


Plastics and Polymers

The category should be plastics and polymers. We have a category of metals under chemistry. Plastics and polymers are the fasting growing category of materials. A Styrofoam cup is a plastic or polymer for example.

3,113 Questions

Is a rubber ball a polymer?

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Yes, a rubber ball is typically made from synthetic polymers such as polybutadiene or polyisoprene. These polymers give the rubber its elasticity and bounce.

What is the bad effects of polymer or plastics?

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Plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to environmental pollution. They can also release harmful chemicals when they break down, posing risks to human health. Additionally, plastics are a major contributor to marine pollution, endangering marine life and ecosystems.

Is the monomers of DNA are nucleic acids?

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No, the monomers of DNA are nucleotides, not nucleic acids. Nucleotides are composed of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. Nucleic acids are polymers made up of nucleotide monomers, and DNA is a specific type of nucleic acid.

Which metal is used as a catalyst in the ethylene polymerization?

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Transition metals such as nickel, chromium, and titanium are commonly used as catalysts in ethylene polymerization reactions. These metals help to initiate and control the polymerization process, leading to the formation of polyethylene with specific properties.

What type of polymer can be described as having only one starting point and one ending point?

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A linear polymer, where the monomer units are connected in a straight line, can be described as having one starting point and one ending point. Examples of linear polymers include polyethylene and polypropylene.

Why plastic furniture like doors and stools gaining preference over wooden furniture?

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Plastic furniture is lighter, more affordable, and easier to maintain than wooden furniture. It is also more resistant to moisture and other environmental factors, making it a practical choice for outdoor or high-traffic areas. Additionally, plastic furniture can be molded into various designs and colors, offering more versatility in terms of style and aesthetic appeal.

Why plastic furniture is gaining preference against wooden furniture?

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Plastic furniture is gaining preference over wooden furniture because it is typically more cost-effective, lightweight, durable, and easy to clean. Plastic furniture is also less prone to damage from weather and insects compared to wooden furniture, making it a popular choice for outdoor use. Additionally, plastic furniture is available in a wide range of designs and colors, offering more versatility in terms of style and aesthetic appeal.

What bond connect monomer of lipids?

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The basic building block or monomer of lipids is a fatty acid. Fatty acids consist of a hydrophilic (water-attracting) carboxylic acid group at one end and a hydrophobic (water-repelling) hydrocarbon chain at the other end. These fatty acids can join together through dehydration synthesis to form various types of lipids such as triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

Which polymers code for an organism trait?

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The trait of an organism is coded for by genes, which are segments of DNA. These genes encode for specific proteins or traits, not polymers. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating subunits, such as nucleotides in DNA or amino acids in proteins.

Why should you use reusable bags instead of plastic bags?

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Using reusable bags helps reduce single-use plastic waste, which is a major contributor to pollution in oceans and landfills. Reusable bags are more durable and can be used multiple times, reducing the overall environmental impact compared to plastic bags. Furthermore, reusable bags help conserve resources and reduce the energy needed to produce and dispose of single-use plastic bags.

Why are children's cutlery made of plastic?

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Children's cutlery is often made of plastic because it is lightweight, durable, and safe for young children to use. Plastic cutlery is also typically more affordable than metal alternatives, making it a practical choice for parents. Additionally, plastic cutlery comes in fun and colorful designs that appeal to kids.

Is daxtrose a polymer of glucose?

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No, dextrose is actually another name for glucose, a simple sugar. A polymer is a larger molecule made up of repeating units called monomers, whereas glucose is a monosaccharide, a single sugar unit.

Can hot sun coming through windows cause plastic bags to catch on fire?

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No, direct sunlight coming through windows is typically not hot enough to cause plastic bags to catch on fire spontaneously. However, if there are additional heat sources or highly focused sunlight (like through a magnifying glass), it could potentially pose a fire hazard with certain types of plastics. It is always recommended to keep plastic bags away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent any accidents.

Can you use plastic in an easy bake oven?

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No, plastic should not be used in an Easy Bake Oven as it can melt or release toxic fumes when exposed to high temperatures. It is important to only use the materials specified in the Easy Bake Oven instructions to ensure safety while baking.

Why are polymers formed?

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Polymers are formed by the chemical bonding of repeating units called monomers. This process involves the polymerization reaction, where monomers link together to form long chains or networks. These chains give polymers unique properties such as flexibility, strength, and durability.

What is the difference between a bio-polymer and a synthetic polymer?

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Bio-polymers are derived from renewable resources, such as plants and animals, and are biodegradable, while synthetic polymers are man-made from fossil fuels and are not biodegradable. Bio-polymers have a lower carbon footprint and are more environmentally friendly compared to synthetic polymers.

What material you can use for heat insulation in plastic injection mould?

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Common materials used for heat insulation in plastic injection molds include ceramic fibers, mineral wool, and wooden blocks. These materials help to maintain consistent mold temperatures and improve the quality of the injection-molded parts. It's essential to select a material that can withstand high temperatures and provide effective thermal insulation.

What is it called when you cover manufactured board with a thin layer of plastic?

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It is called laminating or laminate flooring.

How do you go about getting approved threw medicare for plastic surgery after gastric bypass surgery?

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Medicare may cover reconstructive plastic surgery after gastric bypass surgery if it is deemed medically necessary to correct complications or improve functionality. You would need documentation from your healthcare provider detailing the medical need for the surgery, and the procedure must be performed by a Medicare-approved provider. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider and Medicare to understand the specific requirements and coverage eligibility for your situation.

How polymers can used as optical materials?

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Polymers can be used as optical materials because they have tunable optical properties, such as transparency and refractive index, which can be adjusted by changing their composition. Additionally, polymers can be easily processed into different shapes and sizes, making them versatile for various optical applications such as lenses, waveguides, and filters. Lastly, polymers are lightweight, low-cost, and have good mechanical properties, making them suitable for use in optical devices.

How can polymers be used in optical materials?

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Polymers can be used in optical materials due to their transparency, light weight, and ease of processing. They can be used to make lenses, prisms, and other optical components. Polymers can also be engineered to have specific optical properties like refractive index and dispersion.

Why not put smirnoff ice in plastic bottles or canS?

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Smirnoff Ice is typically packaged in glass bottles to maintain the quality and taste of the product. Plastic bottles or cans may affect the flavor or carbonation of the drink. Glass also offers a premium feel and is more commonly associated with ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages like Smirnoff Ice.

What drug is in small plastic bags with bulldogs on them?

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The drug being referred to is likely MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly. These small plastic bags with bulldogs on them are a common imprint used by dealers to brand their product. It is important to be cautious and informed about the substances being consumed and to practice harm reduction strategies.

Is plastic the best known conductor?

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No, plastic is actually an insulator and not a conductor of electricity. Metals such as copper and aluminum are commonly known as good conductors of electricity.