



Buddhism is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life such as Ahinsa, Karma, and Dharma.

5,015 Questions

What are the special food of Vesak?

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On Vesak Buddhists usually eat vegetarian food in order to work on part 5 of the eightfold path (right livelihood - do not eat of have a profession that include harming or killing animals)

What part of asia are there many followers of buddhism and islam?

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There are many followers of Buddhism in countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, Japan, and South Korea. Islam has a large following in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Afghanistan in Asia.

Was The Temple of the Relic of Buddha's tooth destroyed in the tsunami?

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No, the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka was not destroyed by the 2004 tsunami. While the surrounding areas were affected by the disaster, the temple itself remained intact.

Who is the strongest demon?

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There is no definitive answer as strength can vary depending on the context and mythology. Some powerful demons in mythology and folklore include Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Belial.

What group or system does Saturn belong to?

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Saturn belongs to the group of planets known as the gas giants. It is the second-largest planet in our solar system and is known for its prominent set of rings, made primarily of ice particles.

How big is the Borobudur?

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The Borobudur is a massive Buddhist temple located in Indonesia, near Yogyakarta. It consists of nine stacked platforms, topped by a central dome, and measures approximately 113 feet (34.5 meters) in height and 1,200 feet (365 meters) in circumference.

What is the Buddha made of?

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The Buddha is typically made of various materials like stone, bronze, wood, or gold. The choice of material can depend on cultural traditions, artistic preferences, and the intended use or location of the statue.

The noble four noble thruthes?

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The Four Noble Truths are the core teachings of Buddhism. They include the truth of suffering (dukkha), the truth of the origin of suffering (samudaya), the truth of the cessation of suffering (nirhoda), and the truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (magga). These truths form the foundation of Buddhist philosophy and practice, guiding followers towards enlightenment and liberation from suffering.

Intresting facts about Buddhism?

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Buddhism is a major global religion founded in India around the 6th century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha. It emphasizes the importance of meditation, the Four Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path as core teachings. Buddhism has diverse traditions, with Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana being the main branches. Buddhist practices are focused on achieving enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Borobudur is one of the worlds greatest Buddhist shrines located in which country?

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Borobudur is located in Indonesia. It is the world's largest Buddhist temple and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Do you place offerings in front of a Buddha statue?

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In some traditions, offerings of food, flowers, incense, and other items are placed in front of Buddha statues as acts of devotion and respect. These offerings symbolize generosity, gratitude, and the practitioner's commitment to Buddhist teachings.

What is the largest contenent?

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Asia is the largest continent on Earth, covering around 30% of the total land area.

What were three things that Buddha saw that began his quest to change his life?

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Buddha witnessed old age, sickness, and death, which led him to question the nature of suffering and seek a way to overcome it.

What does the Karuna trust symbol stand for?

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The Karuna Trust symbol represents compassion and empathy. It aims to convey the organization's commitment to helping those in need and promoting social justice through its various initiatives and projects.

What does the lotus flower represent?

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The lotus flower is often associated with purity, enlightenment, and rebirth in various cultures and religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. Its ability to rise from murky waters and bloom beautifully symbolizes spiritual growth and overcoming obstacles to achieve inner peace and enlightenment.

What is buddism?

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Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that originated in ancient India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha. Its core principles include the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which aim to alleviate suffering and achieve enlightenment through meditation, ethical living, and mindfulness. Buddhism has various schools and practices, but its central goal is to attain inner peace and liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Why did they find buddism?

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Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, around the 6th century BCE in India. Siddhartha sought to understand suffering and find a path to enlightenment. Through meditation and self-discovery, he developed the teachings that form the core of Buddhism.

What is knowledge of the Brahma and bodhi?

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Knowledge of Brahma refers to the supreme cosmic being in Hinduism, considered the creator and source of all life. Bodhi, on the other hand, is a Sanskrit term meaning enlightenment or awakening, often associated with the Buddha's experience of enlightenment. Both concepts are central to understanding spiritual and philosophical aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism, respectively.

Why would Buddhism appeal to the laborers and craftsmen?

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Buddhism's emphasis on overcoming suffering and finding inner peace through personal growth and reflection may appeal to laborers and craftsmen seeking solace from their demanding and often stressful work environments. Additionally, Buddhism's teachings on simplicity, mindfulness, and compassion could resonate with individuals looking for a different perspective on life and work in order to find balance and purpose.

Are true of meditation in Buddhism?

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Mediation is critical work on the path to enlightenment

Right concentration is reached through mediation

What is the Buddhist view of ego?

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In Buddhism, the ego is seen as a delusion that creates suffering by fostering attachment, craving, and a false sense of self. The goal is to transcend the ego through practices such as mindfulness and meditation to achieve liberation from suffering and the cycle of rebirth.

What influence did Carl Jung have on Siddhartha?

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Carl Jung's teachings on the importance of understanding the unconscious mind and individuation could have influenced Hermann Hesse's exploration of self-discovery and spiritual growth in his novel "Siddhartha." Jung's concept of archetypes and the collective unconscious may have also inspired Hesse's portrayal of the universal themes and symbols present in the novel.

What other practices or behaviors are expected of Buddhists?

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Buddhists are expected to follow the Five Precepts, which are guidelines for ethical conduct, in their daily lives. Additionally, they are encouraged to practice mindfulness, meditation, and cultivate compassion and wisdom through study of Buddhist teachings. Engaging in acts of generosity, kindness, and seeking to alleviate the suffering of all beings are also important practices for Buddhists.

How many people living in Louisiana are Buddhist?

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It is difficult to determine the exact number of Buddhists living in Louisiana as religious affiliations can vary and are not always reported consistently in surveys or official data. However, Buddhists make up a relatively small percentage of the state's population compared to more mainstream religions.