



Vodka is a clear grain alcohol that originated in Russia, although Poland is also a major producer. It has been made in these regions since the 1400s.

844 Questions

How many grams in a shot glass?

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The weight of liquid in a shot glass varies depending on the liquid. Typically, a standard shot glass holds about 44 milliliters, which is equivalent to approximately 29 grams for water. However, the weight can vary depending on the density of the liquid.

What are five homogeneous substances?

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  1. Salt water
  2. Ethanol
  3. Air
  4. Sugar solution
  5. Pure gold

Would a kernel explode if it were broken open at room temperature?

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No, a kernel would not explode at room temperature if broken open. The term "explode" typically refers to a sudden release of energy or material, which is not a characteristic of a kernel breaking open at room temperature.

What is the best tasting vodka?

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The best tasting vodka is subjective and depends on personal preference. Some popular options known for their taste include Grey Goose, Belvedere, and Ketel One. It's best to try a few and see which one you enjoy most.

How many cups are in four liters?

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There are approximately 16.9 cups in four liters.

Ounces in 1.5 liters?

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There are approximately 50.7 ounces in 1.5 liters.

How many shots in a 1.5litre bottle of vodka at 25ml?

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One ounce of liquor is just under 30ml

A standard American shot is 1.5 oz (~45ml), most other countries have bigger shots, 50 to 65ml is common.

1.75L = 1750ml

1750/45 = 38.88 repeating

So, approximately 39 shots are in a handle of booze

What has more calories tequila or vodka?

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A shot of tequila and a glass of wine contain the same quantity of absolute alcohol, which is .06 oz. The same is true for a beer.

Do all mice have strong urine?

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Males have a strong smell, females have a lesser of smell.

What happens if a rabbit drinks vodka?

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He starts meowing in russian.

Vodka and diabetes?

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Drinking when you are a diabetic can involve some risks, you should consult your health care professional who manages your diabetes about how much risk you can take, considering your state of blood glucose control and organ health. The American Diabetes Association recommends that when a physician has approved an occasional alcoholic drink you restrict that to a maximum of 1 drink per day for females and 2 drinks per day for males or as your doctor instructs. 1 drink of vodka would equal 1.5 oz of the alcohol, plus any mixer.

Vodka is one of the types of alcohol that is often suggested for those who are diabetic or otherwise counting calories. Other suggestions are dry white wines. Rum is the same as vodka, although perhaps a slight improvement over vodka since rum is absorbed just a bit less quickly into the blood stream.

You must also consider calories consumed in alcoholic drinks in your total daily calorie count. For most of the diabetic exchange diets, usually 1.5 oz of 100 proof vodka (or gin, rum, whiskey, and brandy) is 100-120 calories and equal to 2 fat exchanges.

Some other things to consider and/or remember:

  • Only drink when you have food in your stomach and only in moderation.
  • Do not mix alcohol with your medications without consulting your doctor and/or pharmacist first.
  • Alcohol stimulates the appetite, you must be be especially well disciplined while drinking to avoid over eating or eating the wrong things.
  • Alcohol is a depressant. For those who have depressive mood disorders, or eating disorders this can trigger binges and other problems later.
  • A moderate amount of alcohol will slightly lower your blood sugars.
  • Excess amounts of alcohol will eventually raise the blood sugars.
  • Drink slowly to avoid a gush of carbs into your blood stream.
  • Use sugar-free mixers.
  • Know what to expect by keeping close checks on your blood sugars before, during and after drinking to be sure to be aware of how the alcohol affects your blood sugar control.
  • If you have diabetic neuropathy, you need to avoid over drinking which could cause you to have accidental injuries that might not heal.
  • If you get insulin shock from alcohol lowering your blood sugar levels, when evaluated with alcohol on your breath, your condition may be mistaken for only drunkenness and the hypoglycemia could go without treatment. Be sure you have plans and methods in operation for emergency personnel to discover your medical history, i.e., medical alert jewelry, etc.

More information about different types of alcohol:

  • 12 oz light beer includes 5 gm of carbs, is 100 calories and counts as 2 fat exchanges.
  • 4 oz dry wine includes 0 - 2 gm of carbs, is 80 - 85 calories and counts as 2 fat exchanges.
  • 1.5 oz of gin, rum, vodka, whiskey and brandy has no carbs, is 100 - 120 calories and counts as 2 fat exchanges.
  • 1.5 oz of liqueur counts as 2 fats and 1 starch exchange.
  • 12 oz wine cooler counts as 2 fats and 2 fruit exchanges.

How many calories in a vodka and tonic with lime?

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This is purely a taste issue. If you have a sweet enough lime, it may not need any sugar at all. I usually put about 2 teaspoons in mine, but I like to take some of the bitterness away from the tonic. Mix your drink the way you like it!

Why vodka is 40 percent?

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Legal lower limit, however 40% is desirable.

What is the carb count in flavored vodkas?

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The carb count of Vodka, Tequila, Gin and Whiskey is zero. But remember that your body uses alcohol as a fuel. The carb count of Vodka, Tequila, Gin and Whiskey is zero. But remember that your body uses alcohol as a fuel.

Does vodka have carbohydrates?

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I have been researching this and it appears that sweet tea vodkas do not have any carbs. The labels and websites are not very forthcoming, but Firefly sweet tea flavored vodka actually says 0 carbs on the back of the bottle.

How old do you have to be to get a liquor license in ga?

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If it contains alcohol, it is alcoholic. There are some brewed beverages, such as ginger beer, that may contain a very small amount, less then 1/2 a percent of alcohol.

What brands of vodka are 100 proof?

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Devil Springs vodka, distilled to a wopping 160 (80%) proof in Clifton, NJ.

The highest proof alcohol, which could be argued is a form of Ukranian vodka, is Everclear at 190 proof (95%).

What is a good mixer for Chambord flavored vodka?

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Chambord is one of the best liqueurs there is to drink straight. If you insist on mixing it with something, use cranberry juice.

What is long term effect of drinking vodka daily?

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Asked by Tarheels1726

The only real downside to drinking the cheap vodka is the taste. It doesn't matter if its cheap vodka or expensive vodka because aside from a minor alcohol content difference the only thing that can be horribly bad about drinking the cheap stuff is that it will more than likely taste a lot worse than the expensive stuff.

How many calories are in vanilla vodka?

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Approximately 64 calories, with no sugar, carbs, sodium, or fats.

How many ounces of vodka results in legally drunk?

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If you drink the whole thing in under an hour and you aren't over 300 pounds....then yes. You will definitely be over the legal limit of .08%