


Religious Literature

From the Bible, Quran and Torah to modern day fiction, religious literature encompasses a vast array of genres.

949 Questions

What is the biggest gurdwara in the world?

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The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, also known as Sri Harmandir Sahib or Darbar Sahib, is considered the biggest gurdwara in the world. It is a prominent Sikh pilgrimage site and is known for its architectural beauty and spiritual significance.

How many copies has heaven's kitchen by carl a dixon sold?

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The sales figures for "Heaven's Kitchen" by Carl A. Dixon are not publicly available. Sales numbers for books can vary widely based on factors like promotional efforts, distribution, and audience reception.

How many Holy Bibles are there in Australia?

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It is not possible to determine the exact number of Holy Bibles in Australia as they are widely available in various formats and locations such as homes, churches, hotels, and public spaces. The Bible is one of the most widely distributed and translated books in the world.

Why do Christians feel obliged to give to charity?

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Because it is our way of giving back to God so that He may use that money to do good things for others. It's also how the church is run and how people working there get paid, they are paid only by donations and volunteered money. Not by the government.

How many Bibles have been made?

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There is no definitive number of Bibles that have been made since the first one was printed in the 15th century. However, it is estimated that billions of copies have been produced and distributed worldwide over the centuries, making it one of the most widely circulated books in history.

Who are the characters of the God sees the truth?

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The main characters in "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" by Leo Tolstoy are Aksionov, a merchant falsely accused of murder, and Makar Semyonich, the real murderer. Aksionov spends years in prison before finding forgiveness and redemption.

In the story aaron's gift give two meanings of the word gift?

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One meaning of the word "gift" in the story "Aaron's Gift" is a natural talent or ability that someone possesses. Another meaning is a thoughtful present given to someone without the expectation of receiving something in return.

What is the Iliad?

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The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer, depicting the events of the Trojan War. It focuses on the conflict between the Greek hero Achilles and King Agamemnon, as well as various gods and heroes of Greek mythology. The Iliad is considered one of the greatest works of Western literature.

What does the line in William shakessphere goodnight goodnight parting is such sweet sorrow that you shall say goodnight till it be tomorrow mean?

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This line from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" highlights the bittersweet feeling of parting from a loved one. It suggests that saying goodnight can be both sweet and sorrowful because it means being apart until the next day. This showcases the emotional complexity of love and separation.

How did Daniel defoe puritanism affected the way he write Robinson Crusoe?

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Daniel Defoe's Puritan background influenced his writing of "Robinson Crusoe" by emphasizing themes of individualism, introspection, hard work, and providence. These Puritan ideals are prominent in the character's self-reliance, resourcefulness, and moral dilemmas. Defoe's Puritanism also shaped his belief in the importance of faith, perseverance, and divine intervention, all of which are evident in the novel.

How held the master masons password after the death of hiram abiff?

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After the death of Hiram Abiff, the master mason's password was whispered in the ear of the newly initiated master mason by a fellow mason during a special ceremony. This practice ensured that the password remained known only to those who had been properly initiated.

When will the Chris Heimerdinger website work?

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Chris Heimerdinger's current website is at the related link below.

He had some legal issues with the administrator of his old site and shut it down. He posts regularly on the blogspot site, including book signings, sales on products, information on upcoming projects, and occasionally information on his family.

I signed up to follow his site, so every time he posts something new, I receive an email letting me know to go check it out.

How is magicians nephew and Bible related?

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Magicians nephew is related to the bible because jadis is like the snake Aslan acts like a form of god God created earth as aslan created narnia God created the animals as aslan did jadis became evil because of the apple as the snake did Jadis Convinces digory to eat the apple as the snake did to the women who convinced the man

What is john Steinbecks writing style?

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John Steinbeck's writing style is characteristically descriptive and emotive, often focusing on social issues and the struggles of ordinary people. He is known for his vivid imagery, simple language, and use of symbolism to convey deeper meanings in his works.

How is the poem a brook a source of life?

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The poem "A Brook" serves as a metaphor for life and the flow of time. Just as a brook sustains life by providing water to plants and animals, the poem reflects the idea of continuous renewal and change in our journey through life. It symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of embracing the natural rhythm of existence.

What are Muslim scholors credited with developing?

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Muslim scholars are credited with developing advancements in various fields, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy. They made significant contributions such as the development of algebra, the invention of the astrolabe, advancements in surgery and pharmacology, and the preservation and translation of ancient texts. Their work helped pave the way for the European Renaissance.

I have a first edition by Helen steiner rice called just for you is worth anything?

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The value of a first edition Helen Steiner Rice book, like "Just for You," can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. It's best to research recent sales of similar books online or consult with a rare book dealer to get a better idea of its worth.

Can you write me an acrostic poem for vocation?

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V is for the values we hold dear, O is for the opportunities that appear, C is for the calling that we hear, A is for the aspirations we revere, T is for the time we dedicate, with cheer, I is for the impact that we make, sincere, O is for the ongoing growth we steer, N is for the noble path we persevere.

Which Greek goddess names that start with W?

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There is no Greek goddess whose name starts with the letter "W" in traditional Greek mythology.

What is the meaning of the hymn 'Peace Like a River'?

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The hymn 'Peace Like a River' conveys a sense of inner calm and tranquility, using the metaphor of a flowing river to represent peace that surpasses understanding. It speaks of a peace that can sustain and comfort individuals through life's challenges and trials, with the assurance that God's peace will always be with them.

What year did Edgar A Guest write the poem I'd Rather See a Sermon?

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Edgar A. Guest wrote the poem "I'd Rather See a Sermon" in 1917.

What did George Herbert write about?

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George Herbert was an English poet known for his religious poetry. His works typically explore themes of faith, spirituality, and the human relationship with God. He is particularly noted for his use of intricate metaphors and poignant language to convey spiritual truths.

Poem summary Buddha's death by romesh chander dutt?

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Describe the Buddha scene

When the Buddha wandered here and there for preaching, along the path he walked fruit tree blossom out of season, lovely aroma of sandal powder lent, flower fell from the sky and heavenly strain of music came from the sky. All this honored things happened because of his hard work to preach the people the truth of life.

But the Buddha whispered to his friend Ananda that all this honored things happening to him his inadequate and have no meaning for it. He also told that he only believes to the earthly people who worship his teaching truly.

As night crawl, on the Buddha laid in his sleeping posture in pain and suffering. He was in pain and suffered because he conceded all the disease of the sentient beings. Later a Brahman came for his teaching but apprehensively Ananda stopped him because he thought that Buddha was in grave pain so he will be not able to teach but The Buddha said in his dying ascent told that he who comes for wisdom shall not go in futile and gave teaching to that Brahman in plain language an in dying ascent. Later after that, at night the Buddha passed away which is referred as Maha Parinirvana in Buddhist language.

Who originally said Woman was made from the rib of man not from his feet etc.?

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This quote is often attributed to the Bible's book of Genesis, where it describes the creation of woman from Adam's rib. However, the exact phrase "Woman was made from the rib of man, not from his feet to be walked on, and not from his head to be superior" is not found in the Bible but is a modern interpretation or paraphrasing of the original text.

Where can I find a poem for my pastor's anniversary?

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You can search for poems for your pastor's anniversary by looking in poetry books at your local library, searching online poetry websites, or by asking fellow congregation members for recommendations. You could also consider writing a personalized poem for your pastor to show your appreciation and gratitude.