


Calorie Count

Calorie Count ( is a website containing information about nutrition and dieting. It provides food recipes, exercise tips, an online forum for those who want to get in touch with others and tools for managing a healthy lifestyle.

12,321 Questions

How many calories are in 1 kg of mango?

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Asked by Wiki User

One kg. of what? Everything is going to be different.

Answer 2

1 Kg of fat?

1 Kg is 2.2 lbs and 1 lb is 3500 calories, so 1 Kg is 3500 X 2.2= 7700 calories


Each food has a specific energy content; the SI unit is kilojoule but still is used the kilocalorie (not calorie !). Many tables exist on the Internet to give the calorie content (for example USDA data), also myriad of books.

How many calories in 3 ounces of chocolate?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 540 calories in 3 ounces of chocolate, which equates to about 180 calories per ounce.

How much heat energy in kilojoules is required to convert 41.0g of ice at -18.0 degrees C to water at 25.0 degrees C?

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Asked by Wiki User

The total heat energy required can be broken down into two steps: first, raising the temperature of ice from -18.0°C to 0°C, then melting the ice at 0°C to water at 25.0°C. The heat energy required is calculated using the formula: Q = mcΔT, where Q is heat energy, m is mass, c is specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change.

Step 1: Raise temperature of ice to 0°C Q1 = 41.0g * 2.09 J/g°C * 18.0°C = 1552.22 J

Step 2: Melt ice at 0°C Q2 = 41.0g * 334 J/g = 13694 J

Total heat energy required = Q1 + Q2 = 13694 J + 1552.22 J = 15246.22 J

Convert J to kJ: 15246.22 J * (1 kJ / 1000 J) ≈ 15.25 kJ

Therefore, approximately 15.25 kJ of heat energy is required to convert 41.0g of ice at -18.0 degrees C to water at 25.0 degrees C.

How many calories does an elephant eat each day?

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Asked by Wiki User

An elephant can consume up to 300-400 pounds (136-181 kg) of food per day, depending on its size and age. This can amount to around 30,000-50,000 calories daily.

Does it burn more calories to drink cold or room temperature water?

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Drinking cold water can slightly increase calorie expenditure as the body works to bring it to body temperature. However, the difference is minimal and not significant for weight loss. Staying hydrated with either cold or room temperature water is more important than focusing on the slight calorie difference.

How do I convert the enthalpy of vaporization of water in joules per gram from kiloJoules per mole?

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Asked by Nottheflower

To convert the enthalpy of vaporization of water from kJ/mol to J/g, you need to divide the given value in kJ/mol by the molar mass of water (18 g/mol). This will give you the enthalpy of vaporization in J/g.

What biomolecules in your lunch will supply the most energy per gram?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fats generally supply the most energy per gram in our diet. They provide 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories per gram. In your lunch, foods high in fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, or fatty fish would supply the most energy per gram.

How do astronauts grow taller when they go to outer space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Astronauts do not actually grow taller in outer space. The perception of increased height is due to the spine straightening out and the lack of gravity causing a temporary elongation of the spinal discs. Upon returning to Earth, their height returns to normal.

How many kilojoules of heat are required to melt a 10.0 g Popsicle at 0 degrees C?

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Asked by Wiki User

The specific heat of ice is 2.09 J/g°C, the heat of fusion for ice is 334 J/g, and the Popsicle is at 0°C. Using these values, the total heat required would be (10.0 g x 2.09 J/g°C x 0°C) + (10.0 g x 334 J/g) = 3340 J = 3.34 kJ.

How much heat energy in kilojoules is required to convert 68.0 g of ice at 18.0 to water at 25.0?

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Asked by Wiki User

This process involves three steps: heating ice from -18.0°C to 0°C, melting ice at 0°C, and heating water from 0°C to 25°C. The total heat energy required is calculated using the formula: q = mcΔT where q is the heat energy, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature. The total heat energy required would be 17.8 kJ.

How many calories in 2 cups of maple syrup?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 26 per tablespoon, there are 4 tablespoons in 1/4 cup, so there are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup, there are 32 in two cups, so that would be 832 calories. It all depends on the exact brand though, so check the nutritional information on the type of syrup you will use.

How many nutritional calories are in 4.18 joules?

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Asked by Wiki User

4.1868 joules (rounded) amount to one calorie, but here we really have to be careful.

That's actually the one called the "small calorie". The food Calorie is capitalized, comprised

of 1,000 small calories, and more properly referred to as the "kilocalorie".

The nutritional Calorie is an amount of energy equal to 4186.8 joules.

4.1868 joules = 0.001 nutrition Calorie

Does snowboarding take more energy than horseback riding?

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Snowboarding typically requires more energy as it involves dynamic movements to navigate slopes, using leg and core muscles extensively. Horseback riding involves primarily sitting and some leg movements to control the horse, making it less physically demanding.

What is a calorie A Calorie?

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Asked by Skittles93

A calorie with a lowercase "c" is a unit of energy commonly used to measure the energy content of food. A Calorie with an uppercase "C" is equivalent to 1,000 calories and is often used interchangeably with kilocalorie (kcal) on nutrition labels.

How do cells use high calorie molecules such as glucose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cells break down high-calorie molecules like glucose through a series of biochemical reactions to produce energy in the form of ATP. This process, known as cellular respiration, occurs in the mitochondria and provides the cell with the energy it needs to carry out essential functions such as growth, repair, and maintenance. Excess glucose can also be stored in the form of glycogen or converted into fat for long-term energy storage.

What is the relationship between nutrients and calories?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is my guess, so correct me if I'm wrong. The food that is consumed contains nutrients, but in order to get those nutrients chemical reactions in the enzymes and proteins must break down the food. Once this happens, the body is able to make use of the nutrients. The nutrients then provide energy in the body.

How do you convert sugar grams to kilojoules?

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Asked by Wiki User

To convert sugar grams to kilojoules, you can use the conversion factor that 1 gram of sugar is equal to approximately 17 kilojoules. Multiply the number of sugar grams by 17 to get the equivalent amount in kilojoules. This conversion is based on the average energy content of sugar.

How many calories does a 6 ounce cup of coffee have?

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Black coffee with no additives typically has less than 5 calories per 6 ounce cup. Adding sugar, cream, or flavored syrups can significantly increase the calorie content.

What is the fuel value of ethane in kilojoules per gram of ethane?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hf values are used to find products-reactants. 4(-393.5)+6(-285.8)=-3288.8, sum of products, minus 2(-84)= -3120.8

divide by 2 since its two moles and you only want one= -1560.4

divide by the molar mass of ethane, 30.07, and you get -51.892.

make it positive because fuel values are positive and you get 51.892 as your final answer

How do you convert mg into joules?

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Asked by Wiki User

To convert milligrams (mg) to joules, you need to know the substance's specific heat capacity. The formula to convert mass in milligrams to energy in joules is Energy (Joules) = Mass (grams) x Specific heat capacity (J/g°C) x Temperature change (°C). So, once you have the specific heat capacity, you can use this formula to convert mg to joules.

How many calories would it take to heat up Lake Michigan by 1 degree Celsius?

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Asked by Wiki User

To calculate the calories required to heat up Lake Michigan by 1 degree Celsius, you would need to know the specific heat capacity of water (4.186 J/g°C) and the mass of water in Lake Michigan. The formula to calculate the energy required is: Energy = mass of water x specific heat capacity of water x change in temperature. This would give you the calories needed to heat up Lake Michigan by 1 degree Celsius.

How many calories in 1 gram of protein?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are approximately 4 calories in 1 gram of protein.

How do cells use a high-calorie molecule such as glucose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cells use high-calorie molecules like glucose through the process of cellular respiration. Glucose is broken down in a series of enzymatic reactions to produce ATP, which is the cell's primary energy source. This energy is then used for various cellular processes and functions.

One nutritional calorie is equal to 100 calories?

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Asked by Wiki User

One nutritional calorie, also known as a kilocalorie, is equal to 1000 calories. This is the unit of energy commonly used in discussing the energy content of food.