


Strattera is the brand name of the atomoxetine drug sold in the United States. It is a medication used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can improve concentration, emotional control and attention span.

440 Questions

Can Straterra cause prostate problems in men?

Strattera, a medication commonly used to treat ADHD, could potentially affect prostate health. While Strattera is not widely associated with causing direct prostate problems, medications can sometimes have side effects that might influence urinary function, which could indirectly impact the prostate. If you notice any changes in urinary patterns or discomfort, it's important to consult a healthcare professional.

For those concerned about prostate health, it’s also worth exploring supplements like Prostate SP, which supports overall prostate health by using a blend of natural ingredients. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you're taking medications like Strattera.

What does Strattera do if you don't need it?

If you don't need Strattera, a medication commonly used to treat ADHD, taking it can cause adverse effects such as increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and potential for cardiovascular issues. It's essential to use medications only as prescribed by a healthcare professional to avoid unnecessary risks and complications.

Is Strattera a control medication?

Yes, Strattera (atomoxetine) is a non-stimulant medication commonly used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is not a controlled substance like stimulant medications (e.g., Ritalin or Adderall), but it is still a prescription medication that should be taken under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Can you mix Wellbutrin and xanax?

It all depends on certain factors such as is it prescribed? how much of each you are taking? and most important are you tolerant to the medications. someone who isn't used to suboxone and xanax can have life threatening consequences if taken together or even by them selves. Ive been on suboxone for 2 years and wellbutrin for 2 months. i will take .5 mg of xanax here and there if i cant sleep. I am tolerant to the suboxone and have taken benzos i.e "xanax in the past. the combination of the 3 if not taken at the same time is fine if you have tolerance to the suboxone and the xanax. if your a noob and haven't taken these meds that much then never ever mix them it could kill you because both are respiratory depressants which will stop your breathing if the person is not used to the medications. Talk to your Dr. if you have one thats always the best advice.

Why does Straterra make a child non-verbal and unable to be social?

Strattera (atomoxetine) is a medication used to treat ADHD and doesn't typically make a child non-verbal or unable to be social. It may cause side effects like decreased appetite, insomnia, or stomach upset. If a child has a reaction like becoming non-verbal or more withdrawn, it's important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.

Can you take Strattera out of the capsule and give it in applesauce?

No. Strattera out of the capsule is an irritant. It stings. Look at this site - peanut butter may be enough of a coating to keep it from irritating the mouth and throat.

Does Straterra come in a patch or shot form?

Strattera made into a transdermal gelAfter much searching and family stress in trying to get Strattera into my 6 year old son who has a feeding disorder and out of control ADHD, I have found an alternative solution. He can't swallow a pill and eats only an extremely limited selection of foods. (Only two of his foods are possibilities for putting medication in.) Since Strattera is extremely bitter when opened, I pretty much couldn't disguise it enough to get it past him in any food. At the 25mg and 40mg dosages, I could sort of hide it, but we absolutely could not get 60mg into him in any food! It seemed that he was tolerating the medicine well and been having more good days at school so I was extremely dissapointed that our program was being derailed because we couldn't get the medication into him. The pharmacy we use said they couldn't make it a flavored liquid unless it was already in that form from the manufacturer. So I found a compounding pharmacy and discussed my problem with them. At first they said they could make it into a liquid and I asked could they make it into a patch because I didn't have much hope in any flavoring being able to disguise the bitter taste. The compounding pharmacy lab then said they had made it into a transdermal gel for some of their clients. I immediately felt a renewed since of hope! My son weighs almost 70 lbs and was on 60mg orally, but was initially stepped down to 40mg transdermally. He has been on it for almost a year and we are convinced we are seeing much improvement in his behavior. Our compounding pharmacy also makes the mood stabilizer Valproic Acid he takes in conjunction with Strattera into a suppository since we couldn't get that in him by oral routes either. So for you parents out there that need an alternative form of this medication, a transdermal gel might be the answer. This is a new frontier as far as the transdermal delivery of this particular medication as not much information is out there on it.

I'm wondering if your niece is really taking Strattera because 1. it's relatively new on the market and may not have been prescribed a year ago. You can check this on the web pretty easily. 2. As far as I know it comes in pill form. It's a little pill so I can't understand why your niece would taste anything. You can ask a doctor or contact the Lilly folks for answers about a patch. I can't imagine there would be a shot for it because it has to be taken every day. If you google Strattera, the first site is E. Lilly's and they have an 800 number there. I hope all works out well for your family.

How much is Strattera without insurance?

Fluoxetine is the generic for Prozac, Sarafem, Fontex is sold at Walmart and Kroger pharmacies for about $8.00 for a 30 day supply up to 40mg capsules without insurance.

You may also want to check with Sam's Club and Costo Pharmacies. You don't need a membership to use the pharmacy. And local grocery store pharmacies may match their prices. Walgren's and Publix do not price match.

If you over dose on Strattera will you die?

From's article on Strattera: == No fatal overdoses occurred in clinical trials. There is limited clinical trial experience with STRATTERA overdose. During postmarketing, there have been fatalities reported involving a mixed ingestion overdose of STRATTERA and at least one other drug. There have been no reports of death involving overdose of STRATTERA alone, including intentional overdoses at amounts up to 1400 mg. In some cases of overdose involving STRATTERA, seizures have been reported. The most commonly reported symptoms accompanying acute and chronic overdoses of STRATTERA were somnolence, agitation, hyperactivity, abnormal behavior, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Signs and symptoms consistent with mild to moderate sympathetic nervous system activation (e.g., mydriasis, tachycardia, dry mouth) have also been observed. Less commonly, there have been reports of QT prolongation and mental changes, including disorientation and hallucinations. == An airway should be established. Monitoring of cardiac and vital signs is recommended, along with appropriate symptomatic and supportive measures. Gastric lavage may be indicated if performed soon after ingestion. Activated charcoal may be useful in limiting absorption. Because atomoxetine is highly protein-bound, dialysis is not likely to be useful in the treatment of overdose. ---- Note from the Author: This answer has been provided by a medical professional, but not a medical doctor. The advice or answer located above should NOT take the place of your primary care physician's medical advice. Furthermore, this answer has been provided in accordance with WikiAnswers and disclaimers and policies. Do not reveal personal information within questions, as this is an anonymous service. In an emergency, get off the computer and dial 911 or your local emergency number. Contact your physician's exchange (usually provided through his/her office number) if you have questions or concerns after business hours. The author of this answer is not responsible for misguided or misinformed attempts to follow this advice. ALWAYS ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your or your child's health and do not use WikiAnswers as a substitute for proper medical advice and care provided by your personal physician.

What can be a side effect of skipping a dose of Strattera?

From personal experiance, skipping doses of strattera causes majour aggrivation and rapid mood swings. If you have axioty or depression it can cause suicidal thoughts with in 4 hours. Almost anything will irritate you and you will be annoied and anything that moves or makes noise.

Can Strattera make you fat?

Liver damage did not emerge as a Strattera side effect during short-term Strattera clinical trials of 6,000 patients. However, Straterra has now been on the market for several years. The longer time and larger pool of people taking the drug allowed a Strattera liver damage side effect to present itself in a small number of people taking Strattera.

The new package warning indicates that Strattera should be discontinued in patients who developed jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes) or laboratory evidence of liver damage.

Signs and symptoms of liver damage include:

_ Itchy skin

_ Jaundice

_ Dark urine

_ Abdominal tenderness on the upper right side

_ Unexplained "flu-like" symptoms

Can Strattera be taken at night?

My doctor specifically told me to take it at night because it is a long-acting medicine. It needs to be a constant time though.

What medications work best for narcolepsy?

there are a lot of medication options. And something else to consider is that narcoleptics often suffer from additional issues like: restless legs syndrome, apnea, and cataplexy, which may require their own medications. I have been diagnosed with narcolepsy for over 12 years and in that time i have taken ritalin: This did keep me awake but i had to take it 3 times a day, and I wasn't great about taking them at the exact right times. And if i didn't take them at the exact time i was supposed to, i would really feel a "crash". I decided that the ups and downs were to extreme. But many people take it and it works for them. I think it's important to learn about the options and then try one and see how it works for YOU. Everyone responds differently. Dexedrine: this worked well to keep me awake but I occasionally felt like i was buzzing and I didn't like the research that i was reading about the affects that amphetimenes can have on your body. So i looked for an alternative. Provigil: much better! This is great for me, it is not an amphetimine and I think it does a much better job of keeping me awake and stablized. I currently take a generic version that is 100% fine. Unfortunately the greedy drug manufacturing companies in the US have actually paid generic drug manufacturers NOT to make a generic of provigil, so i have to order it from Canada. The price is much better and the quality is the same, they mail the pills to me, and the customer service is fantastic.

What happens if you combine Strattera and Adderall?

For common drug interactions, visit:,4109,,00.html There, you can "plug in" different drugs and find out if there are any known interactions. You really need to ask a pharmacist to be sure. Don't gamble with drugs, drug combinations or your health. Call your local drug store. They'll be glad to assist. ~ T

Does Strattera help with focusing?


No, it should not.

It should cause you to be more focused.

Keep in mind that Strattera has been shown to cause depression and suicidal thoughts in children.

Can Strattera cause death?


I am not entirely sure as to the definite effects of taking both of these two drugs.

However, I am not sure what the reason it is you are asking a question such as this since your doctor should've informed you on such.

But if that is not the case, I can tell you this, Risperdal is used mainly for the treatment of schizophrenia. I don't know exactly the reason in which you are taking both of these medications. But if you are schizophrenic, I wouldn't recommend taking Strattera unless of course the benefits overweigh the risks. Now, Risperdal is a powerful anti-psychotic, and works on two neurotransmitters in the brain (mostly dopamine but also serotonin) it does not work on the nuerotransmitters transporters that Strattera affects which are norepinephrines transporters. So I highly doubt taking both will kill you, however this can ultimately depend on the amount of each drug you are taking. If you are taking an appropriate dosage of each I wouldn't see this as anything life-threatening. But, Risperdal is also helpful for depression, so if that is why you're taking Strattera I don't see a point. Basically it is up to you to decide if you want to continue taking both of these drugs, but I don't see it necessary. It would be nice to know why you are taking both drugs in the first place, since they are entirely different medications. :) hope this helps*******

Do you get higher snorting Ativan?

It will hit you much faster and harder, but it's effect only last a fraction of the time.

Orally ingesting it, effects usually last 3-6 hours. Snorting may only last 2-3.

Also depends on your tolerance though.

If your looking for a more intense "speedier" high, Snort it.

But if your looking for the longer more detailed high, Ingest it.

Can you mix Strattera with marijuana?

Viagra works by regulating blood flow, making the penis erect for longer.

Marijuana slows down the blood circulation in your body, but makes your heart beat faster as the brain attempts to combat the effects of the drug.

Mixing these will cause an irregular blood circulation that can cause a heart attack or stroke.

I don't think your partner will be pleased with you dropping dead on top of her.

Who created Ritalin?

Answer: It was patented in 1954 by Novartis International.