


History, Politics & Society

'History, Politics and Society' deals with the affairs of human beings. The categories overlap to a degree: 'History' describes changes in those affairs, and encompasses the other two; 'Politics' is about how people govern themselves; and 'Society' is about how people organize and conduct their lives. Questions here range from ancient history to history-in-the-making, political views to decisions of lawmakers, and present and past societies and how people relate to each other within their societies.

500 Questions

What important mineral was discovered in Arizona?

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Copper is an important mineral discovered in Arizona that has played a significant role in the state's economy and history.

What is the difference between an iron plow and a steel plow?

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An iron plow is made of iron, which is a softer metal compared to steel. A steel plow is made of steel, a stronger and more durable material than iron. Steel plows are generally more effective for breaking up tough or rocky soil compared to iron plows.

What was the aboriginals houses made of?

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Aboriginal houses were often made of materials such as wood, bark, grass, and animal skins. The specific materials used would depend on the location and resources available to the particular Aboriginal group.

How did Neolithic people store their food?

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Neolithic people stored their food in various ways, such as in pits dug into the ground, clay pots, animal skins, and woven baskets. Some foods were also dried or smoked to preserve them for longer periods. Additionally, in colder climates, food could be stored in ice or snow.

What did archeopteryx eat?

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Archaeopteryx likely ate a diet of small animals such as insects, worms, and small vertebrates. Its sharp teeth suggest that it could also have consumed some small reptiles or mammals.

Who digs for gold?

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Miners typically dig for gold in mines or rivers where the precious metal is naturally found. This process involves extracting gold ore from the ground and then processing it to extract the gold through methods like panning, sluicing, or chemical extraction.

How did republics vary in medieval times?

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Medieval republics varied in terms of their governing systems, which could range from democratic to oligarchic structures. Some republics were city-states with independent governments, while others were part of larger federations or confederations. Economic systems, social structures, and the extent of citizen participation also varied among medieval republics.

What color is the gateway arch?

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The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, is a silver color due to its stainless steel construction.

Why is the gateway arch famous?

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The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is famous for its unique and iconic shape, designed by architect Eero Saarinen. It represents the role of St. Louis as the "Gateway to the West" during the westward expansion of the United States in the 19th century. The Arch now stands as a symbol of American history and innovation.

Can you go to the top of the Gateway Arch?

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Yes you can! I've been up and it is very cool! There is also a museum, movie place, and two stores right below it.

Improvement to first answer:

Yes you can, and I think that you go up in some sort of elevator thing. When I went, It was closed since it was on New Year's day, so I'm not positive. Either way if it is closed or not, It is fun to go and see!

Who built the amphitheatre?

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The amphitheater was built by the ancient Romans for staging events such as gladiator contests and other public spectacles. It was a common feature in many Roman cities as a venue for entertainment and social gatherings.

What does the Gateway Arch represent?

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The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri represents America's westward expansion and the spirit of the pioneers. It also serves as a memorial to Thomas Jefferson and the role St. Louis played in the westward expansion of the United States.

What purpose do pyramids serve?

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Pyramids were monumental structures often used as tombs for pharaohs and other important individuals in ancient Egypt. They were built to honor and house the remains of these individuals, as well as their belongings, in the belief that they would accompany them to the afterlife. Additionally, pyramids symbolized the pharaoh's divine power and authority.

Describe a mastaba and who was buried in this type of a tomb?

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A mastaba is an ancient Egyptian tomb structure with a flat-roofed, rectangular shape and sloping sides. It typically housed the remains of nobles and officials in ancient Egypt, serving as a precursor to the pyramid tombs of the pharaohs. Notable figures like high-ranking officials and members of the royal family were often buried in mastabas.

Who would live in a roman villa?

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In ancient Rome, a Roman villa would typically be inhabited by a wealthy Roman family, their servants, and possibly slaves. The villa would serve as a residence as well as a center for agricultural production. It would also include amenities such as baths, gardens, and dining areas for entertaining guests.

Which is the largest English speaking country in the world?

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The United States is the largest English-speaking country in the world by population.

Megalith in a sentence?

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A megalith is a large, prehistoric stone monument, typically used for religious or ceremonial purposes.

Do you have Pictures of how a pyramid is built?

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Asked by Wiki User

I do not have the ability to display images, but you can easily find pictures or diagrams of how a pyramid is built by doing a quick search online. Pyramids were constructed by stacking huge stone blocks on top of each other, gradually decreasing in size as they reached the top. Workers used ramps to transport the heavy blocks and place them in position, with the final layer typically being covered with smooth limestone casing stones.

What is another name for grave robber?

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Another name for a grave robber is a tomb raider or body snatcher.

Disadvantages of cultural diffusion?

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Some disadvantages of cultural diffusion include the potential loss of cultural identity, the spread of negative cultural practices, and conflicts arising from differences in values and beliefs. Additionally, cultural diffusion can lead to homogenization and loss of diversity in cultures.

What is the language of T'boli?

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T'boli is a language spoken by the T'boli people in the Philippines. It belongs to the Austronesian language family.

What is the slash-burn agriculture?

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Slash-and-burn agriculture is a farming technique where vegetation is cut down and burned before crops are planted. This method is used to clear land for cultivation, but can lead to deforestation and soil degradation if not practiced sustainably.

Where is the pyramid Khafra?

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The Pyramid of Khafra (also known as Chephren) is located on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, near Cairo. It is the second-largest pyramid in Giza and is part of the complex that includes the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) and the Pyramid of Menkaure.

Which country did Latin originate?

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Latin originates from ancient Rome in Italy. It was the language of the Roman Empire and eventually evolved into the Romance languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian.

Feminine of count?

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CountessThe feminine version of "count" is "countess". Rather than "Count [last name]", it is "Countess [last name]".