


Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a social activist that fought for equal rights of African-Americans.

6,561 Questions

Are people from Spain considered white?

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People from Spain are generally considered white, as Spain is located in Europe. However, Spain's population is diverse, with influences from various civilizations throughout history. It is important to recognize that racial classifications can be subjective and vary depending on cultural and social contexts.

What did Frederick Soddy do to become famous?

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Frederick Soddy won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1921 for his work on radioactive decay and isotopes. He also proposed the concept of isotopes and their significance in understanding the behavior of elements.

Does fresh water affect waterproof mascara more or less than salt water?

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Fresh water typically affects waterproof mascara less than salt water. Waterproof mascara is designed to be resilient against water, but salt water can be more abrasive and drying on the formula, potentially breaking it down faster.

Do black people have an extended or extra tailbone?

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No, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that black people have an extended or extra tailbone. The tailbone, or coccyx, is a small, fused bone at the base of the spine that is present in all humans regardless of race.

Are white people better than black people?

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No, not collectively and nor is it vice versa. Throughout life, there are those deemed better than another person, but usually as individuals and it has nothing to do with their race; whenever it is brought up, it's normally because the one making the claim is racist and discriminatory.

Martin Luther King Jr. viewed the turn toward violence by black nationalists as a for the civil rights movement.?

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Martin Luther King Jr. viewed the turn toward violence by black nationalists as a setback for the civil rights movement. He believed in nonviolent resistance as the most effective way to achieve social change and racial equality, and he advocated for peaceful protests and civil disobedience. King saw violence as counterproductive and damaging to the goals of the movement.

Why do more black people get approved for welfare than white people?

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There are various factors that contribute to higher rates of welfare approval for Black individuals, including systemic inequalities, historical discrimination, and socio-economic disparities. These inequalities can lead to greater financial need among Black individuals, resulting in higher rates of welfare assistance.

How old was Martin Luther King Jr whenhe graduated from High School?

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MLK was only 15 years old when he graduated from Booker T. Washington High School. He was an outstanding student and was therefore admitted into Morehouse College, an outstanding all-male school.

Why is so much of the world racist in favor of white people?

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Racism is a complex issue stemming from historical power dynamics, colonization, and systemic inequality. White people have historically held power in many parts of the world, leading to entrenched biases and discrimination. To combat racism, it's important to address these root causes and work towards creating a more equal and inclusive society.

What was life like in America in 1933?

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In 1933, the United States was in the midst of the Great Depression, characterized by widespread poverty, high unemployment rates, and economic hardship. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to address these challenges. Despite the difficult economic conditions, the period also saw cultural developments, such as the rise of jazz and the Golden Age of Hollywood.

What is martin Luther king jr s favorite color?

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Martin Luther King, Jr. was African American.

What inspired wordsworth to write written in march?

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Wordsworth was inspired to write "Lines Written in March" by the beauty of the natural world during the early spring season. The poem reflects his deep connection to nature and his belief in its ability to nourish the soul. Wordsworth found solace and inspiration in the changing seasons and the renewal of life that comes with spring.

What are the similarities differences between Machiavelli the prince and martin Luther kings letter to Birmingham jail?

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Both "The Prince" by Machiavelli and Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" discuss the importance of leadership, justice, and power dynamics. However, while Machiavelli emphasizes the use of ruthless tactics to maintain power in politics, King focuses on nonviolent resistance as a means to fight against injustice and oppression. Both works also highlight the challenges of navigating moral dilemmas in pursuit of a greater goal.

What did Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr have in common?

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Both Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr were advocates for civil disobedience as a means of protesting unjust laws. Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" greatly influenced King's philosophy on nonviolent resistance during the Civil Rights Movement. Both believed in standing up for their principles, even if it meant facing consequences.

What countries still held territory in what would become the US?

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In the late 18th century, European countries such as Spain, France, and Great Britain held territories in what would become the United States. Spain controlled Florida and parts of the Southwest, while France owned the Louisiana Territory. Great Britain controlled the East Coast, Canada, and parts of the Midwest.

Which countries gained north American territory between 1754 and 1763?

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During the period of 1754-1763, British gained territory in North America by defeating the French in the French and Indian War. As a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, France ceded Canada and all its territories east of the Mississippi River to Britain, and Spain ceded Florida to Britain.

Why did white people hang black people?

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White people hanged black people as a form of racial violence and intimidation, often stemming from systemic racism, prejudice, and a desire to maintain power and control over black individuals and communities during periods of racial inequality and segregation.

In 1963 What did Time Magazine Name Martin Luther King Jr?

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Time Magazine named Martin Luther King Jr. as its "Man of the Year" in 1963 for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement and his role in advancing civil rights through nonviolent means.

What is martin Luther king favorite colors?

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Martin Luther King Favorite Color is Macontosh i am 999999999999.9999999999 sure ok.

Why did Martin Luther King Jr skip the 9th and 12th grades?

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Martin Luther King, Jr., skipped 9th and 12th grades and entered Morehouse College at the age of 15.

What was martin Luther kings job or work?

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Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and a prominent civil rights activist. He rose to prominence as a leader of the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, advocating for equality and justice for African Americans through nonviolent protests and civil disobedience.