



Catholicism is the faith, doctrine, system, and practice of the Catholic church, especially the Roman Catholic Church. Ask questions about the history of Catholicism and the church, beliefs that include the Holy Trinity, Mother Mary, and Catholic Saints; practices, such as Sacraments and Rosary; church leadership, including the Pope who is regarded as the earthly spiritual leader, and more.

500 Questions

What is the Catholic Mass in sequential order?

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The Catholic Mass typically follows this sequence: Introductory Rites (Entrance, Greeting, Penitential Act), Liturgy of the Word (Readings, Homily, Creed, General Intercessions), Liturgy of the Eucharist (Preparation of the Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer, Communion), and Concluding Rite (Final Blessing and Dismissal). Each part has specific prayers and rituals that guide the flow of the Mass.

What is degenerated?

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Asked by Wiki User

A process by which a tissue deteriorates or loses its functional activity and may be replaced into another tissue. This impairment or loss of tissue is due to injury or disease and causes necrosis of involved part. Degeneration is the state or process in which you become degenerate. It also means to decline.

Why is the Shroud of Turin important to Christians?

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The Shroud of Turin is important to Christians because some believe it to be the burial cloth of Jesus, bearing his image. This relic is seen as a tangible connection to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, providing a physical link to their faith. The shroud has been a subject of debate and controversy, but for many Christians, it holds spiritual significance as a potential relic of their savior.

Why is Reconciliation important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reconciliation is very important because through the sacrament of reconciliation you are sure that your sins are forgiven. Unlike Christians who pray silently and are not sure if their sins are forgiven, we can be sure. We confess with the priest and say our penance; we know that if we die at that moment we would go to heaven and have no sins in our souls. There are two types of sins mortal and venial; someone who dies with a mortal sin in their soul has little chance of making heaven.

Does the Vatican verify the shroud of Turin?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Vatican has not officially declared the Shroud of Turin as authentic or endorsed it as a genuine relic. Pope Francis referred to the shroud as an "icon of a man scourged and crucified" but did not confirm its authenticity.

Are Catholic schools more difficult than public schools that have a harder curriculum and are well funded?

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Asked by Wiki User

The difficulty level of a school is not solely determined by whether it is Catholic or public. Different schools, whether Catholic or public, can have varying levels of academic rigor and resources. It ultimately depends on the specific school's curriculum, faculty quality, and resources, rather than just the type of school.

What is the significance of church activities?

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Church activities play a significant role in fostering community, building spiritual connections, and providing opportunities for worship, service, and personal growth for individuals. They help strengthen relationships among members, offer support in times of need, and serve as a way to live out and practice one's faith.

What was the name of the encyclical written in 1937?

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Asked by Wiki User

The encyclical written in 1937 was called "Mit brennender Sorge," which means "With Burning Anxiety." It was written by Pope Pius XI and addressed issues related to the Church in Germany under the Nazi regime.

What Catholic social teachings are relevant about the issue of graft and corruption in society?

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Asked by Wiki User

Catholic social teachings emphasize the principles of justice, solidarity, and stewardship. Therefore, graft and corruption are seen as moral evils that violate these principles by exploiting others for personal gain, undermining the common good, and betraying the values of honesty and transparency. Catholics are called to work towards creating a just and ethical society that upholds the dignity of every person and promotes the common good.

Why did the church oppose the practice of simony?

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Asked by Wiki User

The church opposed the practice of simony because it was seen as a corruption of sacred practices by buying or selling spiritual goods or positions within the church. This practice undermined the spiritual integrity of the clergy and compromised the church's moral authority. The church viewed simony as a sin and worked to eradicate it to uphold its moral principles.

How did the Catholic Church become corrupt?

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The Catholic Church became corrupt in the Middle Ages due to issues such as nepotism, simony (buying/selling of church positions), and the lavish lifestyles of clergy. There were also instances of moral corruption among some members of the clergy, leading to a decline in the Church's reputation.

Is the Catholic Church as corrupt in real life as it in the Godfather?

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The portrayal of corruption in the Catholic Church in "The Godfather" is fictional and exaggerated for dramatic effect. While the Church, like any large institution, has faced scandals and controversies, it is not as systematically corrupt as depicted in the movie. It is important to distinguish between fiction and reality when considering the portrayal of any institution in a film.

What practice was corrupt in the Catholic church during the Renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was involved in corrupt practices such as the sale of indulgences. Indulgences were essentially a way for people to pay for the forgiveness of their sins, leading to accusations of exploitation and misuse of power within the Church.

Is a monk's job to tell the Catholic Church if they are being corrupt?

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While it's not a monk's specific job to police the Catholic Church for corruption, monks are called to maintain integrity and moral values within their own communities. If a monk witnesses corruption within the Church, they may choose to address it through proper channels or seek guidance from higher authorities. Ultimately, the responsibility for addressing corruption within the Catholic Church lies with its leaders and members as a whole.

In the light of the Neanderthals what is the Church's position on man being on earth only 6000 years?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Catholic Church does not have an official position on the age of the Earth or the timeline of human existence. The Church allows for a variety of viewpoints on this topic, including the acceptance of scientific evidence for the existence of Neanderthals and an Earth that is several billion years old. The Church's focus is on theological truths rather than scientific details.

Who started religion?

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The concept of religion has evolved over thousands of years across different cultures and regions, making it difficult to attribute its origins to a single individual. Various theories suggest that religion emerged as a way for ancient societies to explain the world around them, establish community values, and cope with existential questions about life and death.

Can you be a godparent if you are underage?

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Typically, a godparent is expected to be an adult who can fulfill the responsibilities associated with the role, such as providing guidance and support in the child's spiritual upbringing. Being underage may impact your ability to fully take on these responsibilities. It's best to discuss this with the child's parents and the church to see if they have any flexibility in the matter.

What are ways the church can aid in building the community?

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Asked by Wiki User

The church can aid in building the community by offering support services such as food banks, shelters, and counseling, organizing community events and gatherings to foster connection and unity, and promoting social justice and advocating for the marginalized within the community. Additionally, the church can provide spiritual guidance, encouragement, and a sense of belonging to individuals in need.

What does 'beatus vir' mean?

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In Catholicism, beatification (from Latin beatus, blessed, via Greek μακάριος, makarios) is a recognition accorded by the church of a dead person's accession to Heaven and capacity to intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in his or her name (intercession of saints). As far as the word "beatification" is concerned, its use probably does not antedate the fourth century, when it was introduced in the church at Carthage, but the fact is certainly older. In the earlier ages this honor was entirely local and passed from one diocese to another with the permission of their bishops. This is clear from the fact that early Christian cemeteries contain paintings only of local martyrs. The history of the process is more closely examined in the article on canonization.

What is the French grace before meals prayer?

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Laissez-nous prier! Bénis-nous, ô Seigneur, et ceux-ci, ton / tes dons, que nous nous apprêtons à recevoir de ton / votre générosité. Par le Christ, notre Seigneur. Amen.

When was or will Easter be on April 18?

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In the years from 1875 to 2124, Easter has appeared (or will appear) on April 18th in the Western Church on the following years: 1897, 1954, 1965, 1976, 2049, 2055, 2060, 2106, and 2117. I emphasize the "Western Church" because the Church in the East (the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches) utilize a different calendar to calculate the date for Easter.

For more on the date of Easter, see the "Related links" below.

Did Anne Frank convert to catholicism?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Anne Frank did not convert to Catholicism. She was Jewish and continued to identify as Jewish throughout her life.

8 How did the Japanese respond to Catholicism 9 Voltaire viewed the Qing emperors as 10What caused the Qing Empire to limit strictly the access of foreign merchants to Chinas commercial cities?

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Asked by Eelram1202

  1. The Japanese initially welcomed Catholicism, but later responded with persecution and the expulsion of foreign missionaries due to concerns about its influence and the threat it posed to the traditional social order.

  2. Voltaire viewed the Qing emperors as wise despots, believing they ruled with absolute power but also introduced reforms and maintained stability in China.

  3. The Qing Empire limited foreign merchants' access to China's commercial cities due to a desire to control trade and protect domestic industries, as well as concerns about maintaining social order and sovereignty.

Did C S Lewis join the Mormon church?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. C S Lewis was an atheist for much of his life, and then, through systematic study of scripture and being influenced by the Holy Spirit, accepted Jesus as Lord, and became a Christian and a very active member of the Church of England (part of the worldwide Anglican Church, which includes the US Episcopalian Church).

St Paul was a pharisee and persecutor of Christians who went on to become a Christian and from then became the author of some of the most authoritative and inspirational writings in his letters in the New Testament. In a similar way C S Lewis, although previously an author, became, after his conversion, one of the world's great Christian authors, not only writing the Narnia series for children (that have a profound Christian overtone and allegory) but also many Christian works for adults including his famous 'Mere Chriistianity' and 'Screwtape Letters'.

As a prominent Christian and Oxford don, C S Lewis spoke out for Christianity and Christian principles and regarded Mormons, and Jehovahs Witnesses, as heretics, and spoke out against them. During my wife's training for ministry she spend a year in a parish whose lay preacher was a friend of Lewis at Oxford, and he testified to Lewis's profound and informed Christian beliefs and his rejection of Mormonism, the JWs and other unorthodox sects.

The above answer suffers from the kind of smug Tribalism that C.S. Lewis absolutely loathed. Lewis never would have referred to any Christian denomination as "Heretics". C.S. Lewis wasn't the sort of man who spread hate and divisiveness. It's true that Lewis never joined any Church other than the COE, but it's also true that he was a Christian in the truest sense, in that he valued Christian Behavior over juvenile attacks on other Denominations, or even other Religions.

What seven deadly sin does Colonel Killigrew have in Dr Heidegger's Experiment?

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Colonel Killigrew represents the sin of gluttony in "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Throughout the story, he indulges in drinking and revelry, displaying his excessive appetite for pleasure and enjoyment.