


Male Puberty

This category houses all questions related to the stage of Puberty in a male's life. This includes questions related to growing up for males.

2,837 Questions

Is it normal to have a 7 inch penis at age 14?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, you are right on track. your penis will be small until around 15. At 15 you will prob begin to see tiny pubes and your balls and dick will get bigger. I, a 16 y o male know that at 16, you are 2/3 done with puberty. My balls are adequate and my dick is 6'' long with circ of three in. What my point is that everything takes time to grow in properly. hope i helped.

Do both your testicles drop at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. Testicles typically descend into the scrotum at different times during fetal development or shortly after birth. It's not uncommon for one testicle to drop before the other, but both should be in the scrotum by the time a boy is around four months old. If this does not occur, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Why do boys' voices crack during puberty?

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Asked by Al Leuschke

A child has a small larynx and thin vocal cords, which creates a higher pitched voice. When boys hit puberty, they have an increase in testosterone, which causes a lengthening of the larynx and a thickening of the vocal cords. And as children grow, the cavities in their noses and throats enlarge, allowing more space for sound to resonate. All these changes combined result in a lowered voice.

The whole process takes place gradually, but when there is a period of rapid growth, the muscles involved can struggle to properly control the vocal cords. This causes some boys to experience a “crack” or “squeak” in their voices from time to time. It’s completely normal and usually only lasts a few months.

Should your 14 year old son have a bigger butt than his 17 year old sister?

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Asked by Wiki User

Physical characteristics can vary greatly among individuals, including within the same family. It's important to focus on health rather than comparing specific body parts. If you have concerns about your children's growth or development, consulting with a medical professional can provide more insight and guidance.

Does sperm produce compounds or enzymes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, sperm contains enzymes and compounds that help with various functions such as breaking down barriers to fertilization, aiding in sperm motility, and protecting the sperm on its journey to fertilize an egg. These enzymes and compounds are necessary for the success of fertilization.

Does facial hair have anything to do with you not growing anymore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Facial hair growth is not directly correlated with your overall growth. Genetics, hormones, and age play key roles in determining the growth of facial hair. Most people stop growing in height in their late teens to early twenties, while facial hair growth can continue throughout adulthood.

The first stage of a rocket burns 28 seconds longer than the socond stage. If the total burning time for both stages is 152 seconds.How long does each stage burn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Let x be the time the second stage burns. Then the first stage burns x + 28 seconds. So, x + (x + 28) = 152. Solving for x we find that the first stage burns 90 seconds and the second stage burns for 62 seconds.

Is it harmful when you produce daily sperm?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not harmful to produce sperm daily. The body continuously produces sperm, and it is a natural process. However, excessive ejaculation can lead to temporary depletion of sperm reserves, but the body typically replenishes them quickly.

What is the site of the sperm maturation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sperm maturation occurs in the epididymis, a tightly coiled tube located on the back of each testicle. Here, sperm undergo a process of maturation and acquire the ability to swim, which is essential for fertilization.

I am 15 and have vitiligo on my penis. Half is a white and half is normal color. I GImaged this and found my penis looks the same. What should I do other than telling my parent?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to seek medical advice from a healthcare provider who can assess your situation and provide guidance on managing vitiligo. They can offer treatment options or support to help you understand and cope with the condition. It's also important to remember that having vitiligo does not affect your overall health or sexual function.

Can men with clear sperm be fertile?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, men with clear sperm can still be fertile. Sperm can vary in color and consistency due to hydration levels and other factors. The key indicator of fertility is the sperm count, motility, and morphology, which are better assessed through a semen analysis.

Can sperm be produced with meosis 1 or 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sperm production involves meiosis, which consists of two divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II. Meiosis I reduces the chromosome number, while meiosis II separates sister chromatids, resulting in haploid sperm cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Could you ejaculate sperm or semen at the age of 11?

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Asked by Wiki User

My guess is that yes, you probably can. I could when I was 10.

Actually it depends on whether you have started puberty or not. You can ejaculate semen only after starting puberty.You may even ejaculate a clear fluid if you have recently started puberty but even that is semen. The person above must have started at 10 or earlier so he could com and I also could ejaculate clear semen at 11.5 years.

What is the name of the male hormone responsible for puberty?

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Asked by Wiki User

In males, testosterone, an androgen, is the principal sex steroid.

This is Gonadotrophic Releasing Hormone that starts puberty, released from the hypothalamus.

Testosterone Hormone.

Growth and development of uftaa?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Universal Federation of Travel Agencies Associations (UFTAA) has evolved over the years to promote cooperation among travel agencies worldwide, facilitate networking opportunities, and provide a platform for sharing best practices. Its growth has been influenced by changes in the travel industry, technological advancements, and the increasing globalization of business. UFTAA continues to adapt to meet the needs of its members and support the travel agency sector globally.

Why do boys have boners?

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Asked by Wiki User

Boys can get erections, commonly known as "boners," due to increased blood flow to the penis, which is a normal response to physical or psychological arousal. Hormones such as testosterone also play a role in initiating and regulating erections.

How do you eject sperm?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sperm is typically ejaculated from the male body during sexual activity through the urethra. This process is known as ejaculation, where rhythmic contractions push semen, which contains sperm, out of the body.

What are the major sequential changes in physical development that occur with the passage of time as the organisn moves from conception to death?

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Asked by Wiki User

Major sequential changes in physical development include growth in size and weight, development of motor skills, maturation of sensory organs, growth of teeth, puberty and sexual maturation during adolescence, physical decline in old age, and ultimately death. These changes occur at different rates and times for every individual but generally follow a predictable sequence.

I am 14 years old and my penis is 7.5 inches is that big or small for my age?

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Asked by OlliesykesLOL

A woman's urethra is an average of 6 inches deep. Man needs atleast 2 inches of his urethra. and the rest is up to you to decide if 7.5 inches is big enough or not.


A 7.5" penis is longer than the average, which is 6".

What does a bored teenager do in his room when no one's around?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bored teenager might listen to music, binge-watch TV shows or movies, play video games, browse social media, chat with friends, read a book, or draw or write creatively.

I have pubic hair does that mean ama hit puberty anytime soon in months im 12?

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Asked by Wiki User

Having pubic hair is a sign of puberty starting, but it's just one of the changes that happen during this time. It's different for everyone, but typically puberty lasts a few years starting around age 10-14. Keep an eye out for other changes like growth spurts, breast development, and acne.

I'm 16 and you just started puberty is this normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it's common for puberty to start around 10-14 years old, but some individuals may begin earlier or later. If you have concerns about your development, consider talking to a trusted adult or healthcare provider.

How much will a 15 year old boy grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Height growth in adolescence is highly variable and depends on factors such as genetics, nutrition, and overall health. On average, boys will grow about 2-3 inches per year during their growth spurt, which typically occurs around age 12-16. However, individual growth patterns can vary widely.

When does the human male stop growing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most males reach their maximum height by the age of 18-21, although some may continue to grow until their mid-20s. After this point, growth plates in the bones fuse and the individual stops growing taller.

Can boys stick their penis in another boys butt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes - It's called Anal sex. While taboo in many societies it remains illegal in some countries.

It should be noted however, that anal sex is one of the higher risked activities for the transmission of HIV and other STD's.

Condoms, lubricant and care should always be used when engaging in anal intercourse.