

It means : I am not in the office from 12 July 2007 till the 27 July 2007. When it is urgent ...."

Meaning of stretch in German?

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"strecken" if you're stretching something, "sich recken" if you're stretching (yourself). Some Germans use the English word "Stretching" for stretching after exercise, because so many terms in sports and fitness come from America. There's also "spannen" for stretching something like a rubber band, meaning "to tense" Is this what you meant?

What is the german version of Goethe's poem kennst Du das Land wo die Zitronen blühn?

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The German version of Goethe's poem "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?" is "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?". It is a famous poem from his novel "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" and reflects his longing for a utopian land.

How do you say Joseph in German?

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Joseph in German is spelled the same way as in English, but it is pronounced "YOH-zef" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

German words for Angel and Demon?

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Angel: Engel Demon: Dämon

What is 'Vader' in German?

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"Vader" is the same in German and in English.

Specifically, the character in the "Star Wars" series of adventures sometimes finds his name the same in languages other than English and sometimes not. German is one of those cases in which the original English form is retained. So as in the English language versions of the "Star Wars" books and films, he is known as Darth Vader.

When did Hans Magnus Enzensberger write Middle class blues?

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Hans Magnus Enzensberger wrote "Middle class blues" in 1963.

Where can you buy a book by Richard Scarry in the German language?

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You can buy a book by Richard Scarry in the German language at bookstores specialized in foreign language books, online retailers like Amazon, or at German bookstores. You can also check with libraries that carry foreign language books.

What is the name for obituaries in German?

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The term for obituaries in German is "Todesanzeigen" or "Traueranzeigen".

What is the word brother in German?

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Brother translates as Bruder in German