

French and Indian War

Questions about the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War, the Fourth Intercolonial War, and the Great War for the Empire.

1,704 Questions

What did colonial leaders use for propaganda?

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Colonial leaders used pamphlets, newspapers, posters, and speeches to spread their messages and influence public opinion. They often emphasized themes like independence, liberty, and unity to rally support for the revolutionary cause against British rule. Symbols and slogans were also commonly used to evoke emotions and mobilize the colonists.

Is it false or true that french won Indian war?

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False. the french and Indians were fighting together in the war

Which is not true of the French and Indian war?

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it did not create comfortable relations between formerly hostile French Catholics and their Calvinist English neighbors.

What were the main religions during the french and Indian war?

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The main religions during the French and Indian War were Catholicism, Protestantism (specifically Anglicanism), and various Indigenous religions practiced by Native American tribes. Both the French and British colonists brought their respective religious traditions to North America, while Native Americans practiced their own spiritual beliefs.

What were reactions to the French and Indian war?

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Reactions to the French and Indian War varied. In Britain, there was initial celebration over the victory and acquisition of French territories in North America. However, the cost of the war led to increased taxation and resentment among American colonists, which eventually contributed to the American Revolution. In Native American communities, the war resulted in further loss of land and increased conflict with European settlers.

Why did Chief Pontiac lead an Indian revolt against the British after the French and Indian war?

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Chief Pontiac led an Indian revolt against the British after the French and Indian War because he was concerned about British encroachment on Native American lands and the violation of previous agreements made between the tribes and the French. He sought to resist British rule and protect the sovereignty and autonomy of the Native American tribes in the Ohio River Valley and the Great Lakes region.

Tell the relaetionship of Muslim league and british government durring war years?

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Asked by AyeshaArshadgp4864

During the war years, the relationship between the Muslim League and the British government was complex. Initially, the Muslim League supported the British war effort, hoping to secure political favors and protection for Muslim interests. But as the war progressed and demands for independence grew, the Muslim League became more critical of British rule and advocated for greater self-governance and representation for Muslims in post-war India.

What ended the french and Indian war and who got control of Florida?

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The French and Indian War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Under the terms of the treaty, France relinquished its North American territories to Great Britain, while Spain gained control of Florida.

Where was the decisive battle of the French and Indian War fought?

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The decisive battle of the French and Indian War was fought at the Battle of Quebec in 1759. It took place outside the walls of Quebec City in Canada. British forces, led by General James Wolfe, defeated the French army under General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, which ultimately resulted in British control of Canada.

Are the French racist towards Indians?

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It is important to note that generalizations about an entire country or population can be misleading. While some individuals in France may hold racist views towards Indians, it would be inaccurate to say that all French people are racist towards Indians. France is a diverse country with its own share of xenophobic incidents, but it also has many inclusive and diverse communities.

Who was the chief of the Mohawk Indian tribe during the French and Indian wars?

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The chief of the Mohawk Indian tribe during the French and Indian Wars was Thayendanegea, also known as Joseph Brant. He was a prominent Mohawk leader and warrior who allied with the British during the conflict. Brant played a significant role in leading Native American forces against the American colonists.

Who was the General took Fort Duquesne in 1758?

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No general took fort Duquesne, as in attacked and won. In September 1758 Major James Grant, acting as an advance force for General Forbs, with 800 men tried, resulting in casualties of almost half his men including his own capture. On November 25 1758 General John Forbs arrived at the site of the fort with about 6000 men, presumably to do battle, only to discover the French had retreated days before, destroying the fort before they left. General Forbs took possession of the site. Over 1759-1761 the smaller Fort Pitt was built as a replacement.

The key factor in taking the site was the loss of the France's Indian allies, due to negotiations between the British and the Indians. Forbs was going to attack the fort next spring, but upon hearing about the French loss of allies he rushed to take the fort immediately, however upon hearing the same news the French decided to skedaddle.

Who is the last french and Indian war veteran?

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The last known French and Indian War veteran was Moses Peter Coolbaugh, who died in 1866 at the age of 100. However, it is important to note that there may have been other veterans of the war whose records have been lost or undocumented.

When did the French and Indian War happen and who was fighting against whom?

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The French and Indian War took place from 1754 to 1763. It was a conflict fought primarily between the French and British in North America, with both sides receiving support from various Native American tribes. The war essentially pitted the British colonies against the French and their Native American allies.

What were effects of the war upon the colonies?

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The war had several effects on the colonies. It led to an increased sense of unity among the colonies as they fought together against a common enemy. It also brought about a greater desire for self-governance and independence from British rule, which eventually led to the American Revolution. Additionally, the war left the colonies heavily in debt, which contributed to the tensions between the colonies and the British government.

England lost control of Canada at the end of the Seven Years' War?

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No, England did not lose control of Canada at the end of the Seven Years' War. Instead, as part of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, France ceded control of Canada to England. England then established the Province of Quebec, which remained under English control until the British Empire lost its North American colonies in the American Revolution.

What led up to the Seven Years War?

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The Seven Years War was primarily caused by growing tensions between European powers seeking to expand their empires and gain dominance in North America, Europe, and other colonial territories. Conflicts over territorial claims, trade, and control of strategic regions such as the Ohio River Valley and India eventually escalated into a full-scale war. The war also involved a web of alliances and rivalries among major powers, including Great Britain, France, Spain, Austria, and Prussia.

What effect did the French and Indian War Pontiacs war and other uprisings in America have on the British that resulted in the Revolutionary War?

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The French and Indian War, Pontiac's War, and other uprisings in America strained the relationship between the British government and the American colonists. These conflicts led to increased British control and regulation of the colonies, such as the Proclamation of 1763, which restricted westward expansion. The colonists perceived these measures as oppressive and infringements on their rights, contributing to the growing sentiment of dissatisfaction and eventually fueling the desire for independence, leading to the Revolutionary War.

What was the name of the formal agreement the french were forced to give up all their land in north America?

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The formal agreement in which the French were forced to give up all their land in North America was called the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1763. As a result of the treaty, France ceded its territories in Canada and the eastern half of North America to Britain.

Why were the British colonists upset with the French in the Indian war?

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The British colonists were upset with the French in the Indian War because of the French's involvement in North America. The French had established a strong presence in the region, constructing forts and trading posts along the waterways. This posed a threat to the British, who wanted to expand their own trading and settlement in the area, and to the Native Americans, who were wary of the Europeans' encroachment on their ancestral lands. The British colonists saw the French influence in the region as a challenge to their own ambitions and objectives. The following factors led to the British colonists' dissatisfaction with the French:

  • The French had a strong presence in the region with forts and trading posts
  • The French presence posed a threat to the British and Native American interests
  • The British colonists saw the French as a challenge to their own ambitions and objectives

The tension between the British and French in North America eventually led to the Indian War, where the colonists sought to gain control of the region and protect their interests.

How did french and Indian War affect the British and ultimately the colonies?

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The war caused England a great amount of money. They taxed colonies without their opinion about it.

What was George Washington's role in the the French and Indian War?

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Washington was a young British officer. He was 21 years old and was given the job to warn the French they must leave the Ohio Valley as well as spy about how strong they were. He completed this dangerous mission and in 1754 was sent to the Ohio country as a lieutenant colonel in command of about 150 Virginia militiamen. He met a small detachment of French troops about 40 miles from Ft. Duquesne and his troops opened fire on the French. These were the first shots of the war. The French leader was killed and his men retreated. Washington wrote " I heard the bullets whistle, and believe me, there was something charming in the sound." The French returned with reinforcements and they surrounded Washington in his hastily built breastworks Ft. Necessity. After a 10 hour siege he was forced to surrender his entire command in July 1754, but he was permitted to march his men away with full honors of war. So, Washington started the French and Indian war.

gorge wachinting
He was a lower rank British officer.
he was the chairman of conventions
He was a young officer throughout the French and Indian war.
George Washington was an inexperienced emissary in the French Indian war. His actions determined its course.

Why did the Parliament raise taxes on the colonists after the french and Indian war?

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Parliment raised taxes after the war because they had a huge war debt they had to pay off. Therefore the riased taxes had an increase in tax revenue.

Why did rivalry between the french and the dutch in north America lead increased Indian warfare?

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Rivalry between the French and the Dutch in North America lead to increased Indian warfare. The rivalry pushed the Indians to secure more furs and items for trade and more warfare broke out over competition.

What fort did the French build in Pennsylvania?

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Fort Prince George in present day Pittsburgh was the incomplete British fortification at the confluence of the Ohio, Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. It became the French Fort Duquesne.