


Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is a blanket term covering a variety of mental abnormalities in which severe anxiety or fear is a prominent symptom. Anxiety disorder is separated into general anxiety, panic, and phobic disorder.

500 Questions

What is the scientific name of plastic?

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The scientific name for plastic is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is a type of polymer commonly used in bottles and containers.

How did Coolidge deal with the corrupt Ohio Gang?

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Coolidge distanced himself from the corrupt Ohio Gang by not actively participating in their schemes and maintaining a reputation for personal integrity. He did not shield members of the Ohio Gang from investigations or scandals, but instead, he allowed the legal system to uncover and prosecute any wrongdoings. Coolidge's hands-off approach helped restore public confidence in his administration.

What is the average cost for a Psychologist visit?

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The average cost for a psychologist visit can range from $100 to $250 per session, depending on factors like location, experience of the psychologist, and type of therapy provided. Some psychologists may offer sliding scale fees based on income or accept insurance which can help offset the cost.

Why is the modern age called an age of anxiety?

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The modern age is often referred to as an age of anxiety due to the fast pace of technological advancements, social changes, and economic uncertainties that can create feelings of insecurity, stress, and overwhelm among individuals and societies. This heightened sense of uncertainty and unease is a defining characteristic of the modern era.

What causes anxiety in people of old age?

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Anxiety in older adults can be caused by various factors such as health issues, chronic pain, cognitive decline, social isolation, loss of independence, financial concerns, and fears about the future. Additionally, past experiences, personality traits, and genetics can also play a role in the development of anxiety in older individuals.

Where can you find a list of phobias?

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You can find a list of phobias on websites dedicated to mental health and psychology, in books about anxiety disorders, or on websites of organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. There are also specialized resources like the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that list and categorize phobias.

What is Samhainophobia?

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Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween. It is a specific phobia that can cause anxiety and distress in individuals, particularly when the holiday approaches. Treatment for this phobia may involve therapy or exposure techniques to help manage the fear.

List of phobias?

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Some common phobias include arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), and agoraphobia (fear of open or crowded spaces). Other phobias include social phobia (fear of social situations), aerophobia (fear of flying), and mysophobia (fear of germs).

What is the mania for an obsession for flowers?

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Asked by KHol

The mania for an obsession for flowers could be described as an intense and uncontrollable fixation on flowers that dominates a person's thoughts and behaviors. This obsession may lead to excessive collecting, cultivating, or purchasing of flowers, and could potentially disrupt everyday activities and relationships. It might also manifest in a preoccupation with floral themes in various aspects of life.

How anxiety affect on you in your language learning experience and describe your situations?

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Anxiety in language learning can hinder confidence, lead to fear of making mistakes, and create feelings of inadequacy. This can make it challenging to practice speaking, engage with native speakers, or take risks in trying new language skills. It is important to address these anxieties by setting realistic goals, creating a supportive learning environment, and seeking help when needed.

Fear of writing in public?

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It's common to feel nervous about writing in public due to fear of judgment or making mistakes. To overcome this fear, start small by writing in a private setting, gradually exposing yourself to writing in more public settings. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and the most important thing is to keep practicing and improving.

What is anxiety?

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Anxiety or panic attacks are emotional anxious states usually marked by psycho-physiological responses to anticipation of unreal or imagined danger, outwardly resulting from unrecognized intra-psychic conflict. Stress is known to be the one common root cause and soon enough these physiological changes of anxiety and stress affect all aspects of an individual’s health and well being.

Anxiety and related stress can manifest in many ways and have been collectively grouped under anxiety disorders for a better understanding.

What do Anxiety Disorders Mean?

Anxiety disorders refer to a group of disabling nervous conditions that are characterized by irrational emotional reactions towards situations which the person can normally handle. These nervous conditions may arise suddenly or develop gradually over a period of several years.

In chronic conditions, anxiety disorders may impair or prevent normal daily activities.

Anxiety disorders may manifest as one or more of the following conditions:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): It is characterized by chronic and long-lasting anxiety that has an unspecific focus and is exaggerated by worry and stress, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): It is characterized by recurrent, distressing and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behavior (compulsions) such as repetitive hand-washing, counting, checking or cleaning.

Panic disorders: It is characterized by sudden and intense attacks of fear that causes increased heart rate, dizziness, trembling, nausea and difficulty in breathing.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): This develops after exposure to a terrifying event in which a serious physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent personal assaults, military combat or accidents.

Social phobia (social anxiety disorder): It is characterized by an overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations, such as fear of speaking in formal or informal situations. This condition is usually brought on by an irrational and intense fear of being negatively judged by others.

Most cases of anxiety disorders are resolved with treatment. However, the condition can exacerbate over time, if left untreated.

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

Some of the risk factors that may trigger an anxiety disorder are:

Disturbances in the flow of the biofield energy

A family history of anxiety

History of abuse or violence


Emotional distress or fear, such as stage fright or family disputes

Personality characteristics like low self-esteem or poor coping skills

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are usually a combination of psychological and physical symptoms

Psychological symptoms include:






Poor concentration

Psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and counseling may be recommended in many cases of anxiety disorders.

Physical symptoms include:


Shortness of breath

Increased heart rate ('heart pounding')

Excessive sweating and hot flashes

Trembling and twitching


Abdominal pain or diarrhea

Difficulty in swallowing or feeling of a lump in the throat

Muscle tension and pains


Sleep disturbances

Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder

The medical history, symptoms and a psychological evaluation are usually sufficient to make a diagnosis.

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Can a 15 year old boy wear pantyhose?

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Physically a 15 year old boy can wear pantyhose. Socially he should not wear them. Pantyhose are worn by girls when they choose to wear them. Boys aren’t supposed to show off their legs in nylons. In current times girls are the ones who wear pantyhose, tights and leggings. Boys wear pants or shorts.

What is the phobia of spider webs?

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There is no official name, as far as I know, but according to the procedure for naming phobias, it should be "ellnikaphobia."

What phobia is the fear of Canadian Geese?

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When birds feel fear and Keep doing the ChaCha!

How do you cure Separation Anxiety with dogs?

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it is a good thing to go to the vet but you know what you should maybe try a little trick i use on my dog, well you lay them on their side and press them down until they lie still when you take your hand off and then turn on classical music really loud and just let them lay there for 1 hour and that should be good!

How do cats get OCD?

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Well I'm no doctor, but i have ADHD as well as minor OCD. Animals get it the same way we humans do. You cannot "get it" like and illness. Rather you are born with it, yet it may show up more later in life...depending on the animal.

Do pugs suffer from separation anxiety?

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yes being a owner of two they will bark and howl and other stuff it is just natural to any dogs. puppies have this problem more because they are young. most pugs grow out of it a 1 year old but it varys with the dog.

Why do people fear wasps?

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No, that's an old myth. Bees can attack a person that's standing still, running, scared or not. The 'hive mentality' is something that people have been trying to figure out for thousands of years - and havent so far.

What is being scared of spiders called?

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The people who are scared of spiders are called "arachnophobes" (the fear itself is called "arachnophobia" and the term for describing someone with arachnophobia is "arachnophobic")

What do you do with slime?

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In my science class we just used elmer's glue and food coloring of your choice. we had to keep it in a plastic bag so it doesn't dry out. unfortunately, mine leaked on my dresser and i had some pink slime stains on it for a while...

What phobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to your gums?

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"Arachibutyrophobia" (pronounced I-RA-KID-BU-TI-RO-PHO-BI-A)

What phobia is the fear of hot dogs?

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Since hot dogs are a food, technically it would be sitophobia (fear of food), however, if you are afraid of hot dogs in particular it could be carnophobia (fear of meat).