


Persuasive Speech

Includes questions related to themes, topic development and examples of thought provoking speeches intended to persuade an audience.

1,701 Questions

What are the pros and cons of living the life of luxury?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pros of living a life of luxury include access to high-quality amenities, experiences, and services, as well as a sense of comfort and convenience. However, the cons may involve a disconnect from reality, a lack of appreciation for simpler things, and potential isolation from others due to wealth disparities.

Manifesto of a library prefect?

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Asked by Wiki User

My name is Grace Balogun I am in basic 5

i want to be a library prefect

why I want to be a library prefect

I want to be a library prefect

so I can help you to make reading fun

and interesting if you vote me as a library prefect

I will assist in maintaining an environment with peace

harmony and discipline I will also make sure that no one is littering or making noise in the library I wil also organise the books so that they are easy to find

I will make sure that the library is tidy

Which discovery supported the endosymbiotic theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

The discovery of mitochondria and chloroplasts having their own DNA, ribosomes, and double membrane structure supports the endosymbiotic theory, which proposes that these organelles were once free-living prokaryotes that were engulfed by ancestral eukaryotic cells. This evidence suggests that they evolved from symbiotic relationships between different cell types.

What statement fails to support the endosymbiotic theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

A statement that fails to support the endosymbiotic theory would be one that asserts that all eukaryotic organelles were independently formed within the cells, without any symbiotic relationship with prokaryotic cells. This contradicts the evidence and principles of the endosymbiotic theory, which suggests that organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from ancient symbiotic relationships between prokaryotic cells and ancestral eukaryotic cells.

How to write a manifesto as a compound prefect?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a manifesto as a compound prefect, start by outlining your vision for the compound and what you hope to achieve during your term. Include specific goals related to improving the living conditions, fostering community spirit, and addressing any challenges faced by residents. Highlight your leadership qualities, communication skills, and commitment to serving the compound community. Be clear, concise, and inspiring in your message to gain support from your peers.

How has the agency theory been described?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Agency theory describes the relationship between principals (such as shareholders) and agents (such as managers) in organizations. It focuses on potential conflicts of interest that may arise when agents make decisions on behalf of principals and suggests mechanisms to align the interests of the two parties. The theory aims to address issues of agency cost, control, and monitoring to ensure that agents act in the best interests of the principals.

How do the constancy hypothesis and blending hypothesis for transmission of traits differ from observable patterns of inheritance?

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Asked by Wiki User

The constancy hypothesis posits that offspring inherit traits solely from one parent, while blending hypothesis suggests a blending of parental traits in offspring. Observable patterns of inheritance, such as Mendelian genetics, show that traits are inherited through discrete units (genes) that are passed on unchanged from parent to offspring. These patterns do not support the constancy or blending hypotheses.

How do you write manofesto as discipline prefect?

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Asked by DamoahAlbert

To write a manifesto as a discipline prefect, clearly outline your vision and goals for promoting discipline within the student body. Include specific action plans, rules, and consequences to maintain order and respect. Emphasize the importance of cooperation, responsibility, and a positive learning environment.

The endosymbiotic theory has been developed to explain the emergence of?

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Asked by Wiki User

The endosymbiotic theory has been developed to explain the emergence of eukaryotic cells, proposing that certain organelles within eukaryotic cells were once free-living prokaryotic organisms that were engulfed by a larger host cell and formed a symbiotic relationship. This theory is supported by evidence such as the mitochondria and chloroplasts having their own DNA and ribosomes, similar to bacteria.

The endosymbiotic theory includes all of the following except?

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Asked by Wiki User

The endosymbiotic theory includes the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free-living prokaryotic cells that were engulfed by larger cells and developed a symbiotic relationship, leading to modern eukaryotic cells. It does not include the concept of gene flow between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.

What is the most important thing to know in order to create a realistic sketch of an object?

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Asked by Wiki User

To create a realistic sketch of an object, it is important to understand the basic shapes and forms that make up the object, as well as its proportions and perspective. Observing light and shadows will also help in adding depth and realism to the sketch. Practice and patience are key to improving your sketching skills over time.

What is the most important thing you can do if you are in your friends bedroom and you find a rag soaked with gasoline in an empty bag?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leave the room immediately and notify your friend or a trusted adult about what you found to ensure their safety and prevent any potential danger. Do not touch the rag or attempt to move it yourself.

What is the most important thing you can do if in your friend's bedroom you find a rag soaked with gasoline in an empty bag?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most important thing to do is to safely remove the rag and bag from the bedroom to prevent any potential risks of fire or fume inhalation. It is crucial to open windows and ventilate the room to disperse any lingering fumes. Additionally, have a conversation with your friend to understand why the items were in the bedroom and address any safety concerns.

What does the endosymbiotic theory purpose?

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Asked by Wiki User

The endosymbiotic theory proposes that eukaryotic cells originated from symbiotic relationships between different types of prokaryotic cells that eventually became integrated within the host cell. This theory explains the presence of organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.

Is a hypothesis a question?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a hypothesis is a statement that proposes a possible explanation to a phenomenon or a prediction that can be tested through research. It is not a question but rather a proposed answer or solution.

What is an example of the hypothesis for pendulum?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of a hypothesis for a pendulum experiment could be: "If the length of the pendulum is increased, then the period of its swing will also increase." This hypothesis suggests a cause-and-effect relationship between the length of the pendulum and its swinging motion.

What is key ingredients in a persuasive piece?

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Asked by Wiki User

Key ingredients in a persuasive piece include a clear thesis statement, strong supporting evidence or arguments, engaging and relevant examples, and a compelling conclusion that reinforces the main points. Emotionally appealing language and addressing counterarguments can also enhance the persuasive impact of the piece.

What was drgoldbergers hypothesis about the cause of pellegra?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dr. Joseph Goldberger hypothesized that pellagra was caused by a dietary deficiency, particularly lack of niacin (vitamin B3), rather than being an infectious disease as was previously believed. He conducted studies with volunteers to demonstrate that the disease could be prevented and treated by dietary changes.

What is a hypothesie?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hypothesis is a statement or proposition that can be tested through research and experimentation. It is an educated guess about the relationship between variables, aiming to explain a phenomenon or predict an outcome.

How is density like a percentage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Density is similar to percentage in that it is a measure of concentration or how much "stuff" is packed into a given space. Both density and percentage are used to express relative amounts or proportions of something in a given context. However, density specifically refers to the mass of a substance per unit volume, while percentage represents a proportion out of 100 parts.

Can a hypothesis be a question?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a hypothesis can be structured as a question. It is a proposed explanation that can be tested through research and experimentation to determine its validity. By framing a hypothesis as a question, researchers can clearly define the problem they are investigating and the expected outcome.

What are the two part of a hypothesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two parts of a hypothesis are the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference or relationship, and the alternative hypothesis, which suggests that there is a significant difference or relationship between variables.

What is the of hypothesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hypothesis is a testable statement or proposed explanation based on prior knowledge or research. It is used in scientific research to guide the investigation and predict the outcome of an experiment. It serves as a starting point for further exploration and observation to either support or reject the hypothesis.

What is the procedure of what keeps things colder plastic wrap or aluminum foil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aluminum foil is a better insulator than plastic wrap because it reflects heat. When wrapped around an item, aluminum foil helps trap the cold air and prevent heat from entering, keeping things colder for longer. Plastic wrap is not as effective at insulating and may allow heat to transfer more easily to the item it is covering.

What is the hypothesis of magnets?

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Asked by Wiki User

The hypothesis of magnets is that they contain invisible forces that attract or repel certain metals based on their polarity. This hypothesis explains the observed behavior of magnets interacting with each other and with magnetic materials.