



This category is for questions and answers about Hinduism. Hinduism is the third most followed religion worldwide. Some of the principles of Hinduism include traditionalism, reincarnation, personal duty, and karma.

6,302 Questions

What is the correct musical note for om?

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*EDIT Sep 2015* Om lies between the music notes of C and C#(Sharp). The Third eye is "A".

I've been looking for the answer to this too. I am not a musical performer, however, I believe it is the musical note "A". If om vibrates and activates our 7th chakra, which is a connection the body has with the universal energy and the universe, and if the "sound of nature" vibrates at an "A" also, then the note "A" should be the correct musical note for om.

p.s. this is my conjecture at this point in time.

What does the saying brahman is one and yet express itself as many mean?

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I'm not Hindu, but I believe it's referring to the belief that Brahman (the main God/Spirit in Hinduism) shows himself as the many different gods. So all of the gods are Brahman in spirit, just showing himself in different ways. This is just according to my understanding.

Why only in Hinduism we believe in astrology whereas the rest of the population in this earth are living their lives according to their own pattern.?

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Belief in astrology is not exclusive to Hinduism; it is practiced in various cultures and religions around the world. People may follow astrology for guidance, insight, or entertainment, regardless of their religious beliefs. Many factors, such as cultural traditions and personal experiences, influence an individual's beliefs and practices regarding astrology.

What is the purpose of Hinduism gods?

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purpose of Hindu God is to give people faith. Also to guide followers to an path of happiness and better life via meditation.

What percentage of world's population are Hindus?

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According to the CIA World Factbook, out of the total world population of 7.015 billion 13.78% are Hindus. (as of 2009 estimation)

Hinduism is growing at around 1.52 percent annually.

What does ohm sign symbolize?

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The ohm symbol (Ω) represents electrical resistance in a circuit. It is used to denote the opposition to the flow of electrical current. The higher the resistance, the more difficult it is for the current to flow through the circuit.

And combined to form Hinduism?

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Vedism and native cultures

In Radha soami satsang of beas why the next guru is always from their family is it a family business?

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Yes, in Radha Soami Satsang Beas, the successor to the spiritual leadership is traditionally chosen from within the family. This practice helps maintain the continuity and preservation of spiritual teachings and practices within the organization. While it may resemble a family business to some, the primary focus remains on the spiritual development and guidance of its followers.

How has physical geography influenced human geography?

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Physical geography has influenced human geography by shaping settlement patterns, economic activities, and cultural practices. Factors such as climate, topography, and natural resources have played a significant role in determining where people live, how they make a living, and what customs they observe. Additionally, physical barriers like mountains or rivers can limit interactions between different societies, leading to the development of distinct cultural regions.

Is there a previous life?

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Belief in previous lives is a concept found in various spiritual and religious traditions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Evidence for past lives is largely anecdotal or based on accounts of individuals who claim to remember past life experiences, but there is no scientific consensus on the existence of previous lives.

What is inside a stupa?

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Inside a stupa, you may find religious relics, scriptures, and offerings. The relics could be the remains of a Buddhist saint, while scriptures may include teachings or texts important to the Buddhist tradition. Offerings such as flowers, incense, and candles are typically placed inside as a way to show respect and devotion.

What does the word mantra mean?

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A mantra is a sacred word, sound, or phrase repeated during meditation to aid concentration and focus the mind. It is often used as a form of spiritual practice in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other traditions.

How did Vivekananda die?

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On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was shot and killed while having his nightly public walk on the grounds of the Birla Bhavan(Birla House) in New Delhi.

The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a Hindu radical with links to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by insisting upon a payment to Pakistan.

What is an interesting fact about Hinduism?

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Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, with its roots dating back over 4,000 years. It is a diverse faith with countless deities, rituals, and beliefs, making it one of the most complex and rich spiritual traditions globally.

What are the qualities of stone samanthakamani?

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Stone samanthakamani is a type of gemstone that is believed to have protective properties and help in warding off negative energies. It is often associated with bringing prosperity, good luck, and success to the wearer. Some people also believe that it can help in enhancing intuition and promoting emotional well-being.

What is the spiritual path in Hinduism called?

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The spiritual path in Hinduism is called "sanatana dharma" which means the eternal law or duty. It encompasses a wide range of spiritual practices, beliefs, and philosophies aimed at achieving self-realization and union with the divine. It emphasizes the concept of karma, dharma, and moksha as key aspects of spiritual growth.

Who is Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya?

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Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya is a Nepalese economist who served as the Governor of the Central Bank of Nepal, Nepal Rastra Bank, from 2015 to 2016. He has also held various other positions in the financial sector in Nepal.

What is the underlying principle of all the different sects of Hinduism?

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The underlying principle of all the different sects of Hinduism is the belief in karma (law of cause and effect) and dharma (duty/righteousness). These concepts influence the teachings, practices, and beliefs of the various sects, guiding individuals towards spiritual growth and liberation (moksha).

Which caste do surname Uttam belongs to?

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Surname "Uttam" belongs to landowning community in Uttar Pradesh (North India), which constitute Kurmi Kshatriya.

Why is morality important to hindus?

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Moral behaviour is important to hindus beacause there is karma. Karma is the deeds done in before we die. So they believe that if we have a good moral behaviour then we will be reborn in an higher level or have a good after life.

What does samskara?

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It is a semi religious term relating to a purificatory ceremony or rite (of passage) marking a major event in one's life

What is knowledge of the Brahma and bodhi?

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Knowledge of Brahma refers to the supreme cosmic being in Hinduism, considered the creator and source of all life. Bodhi, on the other hand, is a Sanskrit term meaning enlightenment or awakening, often associated with the Buddha's experience of enlightenment. Both concepts are central to understanding spiritual and philosophical aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism, respectively.

Examples of taboo?

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In some cultures, taboo topics can include discussing death, sex, or certain religious beliefs. Certain foods may also be considered taboo, such as pork in Islam or beef in Hinduism. Taboos can vary widely between different societies and can be influenced by religion, traditions, or superstitions.

What do people do in a mandir?

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In a mandir, people typically engage in prayer, meditation, singing hymns, offering food and flowers to the deities, attending religious ceremonies, studying scriptures, and seeking blessings. Mandirs serve as a place for spiritual contemplation, seeking guidance, and connecting with the divine.