


Hobbies & Collectibles

Hobbies and Collectibles has to do with things people do because they enjoy doing them; and includes such activities as collecting art, camping and hiking, crafting with wood or other materials, and collecting everything from coins to comic books and dolls to stamps. Whether you have a postcard that you want to know the value of or want to know where you can purchase a highly-prized collectible, how to plant a garden or something about your favorite craft, you can ask your question here.

15,185 Questions

How far will a 250 mw green laser go?

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A 250mW green laser typically has a visible beam range of around 5-10 miles in optimal conditions. However, the brightness can diminish significantly with distance, making it harder to see beyond a few hundred feet, especially in bright conditions.

Does the night sky look the same everywhere?

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The night sky looks generally similar worldwide, but the visibility of celestial objects can vary based on location, time of year, and light pollution. Astronomical features like the Moon, planets, and constellations can appear differently depending on your position on Earth. Factors such as air quality, weather conditions, and altitude can also affect how the night sky appears.

What is the value of 1940s bronze baby shoes?

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The value of 1940s bronze baby shoes can vary depending on factors such as condition, rarity, and demand. Typically, they can range in price from $20 to $100 or more, especially if they are in good condition and have a unique design or historical significance. It's recommended to consult with a vintage or antique appraiser for a more accurate valuation.

How did harry hess's hypothsis explain seafloor movement?

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Harry Hess's hypothesis of seafloor spreading proposed that new oceanic crust was being created at mid-ocean ridges, causing the seafloor to spread apart. As the new crust formed, older crust was pushed away from the ridges, leading to the movement of the seafloor. This process helped explain how continents drift and provided a mechanism for plate tectonics.

Why science was called natural philosophy in past days?

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Science was called natural philosophy in the past because there was not a clear distinction between the two fields. Early scientists sought to understand the natural world through observation and experimentation, much like philosophers did through thought and reasoning. Over time, as scientific methods and knowledge became more rigorous and specialized, the two disciplines diverged into distinct fields.

How astrolabe works?

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An astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument used to measure the altitude of celestial objects. It consists of a rotating disk with various scales and a sighting mechanism. By aligning the astrolabe with the sky and measuring the angle between a known reference point and a celestial object, such as the sun or a star, users can determine their latitude or time of day.

Can amethyst fog up?

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Amethyst does not fog up on its own. However, if there is humidity in the air or if the amethyst is exposed to certain temperature changes, it may appear as though it has fogged up. This is typically temporary and should clear up once the conditions change.

What is the most popular polymer clay brand?

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Sculpey is one of the most popular polymer clay brands due to its wide range of colors, ease of use, and availability in stores. It is widely used by crafters and artists for various projects.

How does the radiation takes place in space?

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Radiation in space primarily comes from stars, including our Sun, which emit electromagnetic radiation across a range of wavelengths. Other sources of radiation in space include cosmic rays, which are high-energy particles originating from sources such as supernovae. Radiation in space can impact astronauts and spacecraft, which is why shielding and protective measures are important for space missions.

What is a molecular rock?

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There is no specific term called "molecular rock." Rocks are generally made up of minerals, which are composed of atoms bonded together in a specific arrangement. The properties and composition of rocks can vary based on the minerals present in them.

How big was the Explorer 1?

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After several earlier failed attempts, Explorer 1 was launched on January 31,

1958, and became the first US satellite that actually succeeded in achieving

Earth orbit.

Explorer 1 revolved around Earth in a looping orbit that took it as close as 354 km

(220 mi.) to Earth and as far as 2,515 km (1,563 mi.). It made one orbit every

114.8 minutes, or a total of 12.54 orbits per day.

Explorer 1 made its final transmission on May 23, 1958. It entered Earth's

atmosphere and burned up on March 31, 1970, after more than 58,000 orbits.

The satellite weighed 14 kg (30.8 lb).

The satellite itself was the third stage of the launch vehicle. A cylinder shape,

looking exactly like a small rocket, it was 94.6 centimeters (37.25 inches) long

and 16.5 centimeters (6.5 inches) in diameter. Its total length, complete with

attached rocket motor, was 2.05 meters (80.75 inches)

When does the oxygen end on earth?

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Oxygen will continue to exist on Earth as long as photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. These organisms produce oxygen as a byproduct of their metabolic processes. If these organisms were to disappear, the oxygen levels in the atmosphere would decrease over time, but it is unlikely that oxygen would completely disappear from Earth.

What do stars do in space?

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Stars in space generate light and heat through nuclear fusion reactions in their cores. They also play a crucial role in the formation of galaxies by creating heavy elements through their life cycles, which are later dispersed into space. Additionally, stars contribute to the gravitational dynamics within galaxies and can influence the formation and evolution of planetary systems.

What is the best telescope of for a beginner in the UK under 1000 pounds?

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A good beginner telescope under 1000 pounds in the UK would be the Sky-Watcher Explorer 130PDS. It offers a good balance of aperture and portability, making it suitable for beginners to explore the night sky. You can also consider the Celestron NexStar 6SE, which has computerized features for easier navigation.

How big are the planets compared to earth?

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The sizes of planets vary greatly. For example, Jupiter is about 11 times the diameter of Earth, while Venus is slightly smaller. Mercury is the smallest planet, being about one-third the size of Earth. Neptune, the farthest planet from the sun, is about four times the Earth's diameter.

What was The first spaceship?

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The first human-made spaceship was Vostok 1, which was launched by the Soviet Union on April 12, 1961 with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard. This historic mission made Gagarin the first human to travel into space and orbit the Earth.

Where was the astrolabe used?

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The astrolabe was widely used in the Islamic world during the medieval period for navigation, timekeeping, and determining the position of celestial objects. It was also used by European sailors during the Age of Exploration for the same purposes.

Can 100 vdc 1 Amp be turned into 25 vdc 10 amps?

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Yes, it is possible to convert voltage and current using a transformer or a converter. In this case, you could step down the voltage from 100 VDC to 25 VDC while increasing the current from 1 Amp to 10 Amps using the appropriate transformer or DC-DC converter. Make sure to choose a device that can handle the power requirements of the converted circuit.

What is Cole and Dylan's eye color?

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Dylan and Cole have the same colour eyes,their greenish blueish

What was Princess Diana's favorite animal?

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Princess Diana's favorite animal was the dolphin. She was known to appreciate their intelligence, grace, and friendly nature.

Hypothesis for a blind spot?

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A potential hypothesis for exploring the blind spot could be: "Drivers are more likely to experience accidents when changing lanes due to a lack of visibility in their vehicle's blind spot. Implementing blind spot monitoring technology in vehicles will reduce the frequency of lane-change related accidents."

If a star dies how big is the explosion?

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The size of the explosion from a dying star, known as a supernova, can vary depending on the size and mass of the star. Supernovae release an immense amount of energy, and for a brief period, can outshine an entire galaxy. The explosion is powerful enough to create heavy elements and can also leave behind a dense core such as a neutron star or a black hole.

What is the prevaling wind speed and direction in Marion county Fl?

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The prevailing wind speed in Marion County, Florida is typically around 5-10 mph, with wind direction varying based on weather patterns. However, prevailing winds in the area generally come from the east or southeast due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean.

Are marbles that glow worth money?

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Yes, marbles that glow in the dark or under UV light can be valuable to collectors. The value depends on factors such as rarity, condition, and desirability among collectors. Special or unique designs can also increase the value of glow-in-the-dark marbles.

Where do you buy rhinstones for your nails?

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You can buy rhinestones for your nails from beauty supply stores, online retailers, or specialty nail art stores. Look for ones specifically designed for nail art with a flat back for easy application.