What does Der Fuhrer Befiehlt Wir Folgen mean in German?
"Der Führer befiehlt, wir folgen" translates to "The leader commands, we follow" in English. This phrase was commonly used during the Nazi era in Germany to emphasize obedience and loyalty to Adolf Hitler as the leader of the country. It reflects the authoritarian and totalitarian nature of the regime at that time.
Ah, Saumensch is a term from German that means "filthy little pig." It's important to remember that words can have different meanings in different languages, and it's always good to approach new words with curiosity and an open heart. Embrace the opportunity to learn and expand your understanding of different cultures and languages.
Danke Shane what does it mean?
Well, darling, "Danke Shane" is a mix of German and English that's as confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles. "Danke" means "thank you" in German, and "Shane" is probably just someone's name. So, if someone says "Danke Shane" to you, they're probably just thanking you in a quirky way.
What does the German phrase ach du lieber mean in English?
Ach du lieber! is a shortened form of Ach du lieber Himmel! or Ach du lieber Gott! and translates as:
Oh my God!
Good Heavens!
The phrase "Was nimmst du" in German translates to "What are you taking?" in English. The verb "nimmst" is the second person singular form of the verb "nehmen," which means "to take." In this context, the question is asking someone what they are taking or choosing.
Was ist der Längen- und Breitengrad vom Amazonasbecken?
Das Amazonasbecken ist riesig und liegt in Südamerika, also so ungefähr von 5° Nord bis 20° Süd in der Breite und von 50° bis 80° West in der Länge. Geht über mehrere Länder, hauptsächlich Brasilien, und zieht sich durch so viele Grad, weil’s einfach mega groß ist. Da ist nix mit einem festen Punkt, sondern 'ne ordentliche Strecke!
Ja genau, „Bärenführer“ ist tatsächlich ein Begriff, der für jemanden verwendet wird, der als erfahrener Guide einem Neuling zur Seite gestellt wird. Besonders bei der Polizei oder in anderen Berufen, wo man ins kalte Wasser geworfen wird, kann so ein „Bärenführer“ helfen, sich schneller zurechtzufinden. Der Begriff hat was Gemütliches – irgendwie, als würde man von einem starken „Bären“ beschützt, der einem den richtigen Weg zeigt! 🐻
What does von meinen iPhone gesendet in German mean?
"Von meinem iPhone gesendet" in German means "sent from my iPhone" in English. The phrase indicates that the message or communication was sent using an iPhone device. The word "von" translates to "from," "meinem" translates to "my," and "gesendet" translates to "sent."
A delta is a triangular deposit of sediment at the end of a river or stream. It happens when the strong current of the river slows down and deposits the sediments it has been transporting.
What does the German word Das mean?
It means "the"
^this is kinda right^ Das depending on its context can mean, this, that, or the. Like many German words 'das' encompasses more of an idea than a single meaning. Das basically means a singular thing.
What is the meaning ofVom 12.07.07 bis 27.07.07 bin ich nicht im Bro in dringenden Fllen?
Probably the text was written : "Vom 12.07.07 bis 27.07.07 binich nicht in Büro. In dringenden fällen ........"
It means : I am not in the office from 12 July 2007 till the 27 July 2007. When it is urgent ...."
"strecken" if you're stretching something, "sich recken" if you're stretching (yourself). Some Germans use the English word "Stretching" for stretching after exercise, because so many terms in sports and fitness come from America. There's also "spannen" for stretching something like a rubber band, meaning "to tense" Is this what you meant?
Depending on context, fork can be translated as follows:
sich gabeln
sich verzweigen
What does am sprung mean in a sentence?
The phrase am sprung in German means "on the jump."
In English, that use of the verb to spring would have little application, except perhaps as slang for someone who was released or broken out of jail (I am sprung from prison).
How do you reply to Wo bist du geboren?
You were born in Germany = Sie sind in Deutschland geboren.
Are you born in Germany? = Sind sie in deutschland geboren?
The grammatically correct form is Sie sind in Deutschland geboren worden (past participle) but this is too cumbersome even by German standards, so it is commonly reduced to Sie sind in Deutschland geboren.
Another, simpler, way of saying it is: Sie wurden in Deutschland geboren (past tense)
What does Seit wann sprichtest du deutsch mean in English?
It means "Since when do you speak German?"
How do you pronounce Wie geht es Ihnen?
Wie bist du is the literal translation of how are you? It is not a phrase that German speakers would use in the context of asking how are you? but rather how did you..? Wie bist Du dort angekommen? / wie bist Du hier angekommen? - How did you get there/here?
How are you is wie geht's dir in German. You can answer it by saying: Gut, danke. (Fine, thanks.) If you are not feeling well, you can also say: Leider nicht so gut. (Not so good.) It's common in Germany to give an honest answer.
How do you reply to Wann hast du geburtstag?
The reply to wann hast Du Geburstag? is normally ich habe am ........ Geburtstag or meinGeburtstag ist am ..........
What is German word for thank you?