



Plays are forms of literature written by playwrights for theatrical performances. These are written with dialogs between characters in a variety of genres – tragedy, historical, satire, comedy or farce. Among the famous plays is William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.”

2,548 Questions

What branch did Brutus think was the most dangerous?

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Brutus believed the executive branch was the most dangerous because he feared that a powerful leader could become a tyrant and oppress the people. He thought that consolidating too much power in one person's hands could threaten the freedom and democracy of the state.

Who was the protagonist of Taken?

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Liam Neeson

How does the appearance of the fairies in the denouement of A Midsummer Night's Dream affect the tone of the play?

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The appearance of the fairies in the denouement of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" adds a sense of magic and fantasy to the play, enhancing the whimsical and dreamlike tone. It ties up the loose ends of the plot and reinforces the idea of enchantment and transformation that runs throughout the story.

What are the diffrences in the book and movie of Midsummer Night Dream by shakespeare?

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Asked by Zoeyhudsongp4473

One key difference between the book and movie versions of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespeare is the visual interpretation. The movie offers a visual representation of the characters and setting, while the book relies on the reader's imagination. Additionally, directors may take creative liberties in adapting the play into a movie, altering elements such as the setting, costumes, or character interpretations.

What does Hermia wear in a mid summer nights dream?

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Hermia typically wears a traditional Elizabethan-style dress in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," which would consist of a full skirt, bodice, and possibly a headpiece or veil, depending on the production. Her costume would reflect her status as a young noblewoman in ancient Athens.

How did huck react to Jim's disappearance?

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In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," Huck is distraught and feels guilty when Jim goes missing, as he sees Jim as a friend and father figure. Huck goes to great lengths to find Jim, showing his deep care and concern for his well-being.

Why people don't like Columbus?

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There is controversy surrounding Christopher Columbus because he is often criticized for his treatment of indigenous populations, including enslavement and violence. Many people view his arrival in the Americas as the beginning of a process that led to widespread harm and atrocities against Native Americans. Additionally, there is also debate over his role in history and how it has been portrayed.

How does irony help progress A Midsummer Night's Dream?

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Irony in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" helps progress the plot by adding complexity and humor to the situations faced by the characters. The use of dramatic irony, where the audience knows more than the characters, creates tension and anticipation. This allows for misunderstandings, mistaken identities, and comedic chaos to unfold, driving the story forward.

How does the name Younger have significance at the end of A Raisin in the Sun?

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At the end of "A Raisin in the Sun," the surname Younger signifies the family's newfound unity and strength. The Younger family has faced various challenges throughout the play, but they come together and overcome their struggles by embracing their shared identity as Youngers. The name symbolizes their resilience and hope for a better future.

What are the themes of blood brothers?

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Some key themes in "Blood Brothers" include social class and inequality, destiny and fate, the influence of nature versus nurture, and the idea of sacrifice and consequence. The musical explores how these themes intersect and impact the characters' lives and choices throughout the story.

In the story a marriage proposal by Anton Chekhov what is the first argument between lomov and natalia?

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The first argument between Lomov and Natalia in "A Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chekhov is about the ownership of a disputed piece of land. Lomov believes the land belongs to him, while Natalia insists that it is hers. This argument sets the stage for the misunderstandings and conflicts that follow.

Where had Walter been going instead of work?

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Walter had been going to his second job as a car wash attendant instead of going to work.

A Midsummer Night's Dream What is the source of the dramatic irony in Bottom's transformation?

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The source of the dramatic irony in Bottom's transformation is that he is unaware of his donkey head due to Puck's mischief with the love potion. This adds humor to the situation as everyone else in the play, including the audience, is aware of his comical appearance, creating a sense of irony and amusement.

In A Doll's House who raised nora?

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Nora was raised by Helmer, her father.

If I was going to put on a play for A Midsummer Night's Dream which celebs would i use?

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Some celebrities who could be great in a production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" could include Emma Watson as Hermia, Tom Hiddleston as Oberon, Zendaya as Titania, and Jack Black as Bottom. Ultimately, the best choices would depend on the director's vision for the play and the availability and interest of the celebrities in participating.

What costumes would people wear in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream?

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In "A Midsummer Night's Dream," characters might wear costumes suitable for a romantic, whimsical, and fantastical setting. This could include elegant dresses for the noble characters, flowing robes for the fairies, and perhaps more rustic or fantastical attire for the mischievous Puck or Bottom. The costumes should reflect the play's magical and enchanting atmosphere.

What was katherine's last name from taming of the shrew?

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In "The Taming of the Shrew," Katherine's full name is Katherine Minola.

What is Joseph Asagi age A Raisin in the Sun?

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In "A Raisin in the Sun," Joseph Asagai is a Nigerian student who is a bit older than Beneatha and is pursuing a medical degree. His exact age is not specified in the play.

In the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet why does Friar Laurence agree to Mary the couple?

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Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in hopes that the marriage will help bring peace between their feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets. He sees it as a way to reconcile the two families and end the ongoing conflict.

In A Midsummer Night's Dream why are Oberon and Titania fighting?

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Oberon and Titania are fighting in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" because Titania refuses to give up a young Indian prince to Oberon. Oberon wants to use the boy as his henchman, but Titania has grown attached to him and refuses to part with the child. Their argument causes chaos in the natural world, leading to further complications in the play.

What was happening culturally and politically when shakespeare wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream?

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During Shakespeare's time, England was undergoing the Elizabethan era, marked by a flourishing of literature, art, and theater. The country was also politically stable under Queen Elizabeth I's reign, and London was experiencing a period of growth and prosperity. Additionally, there was a renewed interest in classical mythology and literature, which influenced Shakespeare's writing of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

How was A Midsummer Night's Dream first performed?

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A Midsummer Night's Dream was first performed around 1595-1596, during the early years of Shakespeare's career. The play was most likely performed at the Globe Theatre in London, a venue known for showcasing Shakespeare's works. The performance would have included an all-male cast, with elaborate costumes and minimal set design.

What first twelve lines spoken by Romeo sum up the theme of the play as a whole?

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In the first twelve lines spoken by Romeo in the play, he talks about his unrequited love for Rosaline, using imagery of storms and despair. This sets the tone for the theme of forbidden love, passion, and the consequences of rash decisions that run throughout the play. Romeo's intense emotions and impulsive actions drive the tragic events that unfold in "Romeo and Juliet."

When does lady Macbeth use flattery?

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Lady Macbeth uses flattery when she is trying to manipulate her husband, Macbeth, into going through with their plan to kill King Duncan. She praises his manhood and bravery to persuade him to take action.

Why did petruchio come to padua in The Taming of the Shrew?

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Petruchio came to Padua in "The Taming of the Shrew" to find a wealthy wife. He heard about Katherine, a strong-willed woman, and saw her as a challenge. Petruchio was not motivated by love but by the dowry he could receive by marrying Katherine.