


US Army

The US Army is the main service branch of the US Armed Forces that deals with land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest branch in the US military, and one of seven uniformed services in the country.

10,392 Questions

Would a topographic map or a geologic map be more useful for drilling a well and why?

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A geologic map would be more useful for drilling a well because it provides information on the type and distribution of rock layers underground. This information can help identify potential reservoirs of oil or gas, as well as obstacles such as faults or unstable formations that could impact drilling operations. Topographic maps, on the other hand, focus on surface features and elevation changes, which may not provide the detailed geological information needed for well drilling.

What time is 1653 in military time?

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1t's 4:53 in the afternoon.

From the #12 you start counting till you get to 16....

12 - 13, 14, 15, 16 = 4 - remember Don't count the nunmber 12

You have 4 then you just keep the seconds the same so the time is 4:53 in the afternoon. 4:53 am would be 0453 because you neither add nor subtract 12.

12 because their ar 12 numbers in a time or a clock.

So from one second AFTER 12 midnight til 12 noon the time is the same just add a 0 first.

One second AFTER 12 noon till one second AFTER 12 midnight - add 12.

Is military time the same as universal time?

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No, military time and Universal Time (UTC) are not the same. Military time uses a 24-hour clock system where the day starts at midnight (0000 hours) and ends at midnight (2400 hours). UTC, on the other hand, is a time standard used as the basis for civil time worldwide and is not specific to the military.

What time is 1803 military time?

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1803 military time is equivalent to 6:03 PM in standard time.

What time is 14.30 time in military time?

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1430 military time is 2:30 pm civilian time. The time zone is often added; 1430 EST, PST, or whatever is appropriate. Note that military (and European) time is based on a 24-hr clock, as opposed to the civilian 12-hour clock.

What time is 16.15 military time?

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16:15 in military time is equivalent to 4:15 PM in a 12-hour clock format.

What time is 0950 in military time?

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0950 in military time is 9:50 AM. Military time follows a 24-hour clock system where numbers past 1200 are typically referred to as PM.

Which US river is the transportation artery that travels from north to south?

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The Mississippi River is the transportation artery that travels from north to south in the United States. It is one of the longest rivers in North America and a key transportation route for goods and commodities.

What is the weather in fort knox in November?

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In November, Fort Knox typically experiences cool temperatures with highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. There is a chance of rain and occasional snow showers during this month. It is advisable to check a reliable weather forecast for more accurate and up-to-date information.

Which American countries shown on the map lie entirely to the east of 60w longitude line?

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Suriname and French Guiana are the American countries shown on the map that lie entirely to the east of the 60W longitude line.

Why do people say sharp 4am or pm and just not 4am or pm?

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People may use the term "sharp" before a specific time like 4am or 4pm to emphasize the exactness or punctuality of the time being referenced, suggesting that it is not approximate or rounded. It serves to reinforce the precision of the timing.

A six digit grid is accurate to within?

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Four digit grid (one grid square) = 1000 meters

Six digits = 100 meters

Eight digits =10 meters

Ten digits = 1 meter

Are fireworks permitted on the reservation or post of Fort Lewis Washington?

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Fireworks are not permitted on the Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) reservation due to safety concerns and the risk of wildfires. It is important to follow all regulations and guidelines set by the base authorities to ensure the safety of everyone on the installation.

2200 hours military time in the UK time zone is?

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2200 hours military time is equivalent to 10:00 PM in the UK time zone.

If 1.05 am was a 12 hour clock what would it say if it got changed to a 24 hour clock?

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1.05 am in a 12-hour clock would correspond to 01:05 in a 24-hour clock format.

What time is it in Iowa when its midnight in military time?

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2400 hours. Military time isn't based on a single time zone, but utilises the same time zone in which operations are being conducted.


Midnight is 0000 hours, NOT 2400 hours! And the US seems to be the only place where it's referred to as 'military time'.

How do you calculate energy of activation in catalysis?

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The energy of activation in catalysis is typically determined by measuring the difference in the reaction rate with and without the catalyst present. This difference in rate provides information about the amount of energy required to initiate the reaction in the presence of the catalyst. By comparing reaction rates at different temperatures, the energy of activation can be calculated using the Arrhenius equation.

Why are more people likely to be affected if the chemical is a gas rather than a liquid?

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Gas particles can spread out more easily and rapidly than liquid particles because they have higher kinetic energy. This means that individuals can inhale gas particles more easily, increasing the likelihood of being affected by the chemical. Additionally, gases can be carried by air currents over longer distances, further expanding the area of potential impact.

In C and C 3 Kane's wrath what is a command point?

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A command point in Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath is a resource used to build units and structures. Players start with a limited number of command points but can increase their capacity through upgrades. Command points are essential for expanding and strengthening your army to dominate the battlefield.

What is 2015 hours military time in normal time?

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2015 hours = 8:15 PM

There are 24 hours in a day, but usually times only go up to 12. After 11:00 is 12:00, and after 12:00 we go back to 1:00. Because this means there can only be 12 different times, we say that some times are a.m. (in the morning) and others are p.m. (afternoon or night). If you have absolutely no idea what time it is and someone says it's 8:00, you need to know whether that's a.m. or p.m. in order to know what time it actually is.

The other way to talk about times is to go from 0:00 (midnight) to 23:00 (11:00 p.m.). This way, the time always means "hours since midnight" -- if you say times this way, you don't need a.m. and p.m. For example, if you have no idea what time it is and someone says it's 13:00, then you know it's 13 hours after midnight, which can only mean 1:00 p.m. (in the afternoon).

2015 hours is the same as saying 20:15, which means 20 hours and 15 minutes since midnight. If you see a time that's more than 12:00, you can just subtract 12 from it and make it p.m. This means that 2015 hours is the same as 8:15 p.m.

Can you be a member of two unions at the same time in England?

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Yes, you can be a member of more than one union at the same time in England. Each union will represent different aspects of your working conditions and interests, and you have the right to join multiple unions if you wish.

1630 hours in military time is what normal time?

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It is normal time. Most of the world uses the 24 hour clock, rather than the 12 hour clock. As far as the 12 hour clock would go, that would be 4:30 PM. Anything you see over 13:00, just subtract 12, and you'll get the time you would on a 12 hour clock (PM).

What does a silver star with cluster mean?

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A silver star with a cluster typically represents a higher level of valor or merit, usually signifying multiple awards of the same honor. It is often given to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional bravery, service, or achievement in the military or other organizations.

What is 3.14 times 39 times 8?

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3.14 times 39 times 8 equals 977.04.