


Female Puberty

Puberty is the period in life when a person becomes sexually mature. Female puberty is characterized by menstruation, breast and hip development, pubic hair growth, uterine development, and growth in body height and weight.

2,226 Questions

Is it normal for your boyfriend to stare at your bra?

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Asked by Joppers

No, it is not normal for your boyfriend to stare at your bra without your consent. It is important to communicate your boundaries and discomfort to him.

Girl get pregnant by an animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is biologically impossible for a girl to get pregnant by an animal. Pregnancy can only occur between members of the same species due to biological compatibility required for fertilization to take place.

How many hole in vezina show with picture?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Vezina Trophy, awarded annually to the NHL's top goaltender, features one hole in the center of the trophy where the winner's name is engraved. There are no other holes in the Vezina Trophy.

How do you tell a teacher you got you period?

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Asked by Wiki User

You could discreetly ask to speak with them privately, then simply say, "I got my period." If you need to leave the class for any reason related to your period, you can ask to do so. Teachers are usually understanding and will respect your privacy.

How does your period happen if you still have a hymen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening and does not completely block the flow of menstrual blood. Menstrual blood can still pass through the hymen and out of the body during a period.

What problems can occur during menstruation?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Common problems during menstruation include menstrual cramps, bloating, headaches, fatigue, and mood swings. More serious issues can include heavy bleeding, irregular periods, and conditions like endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome. It's important to see a healthcare provider if menstrual problems are severe or impacting your quality of life.

You get white goo in your underwear. What is it?

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Asked by Wiki User

White discharge in underwear can be normal and is usually due to the body's natural cleaning process. However, if the discharge is chunky, thick, or has a foul odor, it could be a sign of a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. It's best to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Where does fertilization occur in female?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube of the female reproductive system. Sperm travel through the fallopian tube to reach the egg, where fertilization takes place. The resulting fertilized egg then travels to the uterus for implantation.

Can your son with breast wear bra?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both male and female humans have breast ... now if your "son's" are abnormally large ... putting him in a bra would never cross my mind ... just think of the psychology damage that will cause to the young man ... what i would do is get him some tight under shirts or tight tang tops ... there is a surgery that is done for this kind of problem for males ...

Can HIV leave the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, HIV cannot completely leave the body. Once someone is infected with the virus, it remains in their system for life. However, with proper treatment and medication, the virus can be controlled and managed effectively.

List three secondary sex characteristics of females?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Breast development: Females typically experience growth of their breast tissue during puberty, which is a secondary sex characteristic influenced by hormonal changes.
  2. Widening of hips: As females go through puberty, their pelvis tends to widen in order to accommodate potential childbirth, which is a secondary sex characteristic.
  3. Increased body fat distribution: Females often have a higher percentage of body fat compared to males, and this distribution can be influenced by hormonal changes during puberty, leading to characteristic fat deposits in areas like the hips, thighs, and breasts.

Successful fertilization occurs in what tube?

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Asked by Wiki User

Successful fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube. Sperm must travel through the cervix, uterus, and finally reach the fallopian tube where it can fertilize the egg.

How do you take off a girls bra without her noticing?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is important to always have consent and respect boundaries. Asking for permission before initiating any kind of physical contact is crucial. It is not appropriate to try to remove someone's clothing without their knowledge or consent.

Why does your breasts hurt when you hug a girl and their breasts touch yours?

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Breasts are sensitive to pressure and touch, so when they are pressed against another person's, it can cause discomfort or pain. This is due to the nerves and tissues in the breast being compressed, causing the sensation of pain. It is a common experience and varies in intensity depending on individual sensitivity.

How does a guy take off a girls bra?

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Asked by Wiki User

Respectfully ask for permission before attempting to remove a girl's bra. Start by locating the clasp at the back of the bra and unhooking it carefully. Gently slide the straps off her shoulders and remove the bra.

What does it mean if your bra is riding up in the front?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your bra is riding up in the front, it could indicate that the band is too loose, causing it to shift upwards. This may be due to wearing the wrong band size or a style of bra that doesn't fit your body shape properly. It is important to ensure that your bra band is snug and parallel to the ground for proper support and comfort.

How does a girl hump a guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to have open communication and consent before engaging in any sexual activity. Both partners should feel comfortable and mutually agree to participate. It's also important to ensure that both parties are engaging in a safe and consensual manner. If you have questions or concerns about this topic, it may be helpful to have a conversation with a trusted adult, healthcare provider, or therapist for guidance.

Will sterilization change your hormones?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sterilization procedures such as tubal ligation or vasectomy do not affect hormonal levels because they only block the pathway for sperm or eggs to reach the reproductive organs. Hormonal changes may occur if a person undergoes procedures like hysterectomy or oophorectomy that involve removing reproductive organs.

Can girls grow armpit hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, my teachers have them. It looks gross and unnattractive so when you get armpit hair you should try to shave.

I personally think it is totally cool and empowering when women grow their armpit hair

there is tremendous pressure in this culture for women to shave, which most of them succumb to. in my opinion it is no more gross or unattractive than men with armpit hair.

Yes they do. They usually do at the start of puberty.

Are crop tops cool if your starting puberty?

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Asked by Wiki User

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Do good girls who are going through drastic changes as an early adolescent give up their long term crushes on older guys in favor of boys their own age?

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Asked by 45khnnok

As an individual goes through adolescence, their preferences and interests may evolve. It's not uncommon for someone to shift their romantic focus towards peers closer to their own age as they mature. This change can be influenced by factors such as personal growth, social dynamics, and emotional development.

Why do some good church going girls become troublesome once they hit there teens?

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Asked by 45khnnok

Teen years can be a period of exploration and self-discovery. This can lead to changes in behavior as individuals seek independence and may push boundaries. It is a normal part of development for teenagers to question authority and forge their own identity, which can sometimes lead to what may be perceived as troublesome behavior.

When do most adolescent girls start experiencing mood swings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most adolescent girls start experiencing mood swings around the time of puberty, usually between the ages of 10 and 14. Hormonal changes during this time can lead to fluctuations in emotions and behavior.

What if your lil sister humps things she already started her period she thinks she going to get pregnant can she?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, your sister cannot get pregnant from humping things. Menstruation is a normal part of a woman's reproductive cycle and does not mean she is automatically able to get pregnant. It's important to have open and honest conversations with her about reproductive health to address any misconceptions she may have.

Why do girls stuff their bras?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some girls may choose to stuff their bras to enhance the appearance of their breasts or to achieve a desired shape or size. It can be a personal preference or influenced by societal standards of beauty.