



Catholicism is the faith, doctrine, system, and practice of the Catholic church, especially the Roman Catholic Church. Ask questions about the history of Catholicism and the church, beliefs that include the Holy Trinity, Mother Mary, and Catholic Saints; practices, such as Sacraments and Rosary; church leadership, including the Pope who is regarded as the earthly spiritual leader, and more.

15,588 Questions

Does the Catholic Church permit 1st Communion during Lent?

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While First Communion usually takes place in May, there is nothing that forbids it during Lent.

What is St. Geraldine the patron saint of?

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Roman Catholic AnswerThere are several St. Gerald's but no saint Geraldine

Why was there no mention of the other planets in the bible?

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The Bible focuses primarily on Earth and humanity's relationship with God. Other planets were not known or understood at the time the Bible was written, so there is no mention of them in its texts.

Was Galileo a moral relativist who rejected God and the Catholic Church?

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Galileo was not a moral relativist; he believed in objective truths and tried to reconcile his scientific findings with his faith in God. While he did face opposition from the Catholic Church due to his findings, he did not reject God or his faith.

How did Galileo make the Roman Catholic Church mad at him?

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Galileo made the Roman Catholic Church mad by supporting the heliocentric theory proposed by Copernicus, which went against the Church's geocentric view of the universe. He was also asked not to teach or promote heliocentrism but continued to defend it publicly, leading to his trial and condemnation by the Church for heresy in 1633.

What theory did Copernicus promote that was in conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church?

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Copernicus promoted the heliocentric theory, which suggested that the Earth revolves around the sun, rather than the Earth being the center of the universe as taught by the Catholic Church. This contradicted the geocentric model that had been widely accepted for centuries.

Why did the Roman Catholic Church forbid people to read a book by Copernicus?

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The Roman Catholic Church opposed Copernicus's book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" because it presented a heliocentric view of the universe, challenging the established geocentric model supported by the Church. The Church viewed this as contradicting scripture and potentially undermining its authority. The book was eventually banned until amendments were made to it to align with Church doctrine.

Why did the Catholic Church ban Copernicus' book?

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The Catholic Church banned Copernicus' book "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" because it presented a heliocentric view of the universe contradicting the geocentric view held by the Church at the time. This new perspective challenged the Church's teachings and authority on matters related to science and cosmology.

The Catholic Church forced Galileo to renounce his view about the universe because?

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Galileo's view that the Earth revolves around the Sun contradicted the established geocentric model supported by the Catholic Church at the time. The Church believed Galileo's heliocentric theory challenged the teachings of the Bible and was considered heretical. Galileo was pressured by the Church to renounce his views to avoid punishment, which led to his house arrest for the remainder of his life.

What theory did Catholic Church oppose regarding the center of the universe?

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The Catholic Church opposed the heliocentric theory proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, which suggested that the Earth revolves around the Sun, because it challenged the widely held geocentric view that the Earth was the center of the universe. This opposition was due to the conflict between the heliocentric theory and the Church's interpretation of Scripture at the time.

At 55 mph what can be deadly?

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At 55 mph, a car crash can be deadly, especially if the impact is severe and occupants are not wearing seat belts or if they are not properly restrained in child safety seats. Additionally, pedestrians or cyclists hit by a vehicle traveling at this speed are at high risk of suffering fatal injuries.

Who was excommunicated from the catholic church for his beliefs about astronomy?

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Galileo Galilei was a famous astronomer who was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in the 17th century for supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system, which contradicted the geocentric views held by the Church at the time.

Why is ordinary time green?

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The liturgical color green represents growth and life in the Church. Ordinary Time is a period of growth and maturation in faith for Christians, hence the green color is used to symbolize this continual development and journey towards spiritual maturity.

What is the period of time between Christmas and lent?

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Year by year it varies , because of the Moon's phases making the date for Easter alter.

However, a good approximation is 2 to 2 1/2 months.

What are the landforms in Corpus Christi?

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Corpus Christi is located on the Gulf Coast of Texas and features a flat coastal plain with sandy beaches, barrier islands, and bays. The city also has a bayfront shoreline with marinas and wetlands. Additionally, there are some low-lying areas prone to flooding during storms.

When will Easter fall on April 7?

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Yes. I was born on the Wednesday before Easter in 1943. My birthday date is April 21. April 25 is the latest that Easter falls for Christians except in the Orthodox church when it can fall even later. I think my neighbor told me that Passover has to occur before her church celebrates Easter.

What does cnacn n coxpahn mean?

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cnaccu (pronounced "spasee") means "save"

u (pronounced "ee") means "and"

coxpaHuu (pronounced "sokhranee" means "protect"

Pretty much standard inscription on Russian crosses.

I hope this helps.

- f.g.


I am writing from North Bend on the Oregon coast. I have an odd question for you. I recently received two crucifixes from a friend that have an inscription on the back which reads CnACNNCOXPAHN (I believe there should be a space in there somewhere) . I have burned up the internet trying to find its meaning. A greek speaking acquaintance thinks it is Russian abbreviation which would be supported by some other sites that discuss it as being a Russian or Byzantine style crucifix. Do you happen to know its meaning? My Catholic priest and 3 deacons have no idea. I Googled Russian Orthodox churches to come up with your contact info. Thank you and best regards.

When is it not okay to take communion?

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It is not okay to take communion if you are not a baptized Christian, if you are in a state of unconfessed mortal sin, or if you have not reconciled with others whom you have wronged. It is also not okay to take communion if you do not believe in its significance or if you are partaking in a disrespectful or irreverent manner.

Does a cardinal mean snow?

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In the context of birds, a cardinal refers to a type of songbird with bright red plumage. It does not specifically mean snow. However, the term "cardinal" can also refer to a deep shade of red, which could be associated with the color of some types of snow at sunrise or sunset.

What is the study of basic truth and ideas about the universe is called?

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The study of basic truths and ideas about the universe is called metaphysics. It deals with questions about the nature of reality, existence, and the fundamental principles that govern the universe.

What is the difference between families and family's?

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"Families" is the plural form of "family" and refers to more than one family. "Family's" is the possessive form of "family," indicating that something belongs to or is associated with a particular family.

When did Catholic Church accept Heliocentric theory?

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The Catholic Church accepted the heliocentric theory in the 19th century following scientific developments and further understanding of the solar system. Initially, there was resistance to this theory due to conflicting interpretations with scripture and traditional views.

How did the Catholic Church react to new ideas in astronomy?

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The Catholic Church initially resisted new ideas in astronomy, such as heliocentrism proposed by Galileo, due to conflicting with biblical interpretation. Galileo was eventually condemned and forced to recant his views under threat of excommunication. However, over time, the Church's stance evolved, and in 1992, Pope John Paul II issued an apology for the way Galileo was treated.

Why is the Notre Dame significant?

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Notre Dame is significant for its stunning Gothic architecture, historical importance as a symbol of French culture, and its role as a major Catholic cathedral. It has also been the site of many important events throughout history, such as the coronation of Napoleon and various state funerals.

What happens to one who leaves the priesthood?

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Leaving the priesthood involves a formal process of laicization, which releases the individual from their vows and obligations as a priest. They can then choose to live a secular life. The individual may face mixed emotions, societal challenges, and potential estrangement from the Church community.