



Everyone is born with emotions, they are very complex and wide ranged. People behave as a result of their emotional state. Some of the basic emotions are: anger, anxiety, boredom, compassion, depression, fear, frustration, gratitude, hatred, joy, jealousy, love, and worry to name a few. Emotions cause mood changes, temperament changes, and they are the center of our personality and disposition.

11,499 Questions

Why do some people hate to communication?

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Some people hate to communicate due to various reasons such as anxiety, fear of judgment, past negative experiences, or a lack of confidence in their communication skills. Introverted personalities may find social interactions draining, while others might feel overwhelmed by the pressure to convey their thoughts clearly. Additionally, cultural differences and personal insecurities can contribute to communication aversion. Understanding and addressing these barriers can significantly improve communication skills and confidence. For more insights and training on effective communication and project management training, visit PMTrainingSchool .Com (PM training).

What do you call a person who always takes the opposite view?

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A person who always takes the opposite view is often referred to as a "contrarian." This individual challenges conventional thinking and provokes deeper reflection. While their perspective can be valuable for broadening understanding, it's important to ensure that their opposition stems from genuine inquiry rather than a mere desire to contradict. True wisdom arises from the balance of diverse viewpoints, fostering growth and harmony.

Can you eat love?

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Yup that's right.

What do you do if two people are fighting and yelling at each other?

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Consider why they are yelling at you. Look at the situation from their perspective and try to understand why they are upset. Consider whether you should apologize? But remember, it is important to stick up for yourself and explain why you did what you did. Rather than yelling back, step back from the situation and figure out the best possible route to take. Maybe this person needs some time to calm down, if so, just walk away.

What do most animals fear most?

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Most animals commonly fear loud noises, predators, sudden movements, and unfamiliar environments. These fears are often crucial survival mechanisms that help animals avoid potential dangers.

What if a girl would text me one late night and ask me mentioning my name Are you still awake?

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It could mean she's thinking about you and wants to talk, or she simply wants to confirm if you're still awake for some reason. Depending on your relationship with her, you could engage in conversation or simply answer her question.

Why does your boyfriend laugh when you lick his perineum he laughs so hard he urinates the moment what does that mean?

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It's possible that your boyfriend's reaction indicates he's ticklish or extremely sensitive in that area, causing an uncontrollable reaction such as urinating when touched. It's important to communicate with him to understand his boundaries and preferences to ensure both partners are comfortable and enjoying the experience.

Why do you laugh when someone tickles you on your belly?

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Tickling can provoke a physical response in the body that triggers laughter. When someone tickles you on your belly, it may cause sensory overload, sending signals to the brain that can result in a reflexive laughter response. This is a natural and involuntary reaction to the sensation of being tickled.

How would someone in love describe the moon?

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They might describe the moon as mysterious and enchanting, reflecting the depth of their emotions. The moon could be seen as a symbol of everlasting love and a source of inspiration for romantic feelings.

Do penguins laugh?

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Penguins do not laugh in the way humans do, but they may vocalize and communicate through various calls and sounds, some of which could be interpreted as laughing by humans. Penguins are known to be social animals with complex social interactions, so their vocalizations likely play a role in communication within their colonies.

Why is the happy medium not happy about looking at earth awrinkle in time?

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The Happy Medium is not happy about looking at Earth because she sees the darkness and sadness that has spread across the planet due to the influence of evil. This sight upsets her greatly and contrasts with her usual joyful demeanor, reflecting the seriousness and danger of the situation on Earth.

Tush tush fear boys with bugs?

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This is from William Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew". The male lead (Petruchio) is saying that "the Shrew" (Katharina) is not very daunting or fearsome at all. In his speech, he seeks to impress them, but also seems to be trying to convince himself of the same thing. This is his final word in the matter, telling his onlookers that they should be more afraid of "Boys with Bugs" than of the words of "the Shrew".

Why do you get more emotional at night?

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Emotions can feel more intense at night due to factors such as fatigue, hormonal fluctuations, and fewer distractions. Our minds may also wander more in the quiet of night, allowing buried emotions to surface. Additionally, nighttime can evoke feelings of loneliness or introspection, which may heighten emotional responses.

Why was America worried about Sputnik?

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America was worried about Sputnik because it was the first artificial satellite to be launched by the Soviet Union, signaling their advancements in space technology. This raised concerns about Soviet capabilities in terms of military technology and potential surveillance capabilities, leading to fears of falling behind in the space race.

On Apollo 13 the crew members were least worried about what?

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The crew members of Apollo 13 were least worried about food or water shortages, as they had sufficient supplies to last the duration of the mission. Their main concern was the availability of oxygen and the safe return of the spacecraft to Earth after the oxygen tank explosion.

Do lions cry?

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No, lions do not cry tears of emotion like humans do. However, they may produce tears to help lubricate their eyes or clear away debris. Emotional expressions in lions are communicated through different behaviors such as roaring, growling, or body language.

Why Do penguins cry?

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Penguins do not cry in the same way humans do. They can vocalize to communicate with each other but they do not shed tears to express emotion like humans do.

Is a puppy's saggy belly something to worry about?

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A puppy's saggy belly is usually not a cause for concern, especially in young puppies as they are still developing and growing. However, if the saggy belly is accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, it's best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

What types of atmospheric conditions and human behaviors can result in wild fires and dust storms?

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Wildfires can be caused by dry and hot weather conditions, lightning strikes, and human activities like campfires, discarded cigarettes, and arson. Dust storms can be triggered by strong winds, drought conditions, and human activities such as deforestation, agriculture practices, and construction activities that disturb dry soil.

You have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night what does that mean?

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This quote suggests that a deep appreciation for the beauty of the stars can outweigh any fear of the darkness or unknown. It implies that a strong love or passion can overcome fear. It is about finding courage and strength in what brings joy and beauty.

Does bumblebee fall in love with arcee?

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Asked by Ccrockstheworld

In certain Transformers storylines, Bumblebee and Arcee have been depicted as having close friendships, but not romantic relationships. Their bond is usually portrayed as one of camaraderie and mutual respect, rather than romantic love.

Which Animal excretes red sweat in anger?

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The animal that excretes red sweat when angry is the hippopotamus. This phenomenon occurs due to a unique oily secretion that acts as a natural sunscreen and also has antibacterial properties. When the hippo's skin is irritated or when it is in distress, this red-colored secretion, often referred to as "blood sweat," is produced and can make it appear as though the hippo is sweating blood.

Is the possible death of the sun at that time a problem you should worry about?

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The death of the sun is inevitable, but it won't happen for billions of years. It is not something we need to worry about in the present time. However, it is an interesting topic to study for understanding the life cycle of stars and the future of our solar system.

What are aquarian perfect love match?

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Aquarians are generally compatible with other air signs like Gemini and Libra, as well as fire signs like Aries and Sagittarius. These signs can match Aquarius's independent and progressive nature, leading to a harmonious and mutually supportive relationship. Ultimately, the perfect love match for an Aquarian depends on individual personalities and compatibility factors beyond just zodiac signs.

Can animals cry?

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Some animals can produce tears to keep their eyes moist, but this is not necessarily an emotional response like humans crying. Animals can show distress or emotional responses through vocalizations, body language, or behavior.