


Waste and Recycling

Rubbish and unwanted products; some of which can be recycled and reused like paper and metal, where they go through a process of degrading before they are made into another product of the same material.

13,223 Questions

What is the use of clear tote bags?

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In New York, tote bags can be bought in many places, such as online at ლBabaReplicaლ, or at tourist areas. Tote bags can also be found in department stores in New York.

How much is a gallon of soda tabs worth?

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I look at alot of answers from other website that people wrote, a some said hardly worth anything And others said worth $200 per gallon. Well I am here to tell you that the are actually worth $200 and is not some hoax. I recycle them all the time and turn them into a recycling agency in my area.

What is the bad effects of polymer or plastics?

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Plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to environmental pollution. They can also release harmful chemicals when they break down, posing risks to human health. Additionally, plastics are a major contributor to marine pollution, endangering marine life and ecosystems.

How do you dispose lasers?

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Lasers should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations governing electronic waste. It is recommended to contact a certified electronic waste recycling facility for proper disposal of lasers to prevent harm to the environment. Do not dispose of lasers in regular trash bins.

Why should you use reusable bags instead of plastic bags?

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Using reusable bags helps reduce single-use plastic waste, which is a major contributor to pollution in oceans and landfills. Reusable bags are more durable and can be used multiple times, reducing the overall environmental impact compared to plastic bags. Furthermore, reusable bags help conserve resources and reduce the energy needed to produce and dispose of single-use plastic bags.

Causes for tub filled with feces and toilet paper?

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A tub filled with feces and toilet paper may indicate a clog in the plumbing system or a problem with the sewer line. It could be caused by flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, a blockage in the pipes, or a malfunction in the septic system. It is important to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage and ensure proper sanitation.

How do you make a microscope out of a plastic bottle?

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To make a simple microscope out of a plastic bottle, you will need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and place a small drop of water on the flat surface created. Then, take a clear piece of plastic or glass and place it over the water droplet to magnify the image. Lastly, hold the bottle up to a light source to illuminate the object you want to view.

About how to maintain ecological balance in detail?

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Maintaining ecological balance involves protecting biodiversity, reducing pollution, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable practices. This includes preserving habitats, protecting endangered species, minimizing deforestation, reducing carbon emissions, and supporting renewable energy sources. It also involves educating people about the importance of the environment and encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors.

Why you need to eliminate solid wastes or feces?

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Eliminating solid wastes or feces is necessary to prevent the accumulation of toxins and harmful bacteria in the body. Failure to eliminate these wastes can lead to digestive issues, nutrient absorption problems, and potential infections. It is a natural and essential process for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Is there methane in animal manure?

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Yes, animal manure contains methane. Methane is produced during the decomposition of organic matter in manure by anaerobic bacteria. Proper manure management practices can help reduce methane emissions.

What is toilet paper called that sticks to your anus?

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This is commonly known as "clingy" or "sticky" toilet paper, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to remove. It may be caused by a poor quality or overly soft toilet paper.

Do plastic bags resist heat?

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Plastic bags can melt when exposed to high temperatures due to their low melting point. It is important to keep them away from heat sources to prevent them from deforming or releasing harmful chemicals.

How do you spyglass out of toilet paper rolls?

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To make a spyglass out of toilet paper rolls, you can take two rolls and decorate them, then tape or glue them together in a straight line to create a longer tube. You can then look through one end like a telescope to pretend you are spying somewhere far away.

How is trash waste disposed in space?

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Trash waste in space is either collected and returned to Earth on cargo spacecraft, incinerated aboard certain spacecraft, or released into space where it will eventually burn up upon reentering Earth's atmosphere. Some longer duration missions are looking into methods for recycling and repurposing waste to make missions more sustainable.

What name is given to the rock material carried away by a river?

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The rock material carried away by a river is called sediment.

How much energy is saved when Steel is recycled instead of mined?

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Recycling steel can save up to 74% of the energy needed to produce it from raw materials. This reduction in energy consumption helps to conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with steel production.

Can you recycle copper?

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Yes, copper is a highly recyclable material. It can be recycled repeatedly without losing its properties, making it a valuable and sustainable resource for various industries. Recycling copper also helps reduce the need for mining new copper ore, leading to energy savings and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

How do plastic bags affect landfills?

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Plastic bags take hundreds of years to break down in landfills, which can lead to long-lasting environmental harm. They also contribute to littering and clog up machinery used in waste management processes. This can result in increased costs for managing landfill waste and environmental pollution.

How will waste be stored at yucca mountain?

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Waste at Yucca Mountain will be stored in underground tunnels and chambers within the mountain. The waste will be placed in corrosion-resistant containers and surrounded by a buffer material to prevent leakage. The geology of the mountain will also help contain the waste over time.

What feeds off other animals?

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Predators feed off other animals in order to obtain nutrients and energy for survival. They hunt and consume prey as part of their natural diet.

Waste of space?

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One person's view of something being unproductive or unnecessary.

Why do astronauts drink recycled urine?

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Astronauts drink recycled urine because water is a limited resource in space. By recycling urine, astronauts can reclaim and purify water from their waste to ensure they have a sustainable supply of drinking water during their missions.

Does all micro-organisms feed on dead organisms only?

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No, not all microorganisms feed on dead organisms. Microorganisms are classified as either decomposers, which feed on dead organisms, or as parasites, which feed on living organisms. Some microorganisms also obtain their nutrients from non-living sources such as minerals or sunlight.

What are the disadvantages of biodegradable plastics as well as the advantages?

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Disadvantages of biodegradable plastics include: 1) Limited availability of proper recycling facilities, leading to potential contamination of recycling streams, and 2) Some types require specific conditions to biodegrade, such as industrial composting facilities.

Advantages of biodegradable plastics include: 1) Reduced reliance on fossil fuels since some are made from renewable resources, and 2) Can break down into natural components faster than traditional plastics, potentially reducing environmental impact.